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Proprietary Graphics |
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Notes on installing proprietary graphics drivers on Tanglu Beta3.
Test installation platform: Nvidia Geforce 7000M / Nforce 610m
Reason for Proprietary graphics: Hardware Accelerated Compositing does not function properly on some open-source drivers.
Behavior on loading Tanglu Beta 3: Desktop icons appear correctly. KDE menu bar is graphically broken.
Immediate solution to continue with Tanglu installation and usage: Interrupt KDE compositing with Alt - Shift - F12.
With compositing suspended interaction continued as normal. Proceeded with typical steps of installing proprietary driver on Debian base by loading SMXI.
SMXI loaded by opening console and entering command:
cd /usr/local/bin && wget -Nc smxi.org/smxi.zip && unzip smxi.zip
Dropped to base terminal with command: Alt - Control - F1 and logged in as root.
Attempt to run sgfxi command from SMXI package. Command fails as X cannot be killed.
Identify problem as issue with KDM through inferences of similar behavior with LightDM where terminating X-server generates immediate auto-restart of X server.
The quick work around is to run the following command
/etc/init.d/kdm stop
With KDM killed it should now be possible for the sgfxi script to kill the X-server and allow the creation of an X Org Configuration file.
On reboot the nvidia-glx legacy driver installed fine and is operational.