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Dual Diagnosis Hub dualdiagnosishub

Dual Diagnosis Hub CIC United Kingdom

Christian Harke rake5k

@bluecare Langnau i. E., Switzerland

Muhammad mraza007
Ex @aws I am available for freelance/contract projects

New York

Maxime Alardo maxervo

Cisco Meraki San Francisco, CA

Yaroslav Mudriy brahmann
devops, developer, cw

lifec0re Kiev, Ukraine

LibreLeo - Open Scholarship libreleo
Supporting the development of open source software 🚀
RJ Larson rlarson20
Penn State Math '23

NYC, New York

Jakob Miksch JakobMiksch
Geospatial Developer

@siticom Heidelberg, Germany, Europe

Andrew Swait andrewswait
Consultant. Mostly Python 🐍 and Rust 🦀 (not that there's much to see here - most of it is client work in private repos).

Pragmatic Software Ltd UK

sean dreilinger sdreilinger beavercreek, oregon, US

Martin Bučko MartinBucko
Experienced DevOps Engineer with a deep passion for Linux systems and Cloud Architecture. Expert in Home Automation and dedicated to advancing in DevSec.

Slovakia, Košice

Fr3d xFr3d

Somewhere in the world...

LoreLLo lorello

OpenContent / Opencity Labs Pisa

Paul Werther FLX-0x00
White-Hat Hacker, Arch Linux enthusiast, OSCE³, OSED, OSEP, OSCP, OSWE, OSWP

@evait-security @greenhats-gmbh @avo-hq Germany

Tommi xplosionmind
I pretend to understand code

A galaxy far, far away

SimSon hofersimon
Hi, I’m Simon aka SimSon. I’m interested in Linux, Server, Programming and in general everything that has to do with tech.
Bryan A. S. bryanasdev000
Jack of all bytes.


Oscar B. OscarBeiro

TICGAL Pontevedra, Galiza (Spain)

Reinholds Zviedris zxpower
Xennial neo-generalist with PhD in CS doing DevOps/SRE (AWS, GCP, Terraform, Kubernetes, Docker)

@Estivador Riga, Latvia

Vinícius Viterbo viniciusvviterbo
I tap keyboards for a living. 💾
Turbo Ninh t18n
I am passionate about creating new things and admired creators.


Toby S tdsanchez
DevOps/SRE Platform Engineer VLSI Electrical Engineer

Phoenix, AZ, USA

pixie pixelcmtd
I like Vim and trains.

@chrissxMedia /usr/bin/env WindowServer

Mare Polaris ph00lt0

Operaciones Cibernéticas α Ursae Minoris