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LeTak LeTak0
Hobby programmer.


Eckiwib Eckiwib

Berlin, Germany

Jannik Schmied j-schmied
Digital Forensics & Incident Responder // Car Hacking, AI, ML, NLP

BDO Cyber Security GmbH

Alice Buchholz 05Lucia

bol Behörden Online Systemhaus GmbH Germany

Manfred Kraft TheKoelner
Datenverarbeitungskaufmann 1989 Wirtschaftsinformatik FH Köln Software QS 1997-2012 DWH, BI, Datenanalyse 2012-heute


Leo Repp RLeo
Software-Developer, Fullstack-Developer

SPARKS Solutions GmbH Ingolstadt

Sonny Ram Blockchainnewbie
I grew up with computers and have always been fascinated by the technology.

DAA Essen, Germany

WodoWiesel wodowiesel
B.Sc. Geographer

privat Germany

C J Lamprecht psibot

Chaos711 JHB ZA

Samuql Samuql
Profile of Samuel, a Cs student.


Karl Harrenga Lo10Th
14 year old kid that's on a journey to become a software developer

Germany, Wuppertal

Felix Bargfeldt Defelo
Rustacean & NixOS Enthusiast

MEDIFOX DAN GmbH European Union