Inside the folder $FARADAY/faraday/client/helpers/
you can find several scripts developed to help you load and manage Faraday data. None of them are included as part of the Faraday core, and using them can usually mean deleting content from the database in a permanent way, so be careful when executing any of them and always make sure to have a fresh backup.
This script allows you, create a CSV file with Vulnerability templates, based in Cfdb open source project. Read more about it here.
This script allows you, create a CSV file with Vulnerability templates, based in Vulndb open source project. Read more about it here.
$ python faraday/client/helpers/ --help
usage: cleanXML [-h] -i INFILE [-o OUTFILE]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INFILE, --input INFILE
XML File to read from
-o OUTFILE, --output OUTFILE
Filename to write output
Example: ./
Some tools are known for creating invalid XML output files which tend to be hard to fix by hand. If you want a quick way to patch an XML to feed it to Faraday for processing, this script is your best friend. Run it like this (make sure to have BeautifulSoup):
python $FARADAY/helpers/ broken_file.xml
To install BeautifulSoup you can use the requirements_extras.txt