diff --git a/content/2.components/book.md b/content/2.components/book.md
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+title: Book
+description: A 3D book component featuring customizable sizes and color gradients.
+ - value: New
+ type: lime
+::ComponentLoader{label="Preview" componentName="BookDemo" type="examples"}
+## API
+### `Book`
+The `Book` component serves as a wrapper for creating an interactive 3D book effect.
+#### Props
+| Prop Name | Type | Default | Description |
+| ------------ | ------- | ------- | --------------------------------------------- |
+| `class` | String | - | Additional classes for styling the component. |
+| `duration` | Number | 1000 | Animation duration in milliseconds. |
+| `color` | String | "zinc" | Color theme for the book gradient. |
+| `isStatic` | Boolean | false | Disables hover animations when true. |
+| `size` | String | "md" | Size variant of the book. |
+| `radius` | String | "md" | Border radius variant of the book. |
+| `shadowSize` | String | "lg" | Shadow size variant of the book. |
+#### Usage
+```vue [MyBookComponent.vue]
+### `BookHeader`
+The `BookHeader` component is a flexible container with preserved 3D styling. It is intended to be used within a `Book` to hold content with a 3D transformation effect.
+#### Props
+| Prop Name | Type | Default | Description |
+| --------- | ------ | ------- | -------------------------------------- |
+| `class` | String | - | Additional classes for custom styling. |
+#### Usage
+```vue [MyBookComponent.vue]
+### `BookTitle`
+The `BookTitle` component is a flexible container with preserved 3D styling. It is intended to be used within a `Book` to hold content with a 3D transformation effect.
+#### Props
+| Prop Name | Type | Default | Description |
+| --------- | ------ | ------- | -------------------------------------- |
+| `class` | String | - | Additional classes for custom styling. |
+#### Usage
+```vue [MyBookComponent.vue]
+### `BookDescription`
+The `BookDescription` component is a flexible container with preserved 3D styling. It is intended to be used within a `Book` to hold content with a 3D transformation effect.
+#### Props
+| Prop Name | Type | Default | Description |
+| --------- | ------ | ------- | -------------------------------------- |
+| `class` | String | - | Additional classes for custom styling. |
+#### Usage
+```vue [MyBookComponent.vue]
+## Component Code
+You can copy and paste the following code to create these components:
+::CodeViewerTab{label="Book.vue" icon="vscode-icons:file-type-vue" componentName="Book" type="ui" id="book"}
+::CodeViewerTab{label="BookHeader.vue" icon="vscode-icons:file-type-vue" componentName="BookHeader" type="ui" id="book"}
+::CodeViewerTab{label="BookTitle.vue" icon="vscode-icons:file-type-vue" componentName="BookTitle" type="ui" id="book"}
+::CodeViewerTab{label="BookDescription.vue" icon="vscode-icons:file-type-vue" componentName="BookDescription" type="ui" id="book"}
+```ts [index.ts]
+export const BOOK_RADIUS_MAP = {
+ sm: "rounded-sm",
+ md: "rounded-md",
+ lg: "rounded-lg",
+ xl: "rounded-xl",
+} as const;
+export const BOOK_SIZE_MAP = {
+ sm: { width: "180px", spineTranslation: "152px" },
+ md: { width: "220px", spineTranslation: "192px" },
+ lg: { width: "260px", spineTranslation: "232px" },
+ xl: { width: "300px", spineTranslation: "272px" },
+} as const;
+export const BOOK_SHADOW_SIZE_MAP = {
+ sm: "-5px 0 15px 5px var(--shadowColor)",
+ md: "-7px 0 25px 7px var(--shadowColor)",
+ lg: "-10px 0 35px 10px var(--shadowColor)",
+ xl: "-12px 0 45px 12px var(--shadowColor)",
+} as const;
+export const BOOK_COLOR_MAP = {
+ slate: { from: "from-slate-900", to: "to-slate-700" },
+ gray: { from: "from-gray-900", to: "to-gray-700" },
+ zinc: { from: "from-zinc-900", to: "to-zinc-700" },
+ neutral: { from: "from-neutral-900", to: "to-neutral-700" },
+ stone: { from: "from-stone-900", to: "to-stone-700" },
+ red: { from: "from-red-900", to: "to-red-700" },
+ orange: { from: "from-orange-900", to: "to-orange-700" },
+ amber: { from: "from-amber-900", to: "to-amber-700" },
+ yellow: { from: "from-yellow-900", to: "to-yellow-700" },
+ lime: { from: "from-lime-900", to: "to-lime-700" },
+ green: { from: "from-green-900", to: "to-green-700" },
+ emerald: { from: "from-emerald-900", to: "to-emerald-700" },
+ teal: { from: "from-teal-900", to: "to-teal-700" },
+ cyan: { from: "from-cyan-900", to: "to-cyan-700" },
+ sky: { from: "from-sky-900", to: "to-sky-700" },
+ blue: { from: "from-blue-900", to: "to-blue-700" },
+ indigo: { from: "from-indigo-900", to: "to-indigo-700" },
+ violet: { from: "from-violet-900", to: "to-violet-700" },
+ purple: { from: "from-purple-900", to: "to-purple-700" },
+ fuchsia: { from: "from-fuchsia-900", to: "to-fuchsia-700" },
+ pink: { from: "from-pink-900", to: "to-pink-700" },
+ rose: { from: "from-rose-900", to: "to-rose-700" },
+} as const;
+export type BookColor = keyof typeof BOOK_COLOR_MAP;
+export type BookSize = keyof typeof BOOK_SIZE_MAP;
+export type BookRadius = keyof typeof BOOK_RADIUS_MAP;
+export type BookShadowSize = keyof typeof BOOK_SHADOW_SIZE_MAP;
+export { default as Book } from "./Book.vue";
+export { default as BookHeader } from "./BookHeader.vue";
+export { default as BookTitle } from "./BookTitle.vue";
+export { default as BookDescription } from "./BookDescription.vue";