All notable changes to the "Azure Api Management VS Code" extension will be documented in this file.
- Remove the dependency to Azure Account extension
- Update api-version to 2022-08-01
- Upgrade deprecated packages used in the extension
- Remove the experimental Scaffold Azure Functions functionality due to deprecated packages, ensuring better stability for future updates
- Fixed loading API Management instances when expanding an Azure subscription
- Update api-version to 2019-12-01
- Fix issue with policy debugging
- Overridding fevents version to move off a vulnerable package
- Enable Authorizations in Consumption Sku
- Update to latest API Management devops resource kit
- Authorization Manager feature preview.
- Authorization Providers, Authorizations, Access Policies Management
- Provide Subscription Management Support
- Support importing Function App with Swagger file
- Minor bug fixes.
- Add Self-hosted gateway debugging
- Added policy support for Dapr
- Minor bug fixes.
- Migrate to new Azure VScode Tools
- Update to latest Azure API Management SDKs
- Switch / Release API Revisions
- API filter
- Import Azure Function/Web App from different Subscriptions
- Small bug fixes
- Scaffold Azure Functions
- Show diffs against last saved version
- Policy debugging
- Fixed OpenAPI host URL
- Fixed provisioning APIM instance error
- Migrate Vscode Extesion to latest APIM Arm SDK
- Import Azure Functions HttpTriggers.
- Import App Service WebApp.
- Manage APIs for Self-hosted gateways.
- Generate Docker command for Self-hosted gateways.
- Generate Kubernetes deployment file for Self-hosted gateways.
- Check for newer csharp extension for policy editing.
- Experimental Intellisense support for policy editing.
- Integrate DevOps ResourceKit Extract functionality.
- Remove repeating protocol segments from OpenApi file.
- Marketplace badges to readme.
- Display name of extension.
- Create and delete an API Management instance
- Create an API by importing itsan OpenAPI specification
- Edit APIs and operations in Azure Resource Manager or OpenAPI formats
- Edit policies at any scope
- Associate an API with a product
- Create, delete, and edit Named Values
- Test an API using REST Client
- Command Palette support for most features