A marketplace where the viewers can "buy" things with your points system.
"extension": "Market",
"enabled": true,
"data": {
"channel": "#<YOUR_CHANNEL_NAME>", // 1
"i18n": { // 2
"productNotFound": "The product doesn't exist!",
"usage": "Usage of !buy => !buy <produit> <paramètres>",
"weHaveThisProducts": "Here is what I can sell: #PRODUCTS#",
"youDontHaveEnoughPoints": "@#USER# you're too poor to afford this product!"
"products": [
{ // 3
"name": "command",
"price": 200,
"steps": [ // 4
"type": "command",
"command": "!cmd permanent !#USER# #PARAMS#"
"type": "sound",
"sound": "positive"
// 1
This extension can react to a specific stream (for example: "#gnu_coding_cafe").
// 2
This block contains sentences that can be translated in the language of your stream.
// 3
This block defines one product available in your marketplace, you can configure several
products below. Each product have to define : a name, a price and a list of things to do.
// 4
The steps are the things to do when someone bought the product (see Action steps).. In the example above, two
things will happen:
- Execution of the command on behalf of the streamer
- A sound (configure in Sound extension) will be played
The commands:
(e.g.!buy command Of everything, look to the sunny part.