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superstack - use openstack client with multiple openstack environments the easy way

You may like superstack if you regularly have the following problems:

  • You hate trying to source multiple stackrc files when using openstack
  • You get your terminals confused and do the wrong things in the wrong openstack environment
  • You don't like remembering things
  • You want to keep sensitive API keys and passwords out of plain text configuration files (see the "Working with keyrings" section toward the end)
  • You need to share common skeleton environment variables for openstack with your teams

If any of these complaints ring true, superstack is for you. superstack manages multiple openstack environments without sourcing stackrc's or mucking with environment variables.

First world problems - openstack style


git clone git://
cd superstack
python install


For superstack to work properly, each environment must be defined in ~/.superstack (in your user's home directory). The data in the file is exactly the same as the environment variables which you would normally use when running openstack. You can copy/paste from your stackrc files directly into configuration sections within ~/.superstack.

Here's an example of two environments, production and development:

OS_USERNAME = jsmith
OS_PASSWORD = fd62afe2-4686-469f-9849-ceaa792c55a6
OS_TENANT_NAME = stack-production

OS_USERNAME = jsmith
OS_PASSWORD = 40318069-6069-4d9f-836d-a46df17fc8d1
OS_TENANT_NAME = stack-development

When you use superstack, you'll refer to these environments as production and development. Every environment is specified by its configuration header name.


superstack [--debug] [--list] [environment] [openstack client arguments...]

-h, --help   show this help message and exit
-d, --debug  show oppenstack client debug output (overrides OSCLIENT_DEBUG)
-l, --list   list all configured environments
Passing commands to openstack

For example, if you wanted to list all instances within the production environment:

superstack production server list

Show a particular instance's data in the preprod environment:

superstack preprod server show 3edb6dac-5a75-486a-be1b-3b15fd5b4ab0a

The first argument is generally the environment argument and it is expected to be a single word without spaces. Any text after the environment argument is passed directly to openstack.

Debug override

You may optionally pass --debug as the first argument (before the environment argument) to see additional debug information about the requests being made to the API:

superstack --debug production server list

As before, any text after the environment argument is passed directly to openstack.

Listing your configured environments

You can list all of your configured environments by using the --list argument.

Working with keyrings

Due to security policies at certain companies or due to general paranoia, some users may not want API keys or passwords stored in a plaintext superstack configuration file. Luckily, support is now available (via the keyring module) for storing any configuration value within your operating system's keychain. This has been tested on the following platforms:

  • Mac: Keychain
  • Linux: gnome-keyring, kwallet (keyring will determine the backend to use based on the system type and configuration. Make sure if you're using linux without Gnome/KDE that you have pycrypto and simplejson/json installed so CryptedFileKeyring is supported or you end up with UncryptedFileKeyring and your keyring won't be encrypted)

To get started, you'll need to choose an environment and a configuration option. Here's an example of some data you might not want to keep in plain text:

superstack-keyring --set production OS_PASSWORD

TIP: If you need to use the same data for multiple environments, you can use a global credential item very easily:

superstack-keyring --set global MyCompanySSO

Once it's stored, you can test a retrieval:

# Normal, per-environment storage
superstack-keyring --get production OS_PASSWORD

# Global storage
superstack-keyring --get global MyCompanySSO

You'll need to confirm that you want the data from your keychain displayed in plain text (to hopefully thwart shoulder surfers).

Once you've stored your sensitive data, simply adjust your superstack configuration file:

#OS_PASSWORD = really_sensitive_api_key_here

# If using storage per environment

# If using global storage

When superstack reads your configuration file and spots a value of USE_KEYRING, it will look for credentials stored under OS_PASSWORD for that environment automatically. If your keyring doesn't have a corresponding credential, you'll get an exception.

A brief note about environment variables

superstack will only replace and/or append environment variables to the already present variables for the duration of the openstack execution. If you have OS_USERNAME set outside the script, it won't be used in the script since the script will pull data from ~/.superstack and use it to run openstack. In addition, any variables which are set prior to running superstack will be left unaltered when the script exits.