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Symbol Picker |
The search box below uses fuzzy matching. Click/tap on a symbol to copy it to your clipboard.
const symbols = {
"⌃": "Up Arrowhead (Control Key)",
"⌥": "Option Key",
"⇧": "Upwards White Arrow (Shift Key)",
"⌘": "Place of Interest Sign (Command Key)",
"←": "Leftwards Arrow",
"→": "Rightwards Arrow",
"↑": "Upwards Arrow",
"↓": "Downwards Arrow",
"⎋": "Broken Circle with Northwest Arrow (Escape Key)",
"⇪": "Upwards White Arrow From Bar (Caps Lock)",
"⏎": "Return Symbol",
"⏏︎": "Eject Symbol",
"⇥": "Righwards Arrow to Bar (Tab Right)",
"⇤": "Leftwards Arrow to Bar (Tab Left)",
"␣": "Open Box (Space Key)",
"⌤": "Up Arrowhead Between Two Horizontal Bars (Enter Key)",
"⌦": "Erase to the Right (Forward Delete)",
"⌫": "Erase to the Left (Delete)",
"↖︎": "North West Arrow (Home)",
"↘︎": "South East Arrow (End)",
"⇞": "Upwards Arrow with Double Stroke (Page Up)",
"⇟": "Downwards Arrow with Double Stroke (Page Down)",
"§": "Section Sign",
"¶": "Pilcrow Sign (Paragraph)",
"•": "Bullet",
"ª": "Feminine Ordinal Indicator",
"º": "Masculine Ordinal Indicator",
"≥": "Greater-Than or Equal To",
"≤": "Less-Than or Equal To",
"≠": "Not Equal To",
"≈": "Almost Equal To",
"⨉": "N-ary Times Operator",
"×": "Multiplication Sign",
"÷": "Division Sign",
"√": "Square Root",
"−": "Minus Sign",
"±": "Plus-Minus Sign",
"∑": "N-ary Summation",
"Δ": "Greek Capital Letter Delta",
"π": "Greek Small Letter Pi",
"ε": "Greek Small Letter Epsilon",
"α": "Greek Small Letter Alpha",
"β": "Greek Small Letter Beta",
"θ": "Greek Small Letter Theta",
"ɸ": "Greek Small Letter Phi",
"σ": "Greek Small Letter Sigma",
"∈": "Element Of",
"∉": "Not Element Of",
"∩": "Intersection",
"∪": "Union",
"∀": "For All",
"∁": "Complement",
"∂": "Partial Differential",
"℮": "Estimated Symbol",
"∃": "There Exists",
"∄": "There Does Not Exist",
"∅": "Empty Set",
"⊂": "Subset Of",
"⊃": "Superset Of",
"⊄": "Not a Subset Of",
"⊅": "Not a Superset Of",
"⊆": "Subset Of or Equal To",
"⊇": "Superset Of or Equal To",
"⊈": "Not a Subset Of or Equal To",
"⊉": "Not a Superset Of or Equal To",
"⊊": "Subset Of With Not Equal To",
"⊋": "Superset Of With Not Equal To",
"∋": "Contains as Member",
"∌": "Does Not Contain as Member",
"∧": "Logical And",
"∨": "Logical Or",
"≪": "Much Less Than",
"≫": "Much Greater Than",
"∏": "N-ary Product",
"∐": "N-ary Coproduct",
"∕": "Division Slash",
"∛": "Cube Root",
"∟": "Right Angle",
"∠": "Angle",
"∡": "Measured Angle",
"∥": "Parallel To",
"∦": "Not Parallel To",
"∴": "Therefore",
"∵": "Because",
"∶": "Ratio",
"∷": "Proportion",
"∿": "Sine Wave",
"≃": "Approximately Equal To",
"≅": "Congruent To",
"∝": "Proportional To",
"⌀": "Diameter Sign",
"µ": "Micro Sign",
"Ω": "Ohm Sign",
"㏀": "Square K Ohm",
"㏁": "Square M Ohm",
"Σ": "Greek Capital Letter Sigma",
"‐": "Hyphen",
"–": "En Dash",
"—": "Em Dash",
"‰": "Per Mille Sign (Per Thousand)",
"‱": "Per Ten Thousand Sign",
"✄": "Cut Above",
"✪": "Circled White Star",
"〄": "Japanese Industrial Standard Symbol",
"㉿": "Korean Standard Symbol",
"⚡︎": "High Voltage Sign",
"♻︎": "Recycling Symbol",
"ƒ": "Function",
"●": "Black Circle",
"◼︎": "Black Medium Square",
"♪": "Eighth Note",
"♫": "Beamed Eighth Notes",
"♯": "Music Sharp Sign",
"♭": "Music Flat Sign",
"♮": "Music Natural Sign",
"♩": "Quarter Note",
"♬": "Beamed Sixteenth Notes",
"𝄞": "Musical Symbol G Clef (Treble Clef)",
"𝄢": "Musical Symbol F Clef (Bass Clef)",
"𝄡": "Musical Symbol C Clef",
"𝄆": "Musical Symbol Left Repeat Sign",
"𝄇": "Musical Symbol Right Repeat Sign",
"▶︎": "Black Right-Pointing Triangle",
"©": "Copyright",
"®": "Registered Trademark",
"™": "Trademark",
"“": "Left Double Quotation Mark",
"”": "Right Double Quotation Mark",
"‘": "Left Single Quotation Mark",
"’": "Right Single Quotation Mark",
"⅛": "Fraction One Eighth",
"¼": "Fraction One Quarter",
"⅜": "Fraction Three Eighths",
"½": "Fraction One Half",
"⅝": "Fraction Five Eighths",
"¾": "Fraction Three Quarter",
"⅞": "Fraction Seven Eighths",
"⁄": "Fraction Slash",
"℀": "Account Of",
"℁": "Addressed To The Subject",
"℅": "Care Of",
"℆": "Cada Una",
"∞": "Infinity",
"£": "Pound Sign (Currency)",
"€": "Euro Sign (Currency)",
"¥": "Yen Sign (Currency)",
"₩": "Won Sign (Currency)",
"¢": "Cent Sign (Currency)",
"¤": "Currency Sign",
"œ": "Lowercase Ligature OE",
"Œ": "Uppercase Ligature OE",
"æ": "Lowercase Ligature AE",
"Æ": "Uppercase Ligature AE",
"‹": "Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark",
"›": "Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark",
"°": "Degree Sign",
"℃": "Degree Celcius",
"℉": "Degree Fahrenheit",
"·": "Middle Dot (interpunct, centered dot)",
"‚": "Single Low-9 Quotation Mark",
"„": "Double Low-9 Quotation Mark",
"№": "Numero Sign",
"": "Private Use Area-F8FF (Apple Logo)",
"℞": "Prescription Take (Rx)",
"✔": "Check Mark (Ballot Check)",
"✗": "Ballot X",
"☐": "Ballot Box",
"☑︎": "Ballot Box With Check",
"☒": "Ballot Box With X",
"☞": "White Right Pointing Index",
"ℹ︎": "Information Source",
"☃︎": "Snowman",
"♠︎": "Black Spade Suit",
"♣︎": "Black Club Suit",
"♥︎": "Black Heart Suit",
"♦︎": "Black Diamond Suit",
"♚": "Black Chess King",
"♛": "Black Chess Queen",
"♜": "Black Chess Rook",
"♝": "Black Chess Bishop",
"♞": "Black Chess Knight",
"♟": "Black Chess Pawn",
"♔": "White Chess King",
"♕": "White Chess Queen",
"♖": "White Chess Rook",
"♗": "White Chess Bishop",
"♘": "White Chess Knight",
"♙": "White Chess Pawn",
"✈︎": "Airplane",
"⚓︎": "Anchor",
"‼︎": "Double Exclamation Mark",
"⁇": "Double Question Mark",
"⁈": "Question Exclamation Mark",
"⁉︎": "Exclamation Question Mark",
"‽": "Interrobang",
"⸘": "Inverted Interrobang",
"¡": "Inverted Exclamation Mark",
"¿": "Inverted Question Mark",
"⁰": "Superscript Zero",
"¹": "Superscript One",
"²": "Superscript Two",
"³": "Superscript Three",
"⁴": "Superscript Four",
"⁵": "Superscript Five",
"⁶": "Superscript Six",
"⁷": "Superscript Seven",
"⁸": "Superscript Eight",
"⁹": "Superscript Nine",
"ⁱ": "Superscript Small Letter I",
"ᵃ": "Superscript Small Letter A",
"ᵇ": "Superscript Small Letter B",
"ᶜ": "Superscript Small Letter C",
"ᵈ": "Superscript Small Letter D",
"ᵉ": "Superscript Small Letter E",
"ᶠ": "Superscript Small Letter F",
"ᵍ": "Superscript Small Letter G",
"ʰ": "Superscript Small Letter H",
"ⁱ": "Superscript Small Letter I",
"ʲ": "Superscript Small Letter J",
"ᵏ": "Superscript Small Letter K",
"ˡ": "Superscript Small Letter L",
"ᵐ": "Superscript Small Letter M",
"ⁿ": "Superscript Small Letter N",
"ᵒ": "Superscript Small Letter O",
"ᵖ": "Superscript Small Letter P",
"ʳ": "Superscript Small Letter R",
"ˢ": "Superscript Small Letter S",
"ᵗ": "Superscript Small Letter T",
"ᵘ": "Superscript Small Letter U",
"ᵛ": "Superscript Small Letter V",
"ʷ": "Superscript Small Letter W",
"ˣ": "Superscript Small Letter X",
"ʸ": "Superscript Small Letter Y",
"ᶻ": "Superscript Small Letter Z",
"₀": "Subscript Zero",
"₁": "Subscript One",
"₂": "Subscript Two",
"₃": "Subscript Three",
"₄": "Subscript Four",
"₅": "Subscript Five",
"₆": "Subscript Six",
"₇": "Subscript Seven",
"₈": "Subscript Eight",
"₉": "Subscript Nine",
"₊": "Subscript Plus Sign",
"₋": "Subscript Minus Sign",
"₌": "Subscript Equals Sign",
"₍": "Subscript Left Parenthesis",
"₎": "Subscript Right Parenthesis",
"ₐ": "Subscript Small Letter A",
"ₑ": "Subscript Small Letter E",
"ₒ": "Subscript Small Letter O",
"ₓ": "Subscript Small Letter X",
"ₔ": "Subscript Small Letter Schwa",
"ₕ": "Subscript Small Letter H",
"ₖ": "Subscript Small Letter K",
"ₗ": "Subscript Small Letter L",
"ₘ": "Subscript Small Letter M",
"ₙ": "Subscript Small Letter N",
"ₚ": "Subscript Small Letter P",
"ₛ": "Subscript Small Letter S",
"ₜ": "Subscript Small Letter T",
"₊": "Subscript Plus Sign",
"₋": "Subscript Minus Sign",
"₌": "Subscript Equals Sign",
"₍": "Subscript Left Parenthesis",
"₎": "Subscript Right Parenthesis",
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
const inputElement = document.querySelector('.search');
const clearBtn = document.querySelector('.clear-btn');
inputElement.addEventListener('input', () => {
updateMatches(); = inputElement.value ? 'block' : 'none';
clearBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
inputElement.value = ''; = 'none';
function fuzzyMatch(haystack, needle) {
let haystackIndex = 0;
let needleIndex = 0;
let haystackIndexLastMatch = -1;
let matchGaps = [];
haystack = haystack.toLowerCase();
needle = needle.toLowerCase();
while (haystackIndex < haystack.length && needleIndex < needle.length) {
if (haystack[haystackIndex] === needle[needleIndex]) {
if (haystackIndexLastMatch >= 0) {
// `haystackIndex - haystackIndexLastMatch - 1` may overrepresent
// the gap between matches due to greedy matching, so we search
// backwards to find the actual gap. This correction may be overly
// charitable if the haystack has multiple instances of the same
// character, but it's well worth the improvement in identifying
// exact matches.
// For example, the needle "note" should match "beamed sixteenth
// notes" with no gaps, but without this correction there would
// be a gap of 4 ("th n").
let gap = haystackIndex - haystackIndexLastMatch - 1;
for (let i = haystackIndex - 1; i > haystackIndexLastMatch; i--) {
if (haystack[i] === needle[needleIndex - 1]) {
gap = haystackIndex - i - 1;
if (gap > 0) {
haystackIndexLastMatch = haystackIndex;
if (needleIndex !== needle.length) {
// No match: not all needle characters were found in sequence
return 0;
return 1 / => Math.log(gap + 1)).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
function updateMatches() {
const inputElement = document.querySelector('.search');
const parent = document.querySelector(".symbols");
let filteredSymbols = inputElement.value == "" ? symbols :
.map(([symbol, description]) => [symbol, { description, score: fuzzyMatch(description, inputElement.value) }])
.filter(([symbol, { score }]) => score !== 0)
.sort((a, b) => b[1].score - a[1].score)
.map(([symbol, { description }]) => [symbol, description]));
parent.innerHTML = "";
for (const [symbol, description] of Object.entries(filteredSymbols)) {
const elem = document.createElement("div");
elem.classList = "symbol";
elem.textContent = symbol;
elem.title = description;
elem.addEventListener("click", () => {
const symbol = elem.textContent;
elem.textContent = "Copied!";
elem.classList = "symbol-clicked";
setTimeout(() => {
elem.textContent = symbol;
elem.classList = "symbol";
}, 1000);