- Select and open
- select the mesh
- reparent to
- add a
child - clear the transforms of the
- Drag the
outside of the mesh and move the mesh as a child of the interactive object instance - create the collision mesh: select the mesh, then 'Create Single Convex Collision Sibling'
- Tick 'Pickable' in the properties of the interactive object
- Rename the interactive object as appropriate
- Start blender (tested with Blender 3.2.2), select all (A), delete all (X)
- import the synty character fbx with the following options:
- Manual orientation ticked (-Z forward, Y up)
- Armature > Automatic bone orientation
- switch to 'Pose mode', then Pose > Clear transform > all
- export the blend file to fbx, with the following options:
- Armature > Armature FBXNode Type > Root
- untick Armature > Add leaf bones
- go to mixamo, and upload the fbx file you've just exported (don't worry about missing texture)
- select a first animation, then click 'Download' with the following options:
- Format: binary fbx
- FPS: 60
- Skin: with Skin
- keyframe reduction: None
- select the other animations you want, and download them as well, but without the skin
- re-open Blender, starting with an empty scene (select all and delete all)
- import your first fbx file, using the default fbx import option
- fix missing texture:
- select the mesh
- select the tab 'Material properties'
- click on 'Base color', then 'Image Texture'
- navigate to the right synty png texture
- then: File > External data > Automatically pack external data
- rename the animation: in the outliner, click on Root > Animation and double-click the animation name (eg 'Root|mixamo.com|layer0') to rename it (eg 'dance')
- import each additional animation by import the fbx file in the same Blender project. For each of them:
- rename the animation
- in the outliner, right click on the animation and select 'Add fake user'
- delete the additional armature (eg delete 'Root.001')
- save the file as a glTF2.0 file
- finally in Godot, import the .glb file by drag-dropping it
- if you add the newly-imported object to the scene and open it ('Open in editor'), you'll see an AnimationPlayer node automatically created by Godot, with all your animations.