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Ongoing development will be done in the develop with merges done into master once considered stable.

Unit Testing


Make sure you have phpunit installed and available in your PATH.

$ mkdir phpcs
$ cd phpcs
$ git clone [email protected]:squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer.git .
$ git checkout 1.4.4
$ git clone [email protected]:x-team/WordPress-Coding-Standards.git CodeSniffer/Standards/WordPress
$ phpunit --filter WordPress tests/AllTests.php

Expected output:

PHPUnit 3.7.18 by Sebastian Bergmann.


Time: 1 second, Memory: 37.00Mb

OK (15 tests, 0 assertions)

You can ignore any skipped tests as these are for PHP_CodeSniffer external tools.

The reason why we need to checkout from PHP_CodeSniffer git repo to run the tests is because PEAR installation is intended for ready-to-use not for development. At some point WordPress-Coding-Standards might be submitted to PHP_CodeSniffer repo and using their existing convention for unit tests will eventually help them to test the code before merging in.

Unit Testing conventions

If you see inside the WordPress/Tests, the structure mimics the WordPress/Sniffs. For example, the WordPress/Sniffs/Arrays/ArrayDeclarationSniff.php sniff has unit test class defined in WordPress/Tests/Arrays/ArrayDeclarationUnitTest.php that check WordPress/Tests/Arrays/ file. See the file naming convention? Lets take a look what inside ArrayDeclarationUnitTest.php:

class WordPress_Tests_Arrays_ArrayDeclarationUnitTest extends AbstractSniffUnitTest
    public function getErrorList()
        return array(
                3 => 1,
                7 => 1,
                9 => 1,
                16 => 1,
                31 => 2,

    }//end getErrorList()

Also note the class name convention. The method getErrorList MUST return an array of line numbers indicating errors (when running phpcs) found in WordPress/Tests/Arrays/ If you run:

$ cd /path-to-cloned/phpcs
$ ./scripts/phpcs --standard=Wordpress -s CodeSniffer/Standards/WordPress/Tests/Arrays/
  3 | ERROR   | Array keyword should be lower case; expected "array" but found
    |         | "Array" (WordPress.Arrays.ArrayDeclaration)
  7 | ERROR   | There must be no space between the Array keyword and the
    |         | opening parenthesis (WordPress.Arrays.ArrayDeclaration)
  9 | ERROR   | Empty array declaration must have no space between the
    |         | parentheses (WordPress.Arrays.ArrayDeclaration)
 12 | WARNING | No space after opening parenthesis of array is bad style
    |         | (WordPress.Arrays.ArrayDeclaration)
 12 | WARNING | No space before closing parenthesis of array is bad style
    |         | (WordPress.Arrays.ArrayDeclaration)
 16 | ERROR   | Each line in an array declaration must end in a comma
    |         | (WordPress.Arrays.ArrayDeclaration)
 31 | ERROR   | Expected 1 space between "'type'" and double arrow; 0 found
    |         | (WordPress.Arrays.ArrayDeclaration)
 31 | ERROR   | Expected 1 space between double arrow and "'post'"; 0 found
    |         | (WordPress.Arrays.ArrayDeclaration)
 31 | ERROR   | Expected 1 space before "=>"; 0 found
    |         | (WordPress.WhiteSpace.OperatorSpacing)
 31 | ERROR   | Expected 1 space after "=>"; 0 found
    |         | (WordPress.WhiteSpace.OperatorSpacing)

You'll see the line number and number of ERRORs we need to return in getErrorList method. In line #31 there are two ERRORs belong to WordPress.WhiteSpace.OperatorSpacing sniff and it MUST not included in ArrayDeclarationUnitTest (that's why we only return 2 errros for line #31). Also there's getWarningList method in unit test class that returns an array of line numbers indicating WARNINGs.