Please do NOT use versions below 1.1.6! Certain methods had bugs with them that were fixed.
Now supports single suite mode. To omit suiteId
, call getTestCasesSingleSuiteMode
Now supports request filters. To add a filter, call getTestCases
with extra ApiFilterValue
parameters like so: getTestCases(projectId, suiteId, sectionId, parameter1, parameter2, ... parameterN)
. To create an ApiFilterValue parameter, declare a new ApiFilterValue(GetCasesFilter.<ENUM>, <VALUE>);
now supports property templateId
is now an Integer
is now an Integer
is now an Integer
Now supports updating any and all fields using testCaseObject.updateTestCase();
Now supports adding a test case.
Method is addTestCase(TestCase testCase, int sectionId);
Now supports deleting a test case. Method is deleteTestCase(int caseId);
Please note: Deleting a test case cannot be undone and also permanently deletes all test results in active test runs (i.e. test runs that haven't been closed (archived) yet).
Now supports getting a test case fields. Method is getCaseFields();
Now supports getting test case types. Method is getCaseTypes();
Now supports getting configurations. Method is getConfigurations();
Now supports adding a configuration. Method is public void addConfig(String name, int configGroupId);
Now supports adding a configuration group. Method is getConfigGroup(String name, int projectId);
Now supports updating a configuration group. Method is updateConfigGroup(String name, int configGroupId);
Now supports updating a configuration. Method is updateConfig(String name, int configId);
Now supports deleting a configuration group. Method is deleteConfigGroup(int configGroupId);
Please note: Deleting a configuration group cannot be undone and also permanently deletes all configurations in this group. It does not, however, affect closed test plans/runs, or active test plans/runs unless they are updated.
Now supports deleting a configuration. Method is deleteConfig(int configId);
Please note: Deleting a configuration cannot be undone. It does not, however, affect closed test plans/runs, or active test plans/runs unless they are updated.
Now supports isCompleted
filter. To use call getMilestones
with additional ApiFilterValue
parameter. Method declaring a new ApiFilterValue is new ApiFilterValue(GetMilestonesFilter.IS_COMPLETED, {"1"|"0"});
Now uses EmptyMilestone
type for creating milestones. This will not allow user to add parameters that are not accepted. Method is public Milestone addMilestone(EmptyMilestone milestone, int projectId);
Now supports updating a milestone. Method is updateMilestone(int milestoneId, boolean isCompleted);
Now supports request filters. To add a filter, call getTestPlans
with extra ApiFilterValue
parameters like so: getTestCases(projectId, suiteId, sectionId, parameter1, parameter2, ... parameterN)
. To create an ApiFilterValue parameter, declare a new ApiFilterValue(GetPlansFilter.<ENUM>, <VALUE>);
Now supports description field in TestPlanCreator object.
Remove no longer present field assignedTo_id
Now supports description field in PlanEntry object.
Now supports updating a plan. Method is updateTestPlan(int planId, TestPlanCreator testPlan)
Now supports updating a plan entry. Uses UpdatePlanEntry object, similar to PlanEntry but with less fields. Method is updateTestPlanEntry(int planId, int entryId, UpdatePlanEntry updatePlanEntry)
Now supports closing a plan. Method is closeTestPlan(int planId)
Please note: Closing a test plan cannot be undone.
Now supports deleting a plan. Method is deleteTestPlan(int planId)
Please note: Deleting a test plan cannot be undone and also permanently deletes all test runs & results of the test plan.
Now supports deleting a plan. Method is deleteTestPlanEntry(int planId, int entryId)
Please note: Deleting a test run from a plan cannot be undone and also permanently deletes all related test results.
Now supports getting priorities. Method is getPriorities();
Now supports isCompleted
filter. To use call getProjects
with additional ApiFilterValue
parameter. Method declaring a new ApiFilterValue is new ApiFilterValue(GetProjectsFilter.IS_COMPLETED, {"1"|"0"});
Now supports adding a project. Method is addProject(ProjectNew newProject);
Now supports updating a project. Method is updateProject(int projectId, final boolean isCompleted);
Now supports deleting a project. Method is deleteProject(int projectId);
Please note: Deleting a project cannot be undone and also permanently deletes all test suites & cases, test runs & results and everything else that is part of the project.
Now supports request filters. To add a filter, call getTestResults
with extra ApiFilterValue
parameters like so: getTestCases(testInstanceId, parameter1, parameter2, ... parameterN)
. To create an ApiFilterValue parameter, declare a new ApiFilterValue(GetResultsFilter.<ENUM>, <VALUE>);
Now supports getting results for a particular case. Method is getTestResultsForCase(int runId, int caseId, ApiFilterValue... apiFilters);
Now supports getting results for a particular run. Method is getTestResultsForRun(int runId, ApiFilterValue... apiFilters);
Now returns newly reported result. Removed unsupported fields in TestResult object.
Now supports adding result for a particular case. Method is addTestResultForCase(int runId, int caseId, TestResult result);
Now returns newly reported results as a TestResults object (not a list).
Now supports adding results for a particular case. Method is addTestResultsForCases(int runId, TestResults result);
Now supports getting result fields. Method is getResultFields();
Now supports request filters. To add a filter, call getTestRuns
with extra ApiFilterValue
parameters like so: getTestCases(projectId, parameter1, parameter2, ... parameterN)
. To create an ApiFilterValue parameter, declare a new ApiFilterValue(GetRunsFilter.<ENUM>, <VALUE>);
Now supports updating a run. Method is updateTestRun(int runId, TestRun testRun);
Now returns TestRun object on closing.
Now supports closing a run just by run ID. Method is closeTestRun(int runId);
Please note: Closing a test run cannot be undone.
Now supports deleting a run. Method is deleteTestRun(int runId);
Please note: Deleting a test run cannot be undone and also permanently deletes all tests & results of the test run.
Now supports getting a section. Method is getSection(int sectionId);
Now supports getting statuses. Method is getStatuses();
Now supports adding a suite. Method is addTestSuite(int projectId, TestSuiteCreator testSuite);
Now supports adding a suite. Method is updateTestSuite(int suiteId, TestSuite testSuite);
Now supports deleting a suite. Method is deleteTestSuite(int suiteId);
Please note: Deleting a test suite cannot be undone and also deletes all active test runs & results, i.e. test runs & results that weren't closed (archived) yet.
Now supports getting templates. Method is getTemplates();
Now support getting a test. Method is getTest(int testId);
Now support new fields in TestInstance object.
Now supports request filter status_id
in GetTestsFilter.