What can we observe without further instrumentation?
Deploy the petclinic
$ cd ~/o11y-workshop/spring-petclinic
$ docker-compose up -d
Run a load on your petclinic by executing
hey -n 20000 -c 300 "https://petclinic.$(hostname).workshop.o11ystack.org/owners?lastName=$(hostname)"
Open a second shell and lets see what we can find out
docker stats
docker logs [CONTAINER_ID]
We prepared some endpoints to activate and deactivate a certain buggy behavior within your petclinic. Try to activate some and let's execute the load test again...
curl "https://petclinic.$(hostname).workshop.o11ystack.org/bugs/memory"
curl "https://petclinic.$(hostname).workshop.o11ystack.org/bugs/cpu"
curl "https://petclinic.$(hostname).workshop.o11ystack.org/bugs/locking"