- Start with a plain index.html file, avoid adding more complexity
- Use atomic, functional css classes
- Everything should work when offline
- Avoid 3rd-party resources like Google Fonts
- who is this for?
- who does this help?
- who will this harm?
- who will use this for harm?
- how will this be used for harm?
- how do the answers (or lack thereof) to the above change our approach?
via Stacy-Marie Ishmael https://twitter.com/s_m_i/status/1135253746865254400
- microsoft's inclusive design guide https://www.microsoft.com/design/inclusive
- Relay, from Postlight https://postlight.com/trackchanges/introducing-relay-the-postlight-design-sprint
- figma is my favorite way to create mockups https://figma.com
- quickly create color palate https://cloudflare.design/color/
- find complimentary colors for a color https://palx.jxnblk.com
- create color ranges http://www.colorbox.io/
- track css stats https://www.npmjs.com/package/cssstats
https://photoshopetiquette.com https://github.com/LisaDziuba/Awesome-Design-Tools