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OxyGenius SolutionisTech
the "Real" Zero-knowledge guy. I learn only what I must learn in order to make my life easier. Hence, coding is a Chinese to me.. I am just using my mind.


Simple User User-4761
A curious guy


Lewin Kelly Heliodex
Svelte, TS, Luau, Go etc. The Unlicense is the greatest piece of text that humanity has ever been blessed with. 🟩 💚

@tp-link-extender Scotland

Liam liamacox
BCS/BBA Double Degree Student at University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University

Waterloo, Ontario

JustHuman228 JustHm228
Don't bother me, I'm drinking tea! ☕

Moscow, Russia

Shamil ashm-dev

Kartochka Tech Dagestan

Stev Leibelt stevleibelt Observable Universe/Local Superclusters/Laniakea Supercluster/Local Galactic Group/Milky Way Galaxy/Solar Interstellar Neighborhood/Solar System/Earth/Europe/Germany/Saxony/

suuze-linux suuze-linux
Open Source enthusiast, extensive Unix & Linux sysadmin experience, deep interest in Cyber Security.
Dervaux Esteban ArcadeCode
Young french developper who love learn new languages and cats 😺


or3ukra or3ukra
••• • ••• • ••• •
JafetFigueroaA1 JafetFigueroaA1
Comunicólogo de formación, Maestro por convicción, Músico por afición y Papá por puro amor 🖤🎵🎶


ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ d0n2-3D-rk0
ἡσυχία - haste is a tree whose fruit is regret
Thallysson Klein ThallyssonKlein

Florianopolis, SC - Brazil

Ivan ivanbistrovic

Wien, Österreich

Yvan Gauthier Sda392911
 Apple ecosystem developer. I work on MacOS, iOS and WatchOS.


David Ballarin Prunera dballari
Hi, I'm a WordPress expert and contributor. I design Block Editor themes and write small, practical plugins to meet specific needs.

Ballarin Consulting Mataró (Barcelona, Spain)

Karl Wester-Ebbinghaus Karl-WE
Senior Consultant for Microsoft on-premises and Microsoft Hybrid Cloud solutions (Azure Local, Azure Arc) #adaptivecloud


Chadin Chaipornpisuth PingHuskar

Silverlake Axis Bangkok, Thailand

Meksi Abdennour meksiabdou
Back-End & React-Native Developer

Freelancer Algerie

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Dean Harries deanharries

D'Harries Technology Australia

Umman Mammadov UMMAN2005
CNCF Kubestronaut ⎈ | Software & DevOps Engineer

Baku, Nizami, Azer Manafav 1

Enzo Lopes Cambraia Baptista enzodevs
I boost business with technological solutions 💻
