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The Component Library makes it easy to create simple servers. It is an attempt to make it so easy to write trivial standalone servers that people will just naturally split their applications up that way.

A component is a simple module, containing what look like function definitions. This library generates from it an API module, a GenServer module, and an implementation module.

⚠ Developer Health Warning ⚠

The component library is a work in progress. It seems to work, but it is not yet battle tested. As people play with it, we'll end up making changes to fix problems and add cool facilities. Please experiment with it. But don't bet your business on it.

🗺 README Roadmap

Sometimes you want your palate to be tempted. Sometimes you just want to eat.

The first part of this README is the motivation for this library. It's a quick read, but feel free to skip it if you're looking for the main course.

Still here? Cool. Here's a story…

Let's Grow a Service

Monday starts with a new user story. The UI folks want to keep a list of which users get "page not found" responses from our app. Someone else is modifying the controller chain: our job is to record the data.

You decide to implement a simple map where the keys are the user IDs and the values are a list of the URLs that 404'd for that user.

defmodule FourOhFour do
  def create() do

  def record_404(history, user, url) do
    Map.update(history, user, [ url ], &[ url | &1 ])

  def for_user(history, user) do
    Map.get(history, user, [])

You're a thoughtful developer: you decided that the users of your module shouldn't have to know about its internal state, so you provided a create function that returns the initial empty map.

You submit the PR, and the reviewers come back with "where's the GenServer?". You refrain from the obvious "you never mentioned it should be a server" and instead modify your module:

defmodule FourOhFour do
  use GenServer

  def start_link() do
    GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, %{})

  def record_404(pid, user, url) do
    GenServer.cast(pid, { :record_404, user, url })

  def for_user(pid, user) do, { :for_user, user })

  def init(empty_history) do
    { :ok, empty_history }

  def handle_cast({ :record_404, user, url }, history) do
    new_history = Map.update(history, user, [ url ], &[ url | &1 ])
    { :noreply, new_history }

  def handle_call({ :for_user, user }, _from, history) do
    result = Map.get(history, user, [])
    { :reply, result, history }

This is the canonical Elixir GenServer, drawn straight from the original Erlang. You've always felt uncomfortable with the way it intermixes the API, the implementation, and all the housekeeping, but everyone does it that way....

Another day, another code review. Someone just realized that there's only one instance of this 404 store, so we can make it a named process and stop having to pass the pid around. You sigh and fire up the editor:

defmodule FourOhFour do

  use GenServer

  @me __MODULE__

  def start_link(_) do
    GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, %{}, name: @me)

  def record_404(user, url) do
    GenServer.cast(@me, { :record_404, user, url })

  def for_user(user) do, { :for_user, user })

  def init(empty_history) do
    { :ok, empty_history }

  def handle_cast({ :record_404, user, url }, history) do
    new_history = Map.update(history, user, [ url ], &[ url | &1 ])
    { :noreply, new_history }

  def handle_call({ :for_user, user }, _from, history) do
    result = Map.get(history, user, [])
    { :reply, result, history }

That's something else that's always bugged you: the way the API code has to change even though we just changed the implementation. Oh well....

A month later the project lead for a different application comes over. "We really like the results that folks are seeing with your 404 logging." she says. Can you turn it into a standalone Elixir application so we can include it as a dependency?

You start to work on your resumé.

The Start of a Moral

That's a lot of code churn. And none of it involved the actual logic of the module; it was all the boilerplate surrounding code that changed.

Clearly, this is the kind of stuff we do all the time, and the changes are so minor that we just shrug them off as a cost of doing business.

But I think the real cost is nothing to do with writing all those handle_xxx functions. Instead the cost is in the way we think about our code.

When we come to write something in Elixir, we're forced to answer two questions at the same time: how does it work, and how does it run? What's the logic, and what's the lifecycle? And we have to know both before we start. Switching lifecycle models has a (small) cost, and that means we try to guess it right up front. Changing from a library module to a server is fairly mechanical, but it still doubles the size of the code. And changing from a server to a free-standing component is a fairly big deal.

An aside: Application/Project/Component/Service/...?

Elixir has unfortunately adopted some of the bad naming history from Erlang. As a result, we have words such as project and application that can mean many different things, even within the same codebase.

I'm proposing we clarify things. Let's call the thing created when we run mix new a component. A component is an entity that can be shared and deployed. It has its own set of dependencies and configuration. It can be stored in its own source control repository or hex project (although it needn't be)

When we create something that delivers business value, we package together a number of components. One of these is nominated to be the code's entry point (using mod: in mix.exs). Let's call this thing that we built an assembly.

Back to the story...

We all know that highly coupled code is hard to change, and that the need to accommodate change is why we spend time thinking about good design. If we came from a Rails background, we've heard stories of (or participated in) Monorail projects: single Rails applications with hundreds of classes, tens or hundreds of thousands of lines of code, and a dependency map that looks like the wad of hair you pull out of the shower drain.

Rails apps get that way because it's easier to add new code into the existing code base than to split it out as a separate entity.

It's convenience over conscience.

I see a lot of evidence that we're falling into the same habits in the Elixir world. I've seen many multi-thousand line modules. I've rarely seen a Phoenix app where the developers have implemented the business logic in other, free-standing apps (and I don't count the things in umbrella apps as being free standing, firstly because the individual components are not sharable, and secondly because that fact that all the code is in one place tempts developers to just call randomly between the child apps.)

So the Component library is an attempt to start an exploration of alternatives. It's a first try at a framework that guides us to think of our code as self-contained components. It does this by making components as easy to write and use as any other code.

Components and the 404 Logger

Let's go back to the original 404 component. The initial implementation stays the same:

defmodule FourOhFour do
  def create() do

  def record_404(history, user, url) do
    Map.update(history, user, [ url ], &[ url | &1 ])

  def for_user(history, user) do
    Map.get(history, user, [])

Now someone says they want it to be a server. We use the component framework to add all the boilerplate for us:

defmodule FourOhFour do

  use Component.Strategy.Dynamic,
      state_name:    :history,
      initial_state: %{}

  one_way record_404(history, user, url) do
    Map.update(history, user, [ url ], &[ url | &1 ])

  two_way for_user(history, user) do
    Map.get(history, user, [])

The use Component... stuff says that this module is a GenServer (by default named the same as the module). The variable history is used to pass around the state, and the initial value of the state for each server we create is the empty map. We start its supervisor running with


and create new server processes with


The only other change to the original is that we changed the def of the record_404 function to be one_way, and the def of for_user to be two_way.

A one-way function's prime job is to update state. Its return value becomes the new state of our server. It is implemented under the covers using a GenServer cast.

A two-way function returns a value (and so is a GenServer call). Its return value is what is given back to the caller of the API. If you don't need to update state, that's all you have to do. If you do need to change the state as well as return a value, you can do that as well.

Now the second code review asks for this to become a singleton named server. We sigh at the magnitude of the request and change the code:

defmodule FourOhFour do

  use Component.Strategy.Global,
      state_name:    :history,
      initial_state: %{}

  one_way record_404(history, user, url) do
    Map.update(history, user, [ url ], &[ url | &1 ])

  two_way for_user(history, user) do
    Map.get(history, user, [])

Yup: the only change is to use the Global strategy.

Finally, we're asked to make this into an independent component. That's also a simple change:

defmodule FourOhFour do

  use Component.Strategy.Global,
      state_name:    :history,
      initial_state: %{},
      top_level:     true

  one_way record_404(history, user, url) do
    Map.update(history, user, [ url ], &[ url | &1 ])

  two_way for_user(history, user) do
    Map.get(history, user, [])

The top_level: true parameter adds Application behaviour to this module and adds a top-level supervisor. Just add mod: FourOhFour to your mix.exs and your 404 logger will be started automatically when it is included in any other assembly.


Using the Component library has changed the way I write Elixir. I now break my code into lots of small components, each an Elixir/Erlang application). I then assemble these together using regular dependencies. (During development, when things are fluid, I use path dependencies. Later I may change these to git dependencies. I could also use hex.)

I'd like to encourage you to think about your code the same way, as assemblies of simple components.

I'd also like to hear your feedback. This is just an experiment: it's the starting point of an ongoing discussion. For now, let's use the issues list for this.

I'll consider all this as time well spent if we manage to get people thinking about how they structure applications.

And they all lived happily ever after.

The Details

Component Types

We support a number of component types:

  • global: a singleton process
  • dynamic: on-demand processes
  • pooled: a pool of processes that typically represent limited resources
  • hungry: a pool of processes that process a collection in parallel

Global Components

A global component runs as a singleton process, accessed by name. All calls to it are resolved to this single process, and the state is persisted across calls. A logging facility might be implemented as a global component.

Here's a global component that stores a list of words in its state, exporting a function that returns a random word.

defmodule Dictionary do

  use Component.Strategy.Global,
      state_name:    :word_list,
      initial_state: read_word_list()

  two_way random_word() do      # <- this is the externally accessible interface
    word_list |> Enum.random()

  # helper

  defp read_word_list() do
    |> Path.expand(__DIR__)
    |> String.split("\n", trim: true)

To get it running, you call


Then, anywhere in the application, you can get a random word using

word = Dictionary.random_word()

Dynamic Components

A dynamic component is a factory that creates worker processes on demand. The workers run the code declared in the component's module. Each worker maintains its own state. When you're done with a worker, you destroy it. You could create dynamic components when someone first connects to your web app, and use it to maintain that person's state for the lifetime of their session.

Here's a dynamic component that implements a set of counters:

defmodule Counter do

  use Component.Strategy.Dynamic,
      state_name:    :count,
      initial_state: 0

  one_way increment(by \\ 1) do
    count + by

  two_way value() do

Because the dynamic component has multiple workers, you must first initialize the overall component. This is a one-time thing:


Whenever you need a new counter, you first create it. You then call its functions:

acc1 = Counter.create
acc2 = Counter.create

Counter.increment(acc1, 2)
Counter.value(acc1)         #=> 2
Counter.value(acc2)         #=> 0

Pooled Components

A pooled component represents a pool of worker processes. When you call a pooled worker, it handles your request using its existing state, and any updates to that state are retained: the worker is a resource that is shared on a call-by-call basis. Workers may be automatically created and destroyed as demand dictates. You might use pooled workers to manage access to limited resources (database connections are a common example).

defmodule StockQuoteConnection do

  use Component.Strategy.Pooled,
      state_name:    :quote_connection,
      initial_state: Quotes.connect_to_service()

  two_way get_quote(symbol) do
    Quotes.get_quote(quote_connection, symbol)

Pooled resources are always called transactionally, so there's no need to create a worker. You still have to initialize the component, though.


values = pmap(symbols, &StockQuoteConnection.get_quote(&1))

Hungry Components

A hungry component defines a way to process a collection, where the processing of items in the collection is automatically parallelized.

defmodule FaceRecognizer do

  use Component.Strategy.Hungry

  def process(%JPeg{ image: image }) do
    image |> jpeg_to_bitmap |> Vision.recognize_face()

  def process(%PNG{ image: image }) do
    image |> png_to_bitmap |> Vision.recognize_face()


Unlike the other components, you define the action to be taken on a member of the collection by writing a function called process. This can use pattern matching and guard clauses to vary the behaviour depending on the value passed in.

You invoke the hungry component using

people = FaceRecognizer.consume(collection_of_images)

By default, the results are returned as a list, where each entry is the value of applying the processing to the corresponding value in the input collection. You can override this by providing an into: parameter.

contacts =
people = FaceRecognizer.consume(collection_of_images, into: contacts)

A hungry consumer will normally run a worker process for each of the process schedulers available on the current node (which is normally the number of available CPUs). You can override this globally for a particular consumer with the default_concurrency option:

defmodule FaceRecognizer do

  use Component.Strategy.Hungry,
      default_concurrency: 10

  . . .

You can also override it on a particular call to consume using the concurrency: option.

people = FaceRecognizer.consume(collection_of_images, concurrency: 5)

Choosing a Component Type

It's all about the state. Shared state.

If you don't share your state with anybody then good news, you don't need processes and you don't need this library (for now). You will live a happier life than the rest of us.

Is there a single state shared between all users of your component (for example, it acts as a registry, logger, or other singleton resource)? If so, you need a global component.

Does your component maintain state across multiple calls, and do you need multiple versions of that state? For example, are you representing a user session, or the state of games being played? If so, use a dynamic component, where each component maintains state for the session/game/....

Do you have a limited set of external resources that you need to share across your application (for example, database connections, access to rate-limited services, and so on)? If so, use a pooled component, where each component's state represents one of the external resources, and each time you call a component you claim that resource for the duration of the call.

Do you have work that needs doing against a collection of data (for example, analyzing a bunch of images, reducing a large amount of data statistically, or other large-scale data mapping operations)? If so, use the hungry component, which holds no state between calls.

One and Two Way Functions

A component defines its external interface using the one_way and two_way declarations. These look and behave precisely like functions defined using def, except they do not support guard clauses.

As its name implies, a one way function does not send a response to its caller. It is also asynchronous. (Internally, it is implemented using GenServer.cast. The return value of a one_way function is the updated state.

A two way function returns a result to its caller, and so is synchronous (yup, it uses

By default, the value returned by a two way function is the value returned to the caller. In this case, the state is not changed.

You update the state using one of the set_state functions. The first form takes the new state and a block as parameters. It sets the state from the first parameter, and the value returned by the block becomes the value returned by the function. For example:

# return the current value, and increment the state
two_way return_current_and_update(n) do
  set_state(tally + n) do

The second variant is set_state_and_return. This takes a single value and sets both the state and return value from it:

# increment the current state and return the new value
two_way update_and_return(n) do
  set_state_and_return(tally + n)


With the exception of hungry consumers, all component types run one or more worker processes, and those workers maintain state.

The Component library makes you use the same name for this state in all your one_way and two_way functions. This name is state by default, but can be changed using the state_name: option.

defmodule Dictionary do

   use Component.Strategy.Global,
      state_name:    :word_list,           # <- our state is called `word_list`
      initial_state: read_word_list()

   two_way random_word(word_list) do
    word_list |> Enum.random()             # <- and we can refer to it by name

   defp read_word_list(word_list) do
    |> Path.expand(__DIR__)
    |> String.split("\n", trim: true)

Controversy Trigger Alert!

People with a strong abhorrence of magic should skip the next section.

Because you declare the name to be used as the state variable, you can omit it as a parameter to one_way and two_way and the component library will add it in for you:

defmodule Dictionary do

   use Component.Strategy.Global,
      state_name:    :word_list,           # <- our state is called `word_list`
      initial_state: read_word_list()

   two_way random_word() do                # <- no explicit parameter
    word_list |> Enum.random()             #    but we can refer to it by name

  # ...

Why would I even countenance such an evil use of the dark arts? It's because I wanted to be able to write the one- and two-way functions to reflect the way they are called and not the way they're implemented. In a global component you'd call Dictionary.random_word() with no parameter, and I wanted the code in the module to look like this.

The library doesn't mind if you include the state variable or not: it's up to you

Initial State

The initial state of a component is set by a combination of things.

First, when you write a component, you can specify an initial state as an option. For example, the following code sets the initial state of the component to the result of reading the word list:

use Component.Strategy.Global,
   state_name:    :word_list,
   initial_state: read_word_list()     # <- run this each time a worker is created

You can override this initial state when you create a component by passing a value to create().

Second, you can specify the default initial state using a function of arity one.

When you call create for such a component, the override value you give will be passed to this function, and the function's value becomes the initial state. If you don't pass an override to create, the function will receive nil.

The following component has a two element map as a state. The initial_state function allows these elements to be individually overwritten by create:

use Component.Strategy.Dynamic,
    initial_state: fn overrides ->
        %{ one: :default_one, two: :default_two },
        overrides || %{})

The code associated with the initial_state option is invoked to set the state each time a new worker process is created. This evaluation is lazy. In this example the read_word_list function is not called when the module is defined. Instead, the code is saved and run when each worker gets started.

The second way to set the state is when you create a worker.

defmodule Counter do
  use Component.Strategy.Dynamic,
      state_name:    :count,
      initial_state: 0

  one_way increment(by \\ 1) do
    count + by

  two_way value() do

Here, if you call Counter.create(), the initial state will be set to 0, the value in the using clause. If instead you pass a value, such as Counter.create(99), that value will be used to set the state.

Name Scope

You can inspect the code created by component by adding the show_code: true option. Here's the code for the Counter module:

defmodule FourOhFour do
  @name Counter
  def initialize() do __MODULE__.Worker, name: @name)

  def create(override_state \\ CA.no_overrides()) do
    spec = {__MODULE__.Worker, Common.derive_state(override_state, 0)}
    Component.Strategy.Dynamic.Supervisor.create(@name, spec)

  def destroy(worker) do
    Component.Strategy.Dynamic.Supervisor.destroy(@name, worker)


  def increment(worker_pid, by) do
    GenServer.cast(worker_pid, {:increment, by})

  def value(worker_pid) do, {:value}, 5000)

  def wrapped_create() do

  defmodule(Worker) do

    def start_link(args) do
      GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, args)

    def init(state) do
      {:ok, state}

    def handle_cast({:increment, by}, șțąțɇ) do
      count = șțąțɇ
      new_state = __MODULE__.Implementation.increment(count, by)
      {:noreply, new_state}

    def handle_call({:value}, _, șțąțɇ) do
      count = șțąțɇ
      __MODULE__.Implementation.value(count) |> Common.create_genserver_response(șțąțɇ)

    defmodule(Implementation) do
      def increment(count, by) do
        _ = var!(count)
        count + by

      def value(count) do
        _ = var!(count)

Notice that we have three modules here. The top-level FourOhFour contains the external API. The nested Worker module is the Genserver code, and the Implementation module contains the code that you wrote inside the one-way and two-way functions.

This structure reflects the way I've been writing GenServers by hand (although I put Worker and Implementation into their own files).

However, it has a side-effect. The code inside your one- and two-way functions actually executes inside its own module. As a result this code won't work:

defmodule SalesTax do
  use Component.Strategy.Dynamic,
      state_name:    :count,
      initial_state: 0

  two_way calculate_tax(item, quantity) do
    sales_tax_calculation(item.price, item.tax_type, quantity)

  def sales_tax_calculation(item.price, item.tax_type, quantity) do
    # ...

The problem is that the call to sales_tax_calculation happens inside the SalesTax.Implementation module and the function itself is defined in SalesTax.

Originally I solved this issue by automatically moving all functions defined at the top-level into the Implementation module. But I took that out after I'd used it for a while. The reason is that I found it tempted me into writing large modules containing the entire implementation. I'd add just one more wafer-thin function because it was easy.

Now I simply write all the support code in one or more separate modules. If there are only one or two of these support functions, I might just put them into a Helpers module inside the top-level:

defmodule SalesTax do
  use Component.Strategy.Dynamic,
      state_name:    :count,
      initial_state: 0

  two_way calculate_tax(item, quantity) do
    Helpers.sales_tax_calculation(item.price, item.tax_type, quantity)

  defmodule Helpers do
    def sales_tax_calculation(item.price, item.tax_type, quantity) do
      # ...

However, as soon as this module threatens to become larger than a handful of lines I'll split it out into its own file.

GenServer Callbacks

Regardless of the component type, the code you write in the one_way and two_way declarations ends up running in a GenServer. The Component library takes care of the housekeeping, so you can normally just ignore all that. However, sometimes you need to be able to add code to the GenServer that Component generates for you. In particular, you may need to implement one or more of the GenServer callbacks (code_change/3, format_status/2, handle_continue/2, handle_info/2, init/1, and terminate/2).

You do this by writing this code in a callbacks block. For example, here's a simple module that reports on how many times its record_event/0 function is called in each 5 second period.

defmodule Callbacks do

  use Component.Strategy.Global,
      top_level: true,
      show_code: true,
      state_name: :count,
      initial_state: 0

  one_way record_event() do
    count + 1

  callbacks do
    def init(s) do
      :timer.send_interval(5_000, :tick)
      { :ok, s }

    def handle_info(:tick, count) do
      IO.puts "#{count} events in the last 5 seconds"
      { :noreply, 0 }

Component Lifecycle

A global component must be created before use. Once created, it may be accessed by simply calling the functions it contains. There is no need to identify a particular worker, as there is only one per component. A global component may be destroyed, in which case it must be recreated before being used again.

Dynamic and pooled components must be initialized. This process does not necessarily create any worker processes; it simply prepares the component for use.

With dynamic components you gain access to a worker by telling the component to create it. This returns an identifier for that worker process, which you must pass to subsequent calls to functions in the component. You should eventually destroy workers that you create.

Pooled components are automatically created when needed, so there's no need to call their create function.

Type Initialize Create/destroy Call
Hungry consume()

Hungry components have no state, and do not need to be created or destroyed—this is handled automatically.

Components as Top-Level Applications

Part of the impetus for creating this was to encourage folks to write single-responsibility components, one per mix project. To make this even easier, if you have a single component in a mix project, you no longer need an application.ex. Instead

  1. Add the option top_level: true to your component definition, and

  2. Point the mod option in your mix.exs directly at your component's module.

Here's a runnable example that implements a simple event counter:

MISSING: event counter