diff --git a/docs/html/ux-research-design/guidance.md b/docs/html/ux-research-design/guidance.md
index 035df4c734b..9b87788c352 100644
--- a/docs/html/ux-research-design/guidance.md
+++ b/docs/html/ux-research-design/guidance.md
@@ -344,6 +344,116 @@ Designing for pip includes:
- Writing pip's _output_ - establishing how pip responds to commands and what information it provides the user. This includes writing success and error messages.
- Providing supplemental materials - e.g. documentation that helps users understand pip's operation
+### Error message format and guidelines
+A good error message should mention:
+* what the user has tried to do
+* possible next steps to try and solve the error
+ * possible steps need to go from "easiest" to "most complicated"
+* why the error has happened - see more information about the situation
+In the case of `pip` error messages, they should also provide:
+* reason(s) why the error occured
+**Further reading**
+**Error message format**
+We propose pip resolver error messages have 3 parts -
+* what the error is (i.e. what the user has tried to do)
+* what has caused the error
+* possible ways to solve the error
+where a user wants to install packages (with 1 or more pinned version)
+with default verbose level
+`pip install peach=1.0 apple=2.0`
+"Due to conflicting dependencies pip cannot install Peach1.0 and Apple2.0:
+* Peach 1.0 depends on Banana 3.0
+* Apple2.0 depends on Banana2.0
+There are a number of possible solutions. You can try:
+1. removing package versions from your requirements, and letting pip try to resolve the problem for you
+2. Trying a version of Peach that depends on Banana2.0. Try `pip-search peach —dep banana2.0`
+3. replacing Apple or Peach with a different package altogether
+4. patching Apple2.0 to use Banana3.0
+5. force installing (Be aware!)
+For instructions on how to do these steps visit: https://pypa.io/SomeLink"
+To debug this further you can run `pip-tree` to see all of your dependencies.
+**with verbose level -vv**
+If a user ran the same pip command with more verbosity, what would they see?
+**with verbose level -vvv**
+If a user ran the same pip command with more verbosity, what would they see?
+**where a user wants to install packages (with any versions)**
+NB: We are assuming this resolver behaviour gets implemented, based on [GH issues 8249](https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/8249).
+**with default verbose level**
+`pip install apple peach`
+"Due to conflicting dependencies pip cannot install apple or peach. Both depend on banana, but pip can't find a version of either where they depend on the same banana version.
+There are a number of possible solutions. You can try:
+1. replacing apple or peach with a different package altogether
+2. patching apple or peach to use the same version of banana
+3. force installing (Be aware!)
+**To debug this further you can run pip-tree to see all of your dependencies.**
+*with default verbose level*
+*with verbose level -vv*
+If a user ran the same pip command with more verbosity, what would they see?
+*with verbose level -vvv*
+If a user ran the same pip command with more verbosity, what would they see?
+**What should be in the "documentation" page?**
+* ways to swap a package for another
+* how to patch a package to support a version (various ways)
+* Write official documentation / guide "How to resolve dependency conflicts" explaining:
+ * Why conflicts can exist
+ * How you can avoid them (pinning)
+ * How you can resolve them
+ * Use alternative package
+ * Use older version
+ * Patch package
+ * Other?
+* Introduce new commands to pip, inspired by poetry:
+ * Tree: Show full tree of dependencies
+ * Show `` Show details of a package, including it's dependencies
+ * latest - shows latest vs installed versions
+ * outdated - shows only outdated versions
+* Expose commands / help link in output??
+ * when particular issue happens provide ways to move on (ala pipenv) e.g. "
+ * run this command to see X
+ * is it your internet connection?
+ * is it the pypi website?
+* Aspirational commands
+ * `pip search PackageName —dep PackageNameVersion`
+ * a command that will search for a version of a package that has a depenendency on another packageversion
### Design Principles / Usability Heuristics
There are many interaction design principles that help designers design great experiences. Nielsen Norman's [10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design](https://www.nngroup.com/articles/ten-usability-heuristics) is a great place to start. Here are some of the ways these principles apply to pip: