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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Jason Davis jasondavis
Web Developer since 2000 using PHP, JavaScript , NodeJS, and related technologies. Currently Really enjoying building desktop GUI software/tools w/ ElectronJS Central FL

Anilcan KARA anilcan-kara

Ministry of Justice Sydney

Shashank Priyadarshi shashank-priyadarshi
Engineering grad 2021. Web Dev.

Nasdaq Pune

Kunal Ladhani Kunal-Ladhani
Full-stack Software Developer with a specialization in Backend Development, 2021 graduate from BITS Pilani. Creating awesome projects one at a time 😀

Niyo Bangalore, Karnataka

Iv Po dotdevio
I just write code like any other developer does

DotDev Latvia

Sk Niyaj Ali niyajali
A Passionate Android Developer.

@skniyajali Kolkata,West Bengal,India

Nick Lemoncito nicklm0
👨‍💻Software Engineer | Passionate about Open Source and learning 📈 #100Devs

Philippines, Bacolod City Western Negros Occidental 6100

Abhinay Lunawat abhinay5993


Eldad A. Fux eldadfux
Code is poetry. Creator of @appwrite.

@appwrite Serververse

z♾️cityboy zoocityboy
Mobile developer since day 1 - Flutter, Dart, Kotlin, Swift / Discord: zoocityboy#6282

@printeastwoodcz Czechia

Vincent (Wen Yu) Ge gewenyu99
Hi, I'm a DevRel engineer @trunk-io! Ex: @appwrite. I do DevEx and make memes.

trunk-io Toronto

Manik manik-007
CMX Connect Host

CMX India

Yehor Smoliakov egorsmkv
Speech-to-Text, Text-to-Speech, Voice over Internet Protocol
Areeb Rafiq Areebey
"I have a penchant for big waves and small commits, and my passion lies in acquiring skills beyond mere knowledge."
Abdul Rehman AbdulRehmanGHub
Software Developer 🌐| Community Mentor 📢| Gold MLSA 🥇| Content Creator 📷


Rahul V Ramesh rahulvramesh
I need it, so I built it 🚀 🐼

FoundationFlow Inc. India / Indonesia

Rashid Armand rashidarmand
Software Engineer interested in learning new technologies and solving problems.

Brooklyn, NY

Zach Gover zgover
→ Leader • Engineer • Full-Stack Web + Native Mobile • PM/PMM ← Founder, CEO @ Aglyn LLC • Director of Marketing @ DuploCloud, Inc.

@aglyn @duplocloud Austin, TX

Vishal Mahto Vishal313-m
Software Engineer ||AWS || Data Structure and Algorithms || Problem Solving || Backend , React.js ,Javascript ,Node.js ,c++

India ,New Delhi

Andrew Wooldridge triptych
Javascript developer. RPG fan. Storyteller and game developer. Father and Husband.

eBay Oregon

Boboka download8866
Happy Code, Happy Everywhere , Happy Everyday.

SH or WH or LA

Prateek Banga fanatic75
I like reading and coding
Edwin slimpotatoboy
FullStack Developer

Freelancer Australia

Dheeraj Lalwani dheerajdlalwani
An Engineer in love with backend systems & web-dev. I'm always building, developing, fixing, learning or relaxing BECAUSE MENTAL HEALTH over everything else :-)

@OurTechCommunity Mumbai, India

Abhishek abhishekmishragithub
Learning & build errors 📖 🧮

Mumbai || Chennai, India

Arman ArmanNik
In ♥ with Svelte, currently working at @appwrite

@appwrite Italy

Yatharth Verma yatharth1706
🚀 Senior Software Engineer

Rajpura, Punjab, India

Laura Du Ry LauraDuRy
Growth Lead @appwrite

Appwrite Amsterdam

Artyom Gevorgyan gevorgyana [email protected] for work related stuff.

Student Ukraine

Roopesh Saravanan roopeshsn
Arista, Prev. Cisco, GSoC'23 @InternetHealthReport

Bengaluru, KA, IN

Aditya Oberai adityaoberai
Developer Advocate @ Appwrite | Microsoft MVP

@appwrite Bengaluru, India

Steven Nguyen stnguyen90
Tech enthusiast and problem solver

Appwrite California, US