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Tracy B tlbadger09
Just an Insurance Agent trying to grow my business 😉

Badger Health Insurance LLC

Adrian Arroyo Ceja AdrianArroyoC
Senior Software Engineer, the force is strong in the code.

@emma-robot @plena-data México

RETEX Lin-Rexter
I'm a university student who enjoys coding and an OSS enthusiast.


Marcus S. Abildskov marcus-sa
Each step of our journey is made by following the heart instead of following the crowds and by choosing knowledge over the veils of ignorance.
Jakub Wąsik Eghizio
Full-Stack Developer 🎓 AGH   #selftaught

Schibsted Kraków, Poland

SX xzraul Shanghai

Kengo Nakajima kengonakajima
執行役員CTO @ monoAI technology nostr: npub13vgdtcp6rhw364q4pcrjvfuk0z8qmfalc6zreafa97tq0u8qw3wst474vh

monoAI technology Toyama

Chindriș Mihai Alexandru chindris-mihai-alexandru
memento mori

Siemens Romania Cluj-Napoca

Hiroto N. hironow

freelance Tokyo

Dhruv Malik dhruvmalik007
buildL / consultant for web3 , generative AI and security auditor

Frontier-tech Europe

Stanis stanis-chernes

@iqlabsorg Barcelona, Spain

Aljo Aljoberg
I'm a programmer who likes to code stuff. Crazy, right?


森淼 wincatcher


Gunisetti Gokul gokulcoder7
I like open source softwares and modules
xiaomao Feng hongmaoxiao
coding makes me happy


取款机 xhd


Jonatan jonidimo

La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Devasheesh Mishra devasheeshG
I am a developer, I develop bugs

@stapesai Delhi

Sonny Ram Blockchainnewbie
I grew up with computers and have always been fascinated by the technology.

DAA Essen, Germany

Ryan Gonyon Radical-Coder
Software Engineer & Educator


Shubham Sharma shubhhq

Stripe Bengaluru, India