diff --git a/development.md b/development.md index a233bbe..78ba038 100644 --- a/development.md +++ b/development.md @@ -54,3 +54,15 @@ yarn link makecode-core makecode-browser Make sure you run `yarn compile` inside of `makecode-core` and `makecode-browser` to build the packages! +## Publishing the Extension + +The extension is published through an Azure DevOps Pipeline: [vscode-makecode release publishing pipeline](https://dev.azure.com/devdiv/DevDiv/_build?definitionId=18132) + +Click "Run Pipeline" in the upper right, then check (or uncheck) the `isPrerelease` box in the flyout that appears as needed. The other fields should be okay with their default values. + +You will likely need to update the PAT used to auth to the vscode marketplace. To do this: +1. Go to your Azure DevOps User Settings -> Personal Access Tokens ([here](https://dev.azure.com/devdiv/_usersSettings/tokens)). +2. Create a new PAT. Set the scope to "Custom Defined" and then scroll down to "Marketplace" and give "Read", "Publish", and "Manage" permissions to the PAT. +3. With the new PAT, go to the "makecode-marketplace-pat" variable group under Pipelines -> Library. ([here](https://dev.azure.com/devdiv/DevDiv/_library?itemType=VariableGroups&view=VariableGroupView&variableGroupId=462&path=makecode-marketplace-pat)) +4. Find the `marketplace-pat` variable, update it with your new PAT, and click "Save" at the top of the page. +5. Now run the pipeline