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Writing a client

A Jepsen client takes invocation operations and applies them to the system being tested, returning corresponding completion operations. For our etcd test, we might model the system as a single register: a particular key holding an integer. The operations against that register might be read, write, and compare-and-set, which we could model like so:

(defn r   [_ _] {:type :invoke, :f :read, :value nil})
(defn w   [_ _] {:type :invoke, :f :write, :value (rand-int 5)})
(defn cas [_ _] {:type :invoke, :f :cas, :value [(rand-int 5) (rand-int 5)]})

These are functions that construct Jepsen operations: an abstract representation of things you can do to a database. :invoke means that we're going to try an operation--when it completes, we'll use a type like :ok or :fail to tell what happened. The :f tells us what function we're applying to the database--for instance, that we want to perform a read or a write. These can be any values--Jepsen doesn't know what they mean.

Function calls are parameterized by their arguments and return values. Jepsen operations are parameterized by :value, which can be anything we like--Jepsen doesn't inspect them. We use a write's value to specify the value that we wrote, and a read's value to specify the value that we (eventually) read. When we invoke a read, we don't know what we're going to read yet, so we'll leave it nil.

These functions can be used by jepsen.generator to construct new invocations for reads, writes, and compare-and-set ops, respectively. Note that the read value is nil--we don't know what value is being read until we actually perform the read. When the client reads a particular value it'll fill that value in for the completion op.

Connecting to the database

Now we need to take these operations and apply them to etcd. We'll use the Verschlimmbessergung library to talk to etcd. We'll start by requireing Verschlimmbesserung, and writing an empty implementation of Jepsen's Client protocol:

(ns jepsen.etcdemo
  (:require [ :refer :all]
            [clojure.string :as str]
            [verschlimmbesserung.core :as v]
            [jepsen [cli :as cli]
                    [client :as client]
                    [control :as c]
                    [db :as db]
                    [tests :as tests]]
            [jepsen.control.util :as cu]
            [jepsen.os.debian :as debian]))
(defrecord Client [conn]
  (open! [this test node]

  (setup! [this test])

  (invoke! [_ test op])

  (teardown! [this test])

  (close! [_ test]))

defrecord defines a new type of data structure, which we're calling Client. Each Client has a single field, called conn, which will hold our connection to a particular network server. Clients support Jepsen's Client protocol, and just like a reify, we'll provide implementations for Client functions.

Clients have a five-part lifecycle. We begin with a single seed client (client). When we call open! on that client, we get a copy of the client bound to a particular node. The setup! function initializes any data structures the test needs--for instance, creating tables or setting up fixtures. invoke! applies operations to the system and returns corresponding completion operations. teardown! cleans up any tables setup! may have created. close! closes network connections and completes the lifecycle for the client.

When it comes time to add the client to the test, we use (Client.) to construct a new Client, and pass nil as the value for conn. Remember, our initial seed client doesn't have a connection; Jepsen will call open! to get connected clients later.

(defn etcd-test
  "Given an options map from the command-line runner (e.g. :nodes, :ssh,
  :concurrency, ...), constructs a test map."
  (merge tests/noop-test
         {:name "etcd"
          :os debian/os
          :db (db "v3.1.5")
          :client (Client. nil)}))

Now, let's complete our setup! function by connecting to etcd. The Verschlimmbesserung docs tell us that every function takes a Verschlimmbesserung client, created with (connect url). That client is what we'll store in conn. Let's have Verschlimmbesserung time out requests after 5 seconds, too.

(defrecord Client [conn]
  (open! [this test node]
    (assoc this :conn (v/connect (client-url node)
                                 {:timeout 5000})))

  (setup! [this test])

  (invoke! [_ test op])

  (teardown! [this test])

  (close! [_ test]
    ; If our connection were stateful, we'd close it here. Verschlimmmbesserung
    ; doesn't actually hold connections, so there's nothing to close.

(defn etcd-test
  "Given an options map from the command-line runner (e.g. :nodes, :ssh,
  :concurrency, ...), constructs a test map."
  (merge tests/noop-test
         {:name "etcd"
          :os debian/os
          :db (db "v3.1.5")
          :client (Client. nil)}))

Remember, the initial client has no connections--like a stem cell, it has the potential to become an active client but doesn't do any work directly. We call (Client. nil) to construct that initial client--its conn will be filled in when Jepsen calls setup!.


Now we have to actually do something with the client. Let's start with fifteen seconds of reads, randomly staggered about a second apart. We'll pull in jepsen.generator to schedule operations.

(ns jepsen.etcdemo
  (:require [ :refer :all]
            [clojure.string :as str]
            [verschlimmbesserung.core :as v]
            [jepsen [cli :as cli]
                    [client :as client]
                    [control :as c]
                    [db :as db]
                    [generator :as gen]
                    [tests :as tests]]
            [jepsen.control.util :as cu]
            [jepsen.os.debian :as debian]))

... and write a simple generator: take reads, stagger them by about a second, give those operations to clients only (not the nemesis, which has other duties), and stop after 15 seconds.

(defn etcd-test
  "Given an options map from the command line runner (e.g. :nodes, :ssh,
  :concurrency ...), constructs a test map."
  (merge tests/noop-test
         {:name "etcd"
          :os   debian/os
          :db   (db "v3.1.5")
          :client (Client. nil)
          :generator (->> r
                          (gen/stagger 1)
                          (gen/nemesis nil)
                          (gen/time-limit 15))}))

This throws a bunch of errors, because we haven't told the client how to intepret these reads yet.

$ lein run test
WARN [2018-02-02 15:00:54,338] jepsen worker 3 - jepsen.core Error running worker 3
java.lang.AssertionError: Assert failed: Expected client/invoke! to return a map with :type :ok, :fail, or :info, but received {:time 107596475} instead

The client's invoke! function takes an invocation operation, and right now, does nothing with it, returning nil. Jepsen adds a timestamp, which is where {:time ...} comes from, but we have to tell it what else happened to the operation. We'll construct a corresponding completion op, with type :ok if the operation succeeded, :fail if it didn't take place, or :info if we're not sure. invoke! can also throw an exception, which is automatically converted to an :info.

Let's start by handling reads. We'll use v/get to read the value of a single key. We can pick any name we like--let's call it "foo" for now.

    (invoke! [this test op]
      (case (:f op)
        :read (assoc op :type :ok, :value (v/get conn "foo"))))

We dispatch based on the :f field of the operation, and when it's a :read, we take the invoke op and return a copy of it, with :type :ok and a value obtained by reading the register "foo".

$ lein run test
INFO [2017-03-30 15:28:17,423] jepsen worker 2 - jepsen.util 2  :invoke :read nil
INFO [2017-03-30 15:28:17,427] jepsen worker 2 - jepsen.util 2  :ok :read nil
INFO [2017-03-30 15:28:18,315] jepsen worker 0 - jepsen.util 0  :invoke :read nil
INFO [2017-03-30 15:28:18,320] jepsen worker 0 - jepsen.util 0  :ok :read nil
INFO [2017-03-30 15:28:18,437] jepsen worker 4 - jepsen.util 4  :invoke :read nil
INFO [2017-03-30 15:28:18,441] jepsen worker 4 - jepsen.util 4  :ok :read nil

Much better! We haven't created the key yet, so its value is nil. In order to change the value, we'll add some some writes to the generator.


We'll change our generator to take a random mixture of reads and writes, using (gen/mix [r w]).

(defn etcd-test
  "Given an options map from the command line runner (e.g. :nodes, :ssh,
  :concurrency ...), constructs a test map."
  (merge tests/noop-test
         {:name       "etcd"
          :os         debian/os
          :db         (db "v3.1.5")
          :client     (Client. nil)
          :generator  (->> (gen/mix [r w])
                           (gen/stagger 1)
                           (gen/nemesis nil)
                           (gen/time-limit 15))}))

To handle those writes, we'll use v/reset!, and return the op with :type :ok. If reset! fails it'll throw, and Jepsen's machinery will automatically convert it to an :info crash.

    (invoke! [this test op]
               (case (:f op)
                 :read (assoc op :type :ok, :value (v/get conn "foo"))
                 :write (do (v/reset! conn "foo" (:value op))
                            (assoc op :type :ok))))

We'll confirm writes work by watching the test:

$ lein run test
INFO [2017-03-30 22:14:25,428] jepsen worker 4 - jepsen.util 4  :invoke :write  0
INFO [2017-03-30 22:14:25,439] jepsen worker 4 - jepsen.util 4  :ok :write  0
INFO [2017-03-30 22:14:25,628] jepsen worker 0 - jepsen.util 0  :invoke :read nil
INFO [2017-03-30 22:14:25,633] jepsen worker 0 - jepsen.util 0  :ok :read "0"

Ah, we've got a bit of a snag here. etcd thinks in terms of strings, but we'd like to work with numbers. We could pull in a serialization library (jepsen includes a simple one in jepsen.codec), but since we're only dealing with integers and nil, we can get away with using Java's built-in Long.parseLong(String str) method.

(defn parse-long
  "Parses a string to a Long. Passes through `nil`."
  (when s (Long/parseLong s)))


  (invoke! [_ test op]
    (case (:f op)
      :read  (assoc op :type :ok, :value (parse-long (v/get conn "foo")))
      :write (do (v/reset! conn "foo" (:value op))
                 (assoc op :type :ok))))

Note that we only call parseLong when our string is truthy--using (when s ...). If when doesn't match, it'll return nil, which lets us pass through nil values transparently.

$ lein run test
INFO [2017-03-30 22:26:45,322] jepsen worker 4 - jepsen.util 4  :invoke :write  1
INFO [2017-03-30 22:26:45,341] jepsen worker 4 - jepsen.util 4  :ok :write  1
INFO [2017-03-30 22:26:45,434] jepsen worker 2 - jepsen.util 2  :invoke :read nil
INFO [2017-03-30 22:26:45,439] jepsen worker 2 - jepsen.util 2  :ok :read 1

Seems reasonable! Only one type of operation left to implement: compare-and-set.

Compare and set

We'll finish the client by adding compare-and-set to the mix:

      (gen/mix [r w cas])

Handling CaS is a little trickier. Verschlimmbesserung gives us a cas! function, which takes a connection, key, old value, and new value. cas! sets the key to the new value if and only if the old value matches what's currently there, and returns a detailed response map. If the CaS fails, it returns false. We can use that to determine the :type of the CaS operation.

  (invoke! [_ test op]
    (case (:f op)
      :read  (assoc op :type :ok, :value (parse-long (v/get conn "foo")))
      :write (do (v/reset! conn "foo" (:value op))
                 (assoc op :type :ok))
      :cas (let [[old new] (:value op)]
             (assoc op :type (if (v/cas! conn "foo" old new)

The let binding here uses destructuring: it breaks apart the [old-value new-value] pair from the operation's :value field into value and value'. Since all values except false and nil are logically true, we can use the result of the cas! call as our predicate in if.

Handling exceptions

If you run this a few times, you might see:

$ lein run test
INFO [2017-03-30 22:38:51,892] jepsen worker 1 - jepsen.util 1  :invoke :cas  [3 1]
WARN [2017-03-30 22:38:51,936] jepsen worker 1 - jepsen.core Process 1 indeterminate
clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: throw+: {:errorCode 100, :message "Key not found", :cause "/r", :index 11, :status 404}
  at$stack_trace.invoke(support.clj:201) ~[na:na]

If we try to CaS the key before it's written, Verschlimmbesserung will throw an exception complaining (quite sensibly!) that we can't alter something that doesn't exist. This won't cause our test to return false positives--Jepsen will interpret the exception as an indeterminate :info result, and allow that it might or might not have taken place. However, we know the value didn't change when we get this exception, so we can convert it to a known failure. We'll pull in the slingshot exception handling library, so we can catch that particular error code.

(ns jepsen.etcdemo
  (:require ...
            [slingshot.slingshot :refer [try+]]))

... and wrap our cas in a try/catch block.

    (invoke! [this test op]
      (case (:f op)
        :read (assoc op :type :ok, :value (parse-long (v/get conn "foo")))
        :write (do (v/reset! conn "foo" (:value op))
                   (assoc op :type, :ok))
        :cas (try+
               (let [[value value'] (:value op)]
                 (assoc op :type (if (v/cas! conn "foo" value value'
                                             {:prev-exist? true})
               (catch [:errorCode 100] ex
                 (assoc op :type :fail, :error :not-found)))))

This [:errorCode 100] form tells Slingshot to catch only exceptions which have that particular error code, and bind them to ex. We've added an extra :error field to our operation. This doesn't matter as far as correctness is concerned, but it helps us understand what happened when we read the logs. Jepsen prints errors at the end of log lines.

$ lein run test
INFO [2017-03-30 23:00:50,978] jepsen worker 0 - jepsen.util 0  :invoke :cas  [1 4]
INFO [2017-03-30 23:00:51,065] jepsen worker 0 - jepsen.util 0  :fail :cas  [1 4] :not-found

Much neater. In general, we'll start by writing the simplest code we can, and allow Jepsen to handle exceptions for us. Once we have a feeling for how things can go wrong, we can introduce special error handlers and semantics for those failure cases.

INFO [2017-03-30 22:38:59,278] jepsen worker 1 - jepsen.util 11 :invoke :write  4
INFO [2017-03-30 22:38:59,286] jepsen worker 1 - jepsen.util 11 :ok :write  4
INFO [2017-03-30 22:38:59,289] jepsen worker 4 - jepsen.util 4  :invoke :cas  [2 2]
INFO [2017-03-30 22:38:59,294] jepsen worker 1 - jepsen.util 11 :invoke :read nil
INFO [2017-03-30 22:38:59,297] jepsen worker 1 - jepsen.util 11 :ok :read 4
INFO [2017-03-30 22:38:59,298] jepsen worker 4 - jepsen.util 4  :fail :cas  [2 2]
INFO [2017-03-30 22:38:59,818] jepsen worker 4 - jepsen.util 4  :invoke :write  1
INFO [2017-03-30 22:38:59,826] jepsen worker 4 - jepsen.util 4  :ok :write  1
INFO [2017-03-30 22:38:59,917] jepsen worker 1 - jepsen.util 11 :invoke :cas  [1 2]
INFO [2017-03-30 22:38:59,926] jepsen worker 1 - jepsen.util 11 :ok :cas  [1 2]

Notice that some CaS operations fail, and other succeed? It's OK for them to fail, and in fact, it's desirable. We expect some CaS ops to fail because their predicate value doesn't match the current value, but a few (~1/5, since there are 5 possible values for the register at any given point) should succeed. In addition, it's worth trying operations we think should be impossible, because if they do succeed, that can point to a consistency violation.

With our client performing operations, it's time to analyze results using a checker.