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DevOps Service
is the continuous delivery service of Choerodon. Current version: 0.21.0
DevOps Service integrated several open source tools to automate the process of planning
, coding
, building
, testing
, deployment
, operation
and monitoring
After a little simple configuration, you'll get the smoothest development experience.
DevOps Service
contains features as follows:
Application Service Management
: Manage the application serviceApplication service version management
: Manage the versions released during theContinuous Integration
process of the services, which can be deployed directly in theKubernetes
clusterCode management & version control
: Manage the code of the application service with version controlBranch management
: Able to operate the git branches of the application serviceCode Quality Analysis
:data of code quality are collected duringCI
is integrated.Continuous Integration Overview
: Glance at theContinuous Integration
processDeployment Management
: Deploy the versions fromCI
Continuous Deployment Pipeline Management
: Achieve theContinuous Deployment
by workflowResource Management
: Manage the resource(e.g., secret)Cluster Management
: Manage the cluster ofKubernetes
DevOps Service
is based on java8 - GitLab:
is used as code repository. At the same time,Continuous Integration
based onGitLab Runner
is used to complete code compilation, unit test execution, code quality analysis, docker image generation, helm chart packaging, service version releasing and other automated processes - Harbor: Enterprise Docker registry service for hosting the docker images for the service versions
- Kubernetes: Container orchestration management tool for deploying the helm chart packages corresponding to the service versions
- ChartMuseum: Helm Chart Repository server., which is used to store the helm chart package corresponding to the service versions
- Sonarqube: SonarQube empowers all developers to write cleaner and safer code for application services
- MySQL: one of the most popular relational databases, for data persistence of
DevOps Service
- Redis: In-memory database for data caching and partial non-persistent data storage
: Register server, in place ofeureka-server
:Iam servicechoerodon-gateway
: Gateway servicechoerodon-oauth
: Oauth servicechoerodon-asgard
: Transaction consistency servicechoerodon-message
: Notify servicegitlab-service
:Service to communicate with gitlabworkflow-service
:Workflow serviceagile-service
:Agile service
:server: port: 8060 spring: application: name: devops-service cloud: config: failFast: true retry: maxAttempts: 6 multiplier: 1.5 maxInterval: 2000 uri: localhost:8010 enabled: false mvc: static-path-pattern: /** resources: static-locations: classpath:/static,classpath:/public,classpath:/resources,classpath:/META-INF/resources,file:/dist management: server: port: 8061 endpoints: web: exposure: include: '*'
:spring: datasource: url: jdbc:mysql://localhost/devops_service?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&useSSL=false username: choerodon password: choerodon hikari: maximum-pool-size: 15 redis: host: localhost database: ${SPRING_REDIS_DATABASE:1} http: encoding: charset: UTF-8 force: true enabled: true services: harbor: baseUrl: "harbor.example.com" # harbor url username: "123456" # harbor username password: "123456" # password corresponding to harbor user insecureSkipTlsVerify: false gitlab: url: "gitlab.example.com" # gitlab url sshUrl: "gitlab.example.com" # gitlab url for ssh operations projectLimit: 100 # the limit of the project number that a user can create helm: url: "helm.example.com" # the repository url to place helm charts gateway: url: "http://api.example.com" # the domain of the hzero gateway hzero: websocket: # the path for websocket connection websocket: /websocket # consistent with the redis db above redisDb: ${SPRING_REDIS_DATABASE:1} # the secret for websocket secretKey: devops_ws choerodon: saga: consumer: core-thread-num: 20 max-thread-num: 20 # consumer thread number poll-interval: 3 # the interval for polling messages, default 1s enabled: true # whether to enable consumer client schedule: consumer: enabled: true # enable schedule consume thread-num: 1 # thread number for consuming poll-interval-ms: 1000 # the interval for polling messages, default 1000ms resource: jwt: ignore: /workflow/**, /sonar/**, /ci, /sonar/info, /v2/api-docs, /agent/**, /ws/**, /gitlab/email, /webhook/**, /v2/choerodon/**, /choerodon/**, /actuator/**, /prometheus, /devops/**, /pre_stop, /websocket agent: version: "0.5.0" # expect choerodon-agent version for this devops-service version serviceUrl: "agent.example.com" # url for choerodon-agent to connect devops-service certManagerUrl: "agent.example.com" # the location to store the CertManager for installation repoUrl: "helm.example.com" # the location to store the agent package itself for installation mybatis: mapperLocations: classpath*:/mapper/*.xml configuration: mapUnderscoreToCamelCase: true feign: hystrix: shareSecurityContext: true command: default: execution: isolation: thread: timeoutInMilliseconds: 30000 ribbon: ConnectTimeout: 50000 ReadTimeout: 50000 asgard-servie: ribbon: ConnectTimeout: 50000 ReadTimeout: 50000 # websocket max buffer size (byte) websocket: buffer: maxTextMessageSize: 4194304 maxBinaryMessageSize: 4194304
create database
, create userchoerodon
and grant permission:CREATE USER 'choerodon'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY "choerodon"; CREATE DATABASE devops_service DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON devops_service.* TO choerodon@'%'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
pull source code of
DevOps Service
:git clone https://github.com/choerodon/devops-service.git
Execute command in the project root directory:
mvn clean package spring-boot:repackage -Dmaven.test.skip=true && bash init-database.sh
Run with the following commands or run
directly in the integrated environment:mvn clean spring-boot:run
If you find any shortcomings or bugs, please describe them in the issue.
Pull requests are welcomed! Follow to know for more information on how to contribute.