A reimplementation of datasektionen/dfunkt but with pure functions.
Motivation: Mostly a passion project - no real need for this. I just like functional programming languages and want to learn more about them.
- Reimplement frontend in Elm
- Should be more mobile friendly
- Change some views - especially admin view and user lookup could use some better UX design
- During first stage, pull data from old endpoints
- Use login2 for auth like old app
- Unit testing
- Reimplement backend/api in Haskell
- Probably use PostgreSQL and postgresql-typed to get some of that lovely type-checking throughout everything.
- Have to do more research on frameworks, TBD.
- Would like to figure out how to deploy with dokku like all other microservices in Datasektionen
- Preferably also use GitHub Actions or something similar to run test suite and then deploy automatically on push.
- Write simple Slack-bot to provide updates on status from CI/CD, maybe just an AWS Lambda function if GitHub doesn't have it built in to Actions.