Zeek-Parser-CCLinkTSNSLMP is a Zeek plug-in that can analyze IP frame in CC-Link IE TSN of the CC-Link family.
This plug-in is provided as a package for Zeek Package Manger.
It can be installed by executing the commands below.
zkg refresh
zkg install zeek-parser-CCLinkTSNSLMP
Before using this plug-in, please make sure Zeek, Spicy has been installed.
# Check Zeek
~$ zeek -version
zeek version 5.0.0
# Check Spicy
~$ spicyz -version
~$ spicyc -version
spicyc v1.5.0 (d0bc6053)
# The path of zeek in this manual is based on the following output
~$ which zeek
Use git clone
to get a copy of this repository to your local environment.
~$ git clone https://github.com/nttcom/zeek-parser-CCLinkTSNSLMP.git
Compile source code and copy the object files to the following path.
~$ cd ~/zeek-parser-CCLinkTSNSLMP/analyzer
~$ spicyz -o cc_link_tsn_slmp.hlto cc_link_tsn_slmp.spicy cc_link_tsn_slmp.evt
# cc_link_tsn_slmp.hlto is generated
~$ cp cc_link_tsn_slmp.hlto /usr/local/zeek/lib/zeek-spicy/modules/
Then, copy the zeek file to the following paths.
~$ cd ~/zeek-parser-CCLinkTSNSLMP/scripts/
~$ cp main.zeek /usr/local/zeek/share/zeek/site/cc_link_tsn_slmp.zeek
Finally, import the Zeek plugin.
~$ tail /usr/local/zeek/share/zeek/site/local.zeek
... Omit ...
@load cc_link_tsn_slmp
This plug-in generates a cclink-ie-tsn-slmp.log
by the command below:
~$ cd ~/zeek-parser-CCLinkTSNSLMP/testing/Traces
~$ zeek -Cr test.pcap /usr/local/zeek/share/zeek/site/cc_link_tsn_slmp.zeek
This plug-in monitors all functions of IP frame in CC-Link IE TSN and outputs them as cclink-ie-tsn-slmp.log
Field | Type | Description |
ts | time | timestamp of the first communication |
uid | string | unique ID for this connection |
id.orig_h | addr | source IP address |
id.orig_p | port | source port number |
id.resp_h | addr | destination IP address |
id.resp_p | port | destination port number |
service | string | protocol name |
flame_type | string | data frame name |
pdu_type | string | protocol function name |
cmd | string | specification of operations for the station with command and subcommand |
number | int | number of packet occurrence |
ts_end | time | timestamp of the last communication |
An example of cclink-ie-tsn-slmp.log
is as follows:
#separator \x09
#set_separator ,
#empty_field (empty)
#unset_field -
#path cclink-ie-tsn-slmp
#open 2023-11-08-08-01-46
#fields ts uid id.orig_h id.orig_p id.resp_h id.resp_p service flame_type pdu_type cmd number ts_end
#types time string addr port addr port string string string string int time
1695784130.196558 CeiMXE22eYUYMBHZsj 45238 45238 cclink_ie_tsn ip slmp-notification ResNotification 10 1695784186.147303
1695784131.117451 CeiMXE22eYUYMBHZsj 45238 45238 cclink_ie_tsn ip slmp-networkConfigTslt ReqNetworkConfigTslt 10 1695784187.077320
1695784131.151672 CeiMXE22eYUYMBHZsj 45238 45238 cclink_ie_tsn ip slmp-slaveConfig ReqSlaveConfig 10 1695784187.112323
1695784130.563997 CeiMXE22eYUYMBHZsj 45238 45238 cclink_ie_tsn ip slmp-cyclicConfigRcvSrcInfo ReqCyclicConfigRcvSrcInfo 10 1695784186.521313
1695784130.563923 CeiMXE22eYUYMBHZsj 45238 45238 cclink_ie_tsn ip slmp-cyclicConfigTrnSubPayload ReqCyclicConfigTrnSubPayload 10 1695784186.521220
1695784130.563802 CeiMXE22eYUYMBHZsj 45238 45238 cclink_ie_tsn ip slmp-cyclicConfigMain ReqCyclicConfigMain 10 1695784186.521153
#close 2023-11-08-08-01-46
This plug-in is used by OsecT.