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{ + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "theProjectCard": "de projectkaart", + "@theProjectCard": { + "description": "the project card" + }, + "convertProjectCard": "heeft de projectkaart omgezet naar een issue", + "@convertProjectCard": { + "description": "converted the project card into an issue" + }, + "was": "is", + "@was": { + "description": "was" + }, + "changedMarketplacePlan": "het Marketplace-pakket is aangepast", + "@changedMarketplacePlan": { + "description": "changed their Marketplace Plan" + }, + "pendingChangeCancelled": "de aanpassing van het Marketplace-pakket is afgebroken", + "@pendingChangeCancelled": { + "description": "Pending Marketplace Plan was cancelled" + }, + "pendingMarketplacePlan": "het Marketplace-pakket is afwachtend van een aanpassing", + "@pendingMarketplacePlan": { + "description": "Marketplace Plan is pending change" + }, + "cancelledMarketplacePlan": "gebruikt het Marketplace-pakket niet meer", + "@cancelledMarketplacePlan": { + "description": "cancelled their Marketplace Plan" + }, + "purchasedMarketplacePlan": "heeft een Marketplace-pakket aangeschaft", + "@purchasedMarketplacePlan": { + "description": "purchased a Marketplace Plan" + }, + "from": "van", + "@from": { + "description": "from" + }, + "to": "aan", + "@to": { + "description": "to" + }, + "at": "om", + "@at": { + "description": "at" + }, + "commentedOn": "heeft gereageerd op", + "@commentedOn": { + "description": "commented on" + }, + "wereRemovedFrom": "{repos} zijn verwijderd uit installatie-id ‘{id}’", + "@wereRemovedFrom": { + "description": "example: repo1,repo2 were removed from the installation id ID", + "placeholders": { + "repos": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "wereAddedTo": "{repos} zijn toegevoegd aan installatie-id ‘{id}’", + "@wereAddedTo": { + "description": "example: repo1,repo2 were added to the installation id ID", + "placeholders": { + "repos": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + 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"@fromReviewRequest": { + "description": "from the review request" + }, + "reviewRequestEventMessage": "heeft om beoordeling gevraagd van", + "@reviewRequestEventMessage": { + "description": "requested a review from" + }, + "headRefForcedPushedEventSecondMessage": "afsplitsing geforceerd van", + "@headRefForcedPushedEventSecondMessage": { + "description": "head ref forced pushed event message second half" + }, + "headRefForcedPushedEventFirstMessage": "heeft de", + "@headRefForcedPushedEventFirstMessage": { + "description": "head ref forced pushed event message first half" + }, + "headRefRestoredEventMessage": "heeft de afsplitsing {headRefName} hersteld", + "@headRefRestoredEventMessage": { + "description": "head ref restored event", + "placeholders": { + "headRefName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "headRefDeletedEventMessage": "heeft de afsplitsing ‘{headRefName}’ verwijderd", + "@headRefDeletedEventMessage": { + "description": "head ref deleted event", + "placeholders": { + 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