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Zeek-Parser-DHCPv4-COM is a plug-in created by referring to Zeek's original DHCPv4 (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv4) plug-in.


Installation with Package Manager

This plug-in is provided as a package for Zeek Package Manger.

It can be installed by executing the commands below.

zkg refresh
zkg install zeek-parser-DHCPv4-COM

Manual Installation

Before using this plug-in, please make sure Zeek, Spicy has been installed.

# Check Zeek
~$ zeek -version
zeek version 5.0.0

# Check Spicy
~$ spicyz -version
~$ spicyc -version
spicyc v1.5.0 (d0bc6053)

# As a premise, the path of zeek in this manual is as below
~$ which zeek

Use git clone to get a copy of this repository to your local environment.

~$ git clone


For installation using a package manager

mydhcp.log will be generated by the command below:

zeek -Cr /usr/local/zeek/var/lib/zkg/clones/package/zeek-parser-DHCPv4-COM/testing/Traces/test.pcap zeek-parser-DHCPv4-COM

For manual installation

Compile source code and copy the object files to the following path.

~$ cd ~/zeek-parser-DHCPv4-COM/analyzer
~$ spicyz -o dhcpv4.hlto dhcpv4.spicy zeek_dhcpv4.spicy dhcpv4.evt
# dhcpv4.hlto will be generated
~$ cp dhcpv4.hlto /usr/local/zeek/lib/zeek-spicy/modules/

Then, copy the zeek file to the following paths.

~$ cd ~/zeek-parser-DHCPv4-COM/scripts/
~$ cp main.zeek /usr/local/zeek/share/zeek/site/MYDHCP.zeek

Finally, import the Zeek plugin.

~$ tail /usr/local/zeek/share/zeek/site/local.zeek
... Omit ...
@load DHCPV4

This plug-in generates a mydhcp.log by the command below:

~$ cd ~/zeek-parser-DHCPv4-COM/testing/Traces
~$ zeek -Cr test.pcap /usr/local/zeek/share/zeek/site/MYDHCP.zeek

Log type and description

This plug-in monitors all functions of mydhcp and outputs them as mydhcp.log.

Field Type Description
ts time timestamp of the communication
SrcIP addr source IP address
SrcMAC string source MAC address
Hostname string name of the host
ParameterList vector[count] configuration information in messages exchanged between DHCP client and DHCP server
ClassId string device type and version information

An example of mydhcp.log is as follows:

#separator \x09
#set_separator	,
#empty_field	(empty)
#unset_field	-
#path	mydhcp
#open	2023-09-13-05-55-51
#fields	ts	SrcIP	SrcMAC	Hostname	ParameterList	ClassId
#types	time	addr	string	string	vector[count]	string
1539480862.362578	32:05:33:83:b1:e7	DESKTOP-QVGI2E4	1,3,6,15,31,33,43,44,46,47,119,121,249,252	MSFT 5.0
1539567778.980630	32:05:33:83:b1:e7	DESKTOP-QVGI2E4	1,3,6,15,31,33,43,44,46,47,119,121,249,252	MSFT 5.0
#close	2023-09-13-05-55-55

Related Software

This plug-in is used by OsecT.

Related Work

  • spicy-dhcp - Another Spicy-based DHCPv4 plug-in for Zeek.

Log Difference (DHCPv4-COM vs Zeek Original Log)

Field DHCPv4-COM Zeek Original Log Description
ts timestamp of the communication
SrcIP ◯ (client_addr) source IP address
SrcMAC ◯ (mac) source MAC address
Hostname ◯ (host_name) name of the host
ParameterList x configuration information in messages exchanged between DHCP client and DHCP server
ClassId x device type and version information
uids x unique identifier assigned to the communication
server_addr x IP address of the DHCP server
client_fqdn x fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the DHCP client
domain x domain name to which the DHCP client belongs
requested_addr x IP address requested by the DHCP client
assigned_addr x IP address assigned to the client by the DHCP server
lease_time x lease time of the IP address assigned to the DHCP client
client_message x message from the DHCP client
server_message x message from the DHCP server
msg_types x type of the message
duration x duration of the communication