diff --git a/docs/projects.md b/docs/projects.md
index 3809f0d9a2a..e24030b4b05 100644
--- a/docs/projects.md
+++ b/docs/projects.md
@@ -123,4 +123,3 @@
[How to Make a Game Videos](/how-to-make-a-game),
[John Park's Workshop](/john-parks-workshop)
diff --git a/docs/skillmap/clicker-themed/clickert1.md b/docs/skillmap/clicker-themed/clickert1.md
index d23c4b2d44e..776dce3b5b9 100644
--- a/docs/skillmap/clicker-themed/clickert1.md
+++ b/docs/skillmap/clicker-themed/clickert1.md
@@ -9,17 +9,17 @@ Let's make a clicker game!
## {Step 2}
-**This game will test your speed as you click as quickly as possible to earn points.**
-⭐ ⭐ ⭐
+**This game will test your speed as you click as quickly as possible to earn points.**
+⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Let's prep the stage by adding a background.
-- :tree: Open the ``||scene:Scene||`` category and drag
-``||scene: set background image to [ ]||``
-into the ``||loops:on start||``
+- :tree: Open the ``||scene:Scene||`` category and drag
+``||scene: set background image to [ ]||``
+into the ``||loops:on start||``
container that's already in the workspace.
- :mouse pointer: When you're done, click **Next** to see the next step.
@@ -38,14 +38,14 @@ scene.setBackgroundImage(img`
## {Step 3}
-**Choose your background!**
+**Choose your background!**
🖼 🖼 🖼
-- :paint brush: Click the grey box inside
-``||scene: set background image to [ ]||``
+- :paint brush: Click the grey box inside
+``||scene: set background image to [ ]||``
to open the
image editor and toggle to the **My Assets** tab.
@@ -66,7 +66,8 @@ scene.setBackgroundImage(assets.image`TheStage`)
## {Step 3.5}
-**Click the Game Window Tab (Above)**
+**Click the Game Window Tab (Above)**

@@ -76,6 +77,7 @@ Do you see the background you chose?
## {Step 4}
Add a [__*splash screen*__](#splasht "A full-screen message that shows while a program or level is loading") to let the user know to press the
**Ⓐ** button when they're ready to start playing.
@@ -83,14 +85,13 @@ Add a [__*splash screen*__](#splasht "A full-screen message that shows while a p
- :circle: Open the ``||game:Game||`` category and
drag the
-``||game: splash [" "]||``
-block into the bottom of the
+``||game: splash [" "]||``
+block into the bottom of the
``||loops:on start||`` container.
-- :mouse pointer: Click inside the empty text area of the
-``||game: splash [" "]||``
-block and type a message letting the
-user know they should press (A) to play.
+- :mouse pointer: Click inside the empty text area of the
+``||game: splash [" "]||``
+block and type a message letting the user know they should press (A) to play.
@@ -110,14 +111,13 @@ the score when the **Ⓐ** button is clicked.
-- :game: From the ``||controller:Controller||`` category, grab the
-``||controller: on [A] button [pressed]||``
-container and drop it into an
-empty spot in the workspace.
+- :game: From the ``||controller:Controller||`` category, grab the
+``||controller: on [A] button [pressed]||``
+container and drop it into an empty spot in the workspace.
-- :id card: From ``||info:Info||``, drag out the
-``||info:change score by [1]||``
-block and snap it into
+- :id card: From ``||info:Info||``, drag out the
+``||info:change score by [1]||``
+block and snap it into
``||controller: on [A] button [pressed]||``.
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ controller.A.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {
## {Step 6}
-**Test your game on the game screen**
+**Test your game on the game screen**
🎮 🎮 🎮
Do you see your score go up each time you press the **Ⓐ** button?
@@ -143,10 +143,9 @@ the player a clear endpoint.
-- :id card: Open the ``||info:Info||`` category and
-drag the
-``||info: start countdown [10] (s)||``
-block into **the bottom** of the
+- :id card: Open the ``||info:Info||`` category and drag the
+``||info: start countdown [10] (s)||``
+block into **the bottom** of the
``||loops:on start||`` container.
diff --git a/docs/skillmap/clicker-themed/clickert2.md b/docs/skillmap/clicker-themed/clickert2.md
index e82c5e26780..d46c43f1773 100644
--- a/docs/skillmap/clicker-themed/clickert2.md
+++ b/docs/skillmap/clicker-themed/clickert2.md
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ button [__*sprite*__](#sprote "a 2-D image that moves on the screen") to the scr
-- :paper plane: From ``||sprites:Sprites||`` drag out
-``||variables:set [mySprite] to sprite [ ] of kind [Player]||``
-and snap it into **the bottom** of the
+- :paper plane: From ``||sprites:Sprites||`` drag out
+``||variables:set [mySprite] to sprite [ ] of kind [Player]||``
+and snap it into **the bottom** of the
``||loops:on start||`` container.
- :paint brush: Click the grey square and toggle to **My Assets**
@@ -51,14 +51,14 @@ mySprite = sprites.create(assets.image`A static`, SpriteKind.Player)
## {Step 4}
**Make your button look like it's being pressed
-with each click**
+with each click**
✨ ✨ ✨
-- :paper plane: From ``||sprites:Sprites||``, grab
-``||sprites: set [mySprite] image to [ ]||``
-and snap it into **the bottom** of the
+- :paper plane: From ``||sprites:Sprites||``, grab
+``||sprites: set [mySprite] image to [ ]||``
+and snap it into **the bottom** of the
``||controller:on [A] button [pressed]||`` container.
- :paint brush: Click the grey square and toggle to **My Assets** and choose a button in the **down** position.
@@ -83,19 +83,21 @@ Does the button look like it goes down when (A) is pressed?
## {Step 6}
-Right now, the button never goes back up once pressed.
+Right now, the button never goes back up once pressed.
**Let's change that!**
-- :game: Drag another
-``||controller:on [A] button [pressed]||``
+- :game: Drag another
+``||controller:on [A] button [pressed]||``
container into an empty area of the workspace.
-- :mouse pointer: Change ``||controller:[pressed]||`` to ``||controller:[released]||`` using the dropdown menu.
+- :mouse pointer: Change ``||controller:[pressed]||``
+to ``||controller:[released]||``
+using the dropdown menu.
-- :paper plane: Snap a new
-``||sprites: set [mySprite] image to [ ]||``
+- :paper plane: Snap a new
+``||sprites: set [mySprite] image to [ ]||``
block inside, then toggle to **My Assets** and choose the same
**up** button image that you used for the original sprite.
@@ -121,12 +123,12 @@ It also automatically tells you that **you've lost** when time runs out. Let's c
-- :id card: From the ``||info:Info||`` category, grab an
-``||info:on countdown end||``
+- :id card: From the ``||info:Info||`` category, grab an
+``||info:on countdown end||``
container and drop it into an empty area of the workspace.
-- :circle: Now, open the ``||game:Game||`` category and pick
-``||game: game over ⊕||`` .
+- :circle: Now, open the ``||game:Game||`` category and pick
+``||game: game over ⊕||``.
Snap it inside the empty **on countdown end** container.
- :mouse pointer: Toggle **LOSE** to **WIN**.
@@ -145,7 +147,7 @@ Now add a final celebration with some **game over** effects!
-- :mouse pointer: Click the **+** icon to the right of the
+- :mouse pointer: Click the **+** icon to the right of the
``||game: game over ⊕||`` block.
- :mouse pointer: If you want an effect other than confetti,
diff --git a/docs/skillmap/clicker-themed/clickert3.md b/docs/skillmap/clicker-themed/clickert3.md
index d5f924c7f06..804cbb9243c 100644
--- a/docs/skillmap/clicker-themed/clickert3.md
+++ b/docs/skillmap/clicker-themed/clickert3.md
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ some flying star [__*projectiles*__](#projected "sprites that moves on their own
-- :paper plane: From ``||sprites:Sprites||``, grab
-``||variables:set [projectile] to projectile [ ] from [mySprite] with vx [50] vy [50]||``
-and drop it into **the end** of the
-``||controller:on [A] button [pressed]||`` container
-already in the workspace.
+- :paper plane: From ``||sprites:Sprites||``, grab
+``||variables:set [projectile] to projectile [ ] from [mySprite] with vx [50] vy [50]||``
+and drop it into **the end** of the
+``||controller:on [A] button [pressed]||``
+container already in the workspace.
- :mouse pointer: Click **Next** to move on to the next instruction.
@@ -70,12 +70,12 @@ Does a star come out of your button each time you press the (A) button?
-- :calculator: From the ``||math:Math||`` category, drag out **TWO**
-``||math: pick random [0] to [10]||``
+- :calculator: From the ``||math:Math||`` category, drag out **TWO**
+``||math: pick random [0] to [10]||``
-- :mouse pointer: Add the first to the [__*vx*__](#whatVX "horizontal velocity") argument of the
-``||variables:set [projectile] to projectile [⭐] from [mySprite] with vx [50] vy [50]||``
+- :mouse pointer: Add the first to the [__*vx*__](#whatVX "horizontal velocity") argument of the
+``||variables:set [projectile] to projectile [⭐] from [mySprite] with vx [50] vy [50]||``
- :mouse pointer: Add the second to the [__*vy*__](#whatVY "vertical velocity") argument.
@@ -94,14 +94,14 @@ controller.A.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {
## {Step 6}
-- :mouse pointer: Change the range of the first
-``||math: pick random [0] to [10]||``
-block (next to **vx**) to pick between
+- :mouse pointer: Change the range of the first
+``||math: pick random [0] to [10]||``
+block (next to **vx**) to pick between
**-100** and **100**. This will scatter stars randomly from side to side.
-- :mouse pointer: Change the range of the second
-``||math: pick random [0] to [10]||``
-block (next to **vy**) to pick between
+- :mouse pointer: Change the range of the second
+``||math: pick random [0] to [10]||``
+block (next to **vy**) to pick between
**-50** and **-100**. This will make sure the stars only move upward.
diff --git a/docs/skillmap/clicker-themed/clickert4.md b/docs/skillmap/clicker-themed/clickert4.md
index 32c98f650d6..dfdfa110a3e 100644
--- a/docs/skillmap/clicker-themed/clickert4.md
+++ b/docs/skillmap/clicker-themed/clickert4.md
@@ -47,11 +47,11 @@ upgrade the power.
-- :mouse pointer: From ``||logic:Logic||``, choose the top
-``||logic:if then||`` container and drag it into the top of your
+- :mouse pointer: From ``||logic:Logic||``, choose the top
+``||logic:if then||`` container and drag it into the top of your
**on B button pressed** container already in the workspace.
-- :mouse pointer: To compare values, open the ``||logic: Logic||``
+- :mouse pointer: To compare values, open the ``||logic: Logic||``
category and grab a ``||logic: [0] [<] [0]||`` to replace **``**.
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ controller.B.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {
**⚡️ Amazing ⚡️**
-Now you have a clicker game with a simple shop. Give it a try on the game screen.
+Now you have a clicker game with a simple shop. Give it a try on the game screen.
Click **Done** to return to the main page where you can share your game
with family and friends!
diff --git a/docs/skillmap/clicker/clicker1.md b/docs/skillmap/clicker/clicker1.md
index 0d14407b0fa..a5f6fde228c 100644
--- a/docs/skillmap/clicker/clicker1.md
+++ b/docs/skillmap/clicker/clicker1.md
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ Let's start building the scoreboard by adding a background color.
-► Choose a background color by opening the ``||scene:Scene||`` category and dragging
-``||scene: set background color to [ ]||`` into the ``||loops:on start||``
+► Choose a background color by opening the ``||scene:Scene||`` category and dragging
+``||scene: set background color to [ ]||`` into the ``||loops:on start||``
container that's already in the workspace.
► When you're done, click **> Next** to see the next step.
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ Add a [__*splash screen*__](#splasht "A full-screen message that shows while a p
-► Open the ``||game:Game||`` category and
+► Open the ``||game:Game||`` category and
drag the ``||game: splash [" "]||`` block into the bottom of the **on start**
@@ -121,11 +121,11 @@ the score when the **Ⓐ** button is clicked.
-► From the ``||controller:Controller||`` category, grab the
-``||controller: on [A] button [pressed]||`` container and drop it into an
+► From the ``||controller:Controller||`` category, grab the
+``||controller: on [A] button [pressed]||`` container and drop it into an
empty spot in the workarea.
-► From ``||info:Info||``, drag out the ``||info:change score by [1]||`` block
+► From ``||info:Info||``, drag out the ``||info:change score by [1]||`` block
and snap it into the new container.
@@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ the player a clear endpoint.
-► Open the ``||info:Info||`` category and
-drag the ``||info: start countdown [10] (s)||`` block into the bottom of the
+► Open the ``||info:Info||`` category and
+drag the ``||info: start countdown [10] (s)||`` block into the bottom of the
``||loops:on start||`` container.
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ info.startCountdown(10)
**🎉 Congrats 🎉**
-You have your very own clicker game! Play it on the game screen and see how many clicks you can get.
+You have your very own clicker game! Play it on the game screen and see how many clicks you can get.
Click **Done** to return to the main page where you can share your game
with family and friends to compare scores!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/skillmap/clicker/clicker2.md b/docs/skillmap/clicker/clicker2.md
index 9fa5b20f960..90c18c6d007 100644
--- a/docs/skillmap/clicker/clicker2.md
+++ b/docs/skillmap/clicker/clicker2.md
@@ -89,10 +89,10 @@ Let's make this game fun to look at by adding a
-► From ``||sprites:Sprites||`` drag out ``||variables:set [mySprite] to sprite [ ] of kind [Player]||``
+► From ``||sprites:Sprites||`` drag out ``||variables:set [mySprite] to sprite [ ] of kind [Player]||``
and snap it into the bottom of the ``||loops:on start||`` container.
-► Add your sprite by clicking inside the grey square and drawing something
+► Add your sprite by clicking inside the grey square and drawing something
eye-catching. You could draw a cloud, a sprinkler, a flower, or a cookie!
@@ -134,8 +134,8 @@ with each click ✨**
-► From ``||sprites:Sprites||``, grab
-``||sprites: [mySprite] start [spray] effect ⊕||`` and snap it
+► From ``||sprites:Sprites||``, grab
+``||sprites: [mySprite] start [spray] effect ⊕||`` and snap it
into the bottom of the ``||controller:on [A] button [pressed]||`` container.
@@ -160,10 +160,10 @@ change between clicks.
-► Click the **⊕** icon to the right of the ``||sprites: [mySprite] start [spray] effect ⊕||``
+► Click the **⊕** icon to the right of the ``||sprites: [mySprite] start [spray] effect ⊕||``
block (the one already inside the **on A button pressed** container.)
-► Shorten the number of miliseconds (ms) that the effect runs by entering
+► Shorten the number of miliseconds (ms) that the effect runs by entering
**100** in the text box.
@@ -193,11 +193,11 @@ Let's change that.
-► From the ``||info:Info||`` category, grab a ``||info:on countdown end||``
+► From the ``||info:Info||`` category, grab a ``||info:on countdown end||``
container and drop it into an empty area of the workspace.
-► Now, open the ``||game:Game||`` category and pick
-``||game: game over ⊕||`` . Snap it inside the empty
+► Now, open the ``||game:Game||`` category and pick
+``||game: game over ⊕||`` . Snap it inside the empty
**on countdown end** container.
► Toggle **LOSE** to **WIN**.
@@ -216,9 +216,9 @@ Now add a final celebration with some **game over** effects!
-► Click the **⊕** icon to the right of the ``||game: game over ⊕||`` block.
+► Click the **⊕** icon to the right of the ``||game: game over ⊕||`` block.
-► If you want an effect other than confetti, click the word **confetti**
+► If you want an effect other than confetti, click the word **confetti**
and choose a new option from the dropdown.
diff --git a/docs/skillmap/clicker/clicker3.md b/docs/skillmap/clicker/clicker3.md
index 5b1d8101b55..bd144b0dcb3 100644
--- a/docs/skillmap/clicker/clicker3.md
+++ b/docs/skillmap/clicker/clicker3.md
@@ -108,13 +108,13 @@ Let's allow the player to buy a more powerful clicker when they press the
-► From ``||controller:Controller||``, grab an
-``||controller:on [A] button [pressed]||`` container and drop it into
-an empty area in the workspace.
-*Note: The block will appear faded at first because it conflicts with the other
+► From ``||controller:Controller||``, grab an
+``||controller:on [A] button [pressed]||`` container and drop it into
+an empty area in the workspace.
+*Note: The block will appear faded at first because it conflicts with the other
**on button pressed** container in the workspace.*
-► Click **A** in the empty **on button pressed** container, and choose
+► Click **A** in the empty **on button pressed** container, and choose
**B** from the dropdown menu.
@@ -129,16 +129,16 @@ controller.B.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {
Adding another increment to the **Ⓑ** button would only allow the score to
increase faster one time for each click.
-To make a permanent change, we'll need to add a
+To make a permanent change, we'll need to add a
[__*variable*__](#varied "a label that holds the place for something that can change").
-► Open the ``||variables:Variables||`` category and click the button
+► Open the ``||variables:Variables||`` category and click the button
to **[Make a Variable]**.
-► In the prompt, type the name of the variable that will keep track of
-how powerful your clicker is. For the rest of this tutorial, we'll refer to
+► In the prompt, type the name of the variable that will keep track of
+how powerful your clicker is. For the rest of this tutorial, we'll refer to
that variable as **power**.
► Click **OK** to save your variable and close the window.
@@ -150,16 +150,16 @@ that variable as **power**.
We've got a variable, but before we can use it, it needs to mean something.
-Let's [__*initialize*__](#init "Set the starting value")
+Let's [__*initialize*__](#init "Set the starting value")
**power** by setting a value before it's used.
-► From ``||variables:Variables||``, grab the
-``||variables:set [power] to [0]||`` block and add it to the end of the
+► From ``||variables:Variables||``, grab the
+``||variables:set [power] to [0]||`` block and add it to the end of the
``||loops:on start||`` container.
-► Change **0** to **1** to make it easy to replace the increment value
+► Change **0** to **1** to make it easy to replace the increment value
we're already relying on.
@@ -198,11 +198,11 @@ so that every click responds to our changing values.
-► Open the ``||variables:Variables||`` category and grab a
+► Open the ``||variables:Variables||`` category and grab a
``||variables:power||`` value block.
-► Drop ``||variables:power||`` into the **change score by** block (inside of
-the **on A button pressed** container),
+► Drop ``||variables:power||`` into the **change score by** block (inside of
+the **on A button pressed** container),
replacing the number **1**.
@@ -223,8 +223,8 @@ larger after **Ⓑ** is pressed.
-► Open the ``||variables:Variables||`` category. Grab a
-``||variables:change [power] by [1]||`` variable and snap it into the
+► Open the ``||variables:Variables||`` category. Grab a
+``||variables:change [power] by [1]||`` variable and snap it into the
empty **on B button pressed** container.
@@ -244,11 +244,11 @@ Finally, let's add a block to tell the user that they've got extra powers!
-► From ``||game:Game||``, grab
-``||game:show long text [" "] [bottom]||`` and snap it into the
+► From ``||game:Game||``, grab
+``||game:show long text [" "] [bottom]||`` and snap it into the
end of the **on B button pressed** container.
-► Write your text, then play around with the location options to see where you like
+► Write your text, then play around with the location options to see where you like
your message best.
diff --git a/docs/skillmap/clicker/clicker4.md b/docs/skillmap/clicker/clicker4.md
index c2345baca0d..2666d359aa0 100644
--- a/docs/skillmap/clicker/clicker4.md
+++ b/docs/skillmap/clicker/clicker4.md
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ what fun is it to get extra power for free? Let's add code to charge the player
-► From the ``||info:Info||`` category, grab a ``||info:change score by [1]||``
+► From the ``||info:Info||`` category, grab a ``||info:change score by [1]||``
block and snap it into the top of the **on B button pressed** container.
► Change the value in the new block from **1** to **-10**.
@@ -146,11 +146,11 @@ upgrade the power.
-► From ``||logic:Logic||``, choose the top
-``||logic:if then||`` container and drag it into the top of your
+► From ``||logic:Logic||``, choose the top
+``||logic:if then||`` container and drag it into the top of your
**on B button pressed** container already in the workspace.
-► To compare values, open the ``||logic: Logic||``
+► To compare values, open the ``||logic: Logic||``
category and grab a ``||logic: [0] [<] [0]||`` to replace **``**.
@@ -173,11 +173,11 @@ before we charge the player 10 points.
-► To make sure the score is larger than (or equal to) 10, replace the first
-**0** in ``||logic: [0] [<] [0]||`` with **10** and change **<**
+► To make sure the score is larger than (or equal to) 10, replace the first
+**0** in ``||logic: [0] [<] [0]||`` with **10** and change **<**
to **≤**.
-► Open the ``||info:Info||`` category and find the ``||info:score||`` value block.
+► Open the ``||info:Info||`` category and find the ``||info:score||`` value block.
Grab it and drop it in to replace the remaining **0** of the comparison argument.
@@ -201,8 +201,8 @@ Now if the player has a large enough score, you can charge them
-► The code to adjust the score and power are already at the bottom of the
-**on B button pressed** container. Grab all of the code below and
+► The code to adjust the score and power are already at the bottom of the
+**on B button pressed** container. Grab all of the code below and
drag it into the empty **if/then** container.
@@ -233,14 +233,14 @@ buy the clicker.
-► We already have a note that shows **if** the player has enough points.
-Click the **⊕** at the bottom of the **if/then** container to create an **else** space
+► We already have a note that shows **if** the player has enough points.
+Click the **⊕** at the bottom of the **if/then** container to create an **else** space
for code that runs when the **if** statement is not true.
-► Now you have an **else** container. Grab another
+► Now you have an **else** container. Grab another
``||game:show long text [" "] [bottom]||`` and drag it into the empty **else**.
-► Click into the textarea of the new block and write a message to let your
+► Click into the textarea of the new block and write a message to let your
player know that they didn't have enough points for an auto-clicker.
diff --git a/docs/skillmap/clicker/clicker4a.md b/docs/skillmap/clicker/clicker4a.md
index 0f6429594e7..8f399c2e3cd 100644
--- a/docs/skillmap/clicker/clicker4a.md
+++ b/docs/skillmap/clicker/clicker4a.md
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ what fun is it to get extra power for free? Let's add code to charge the player
-► From the ``||info:Info||`` category, grab a ``||info:change score by [1]||``
+► From the ``||info:Info||`` category, grab a ``||info:change score by [1]||``
block and snap it into the top of the **on B button pressed** container.
► Change the value in the new block from **1** to **-10**.
diff --git a/docs/skillmap/collector-themed/collectort1.md b/docs/skillmap/collector-themed/collectort1.md
index deb8268353a..f0e7c576ec3 100644
--- a/docs/skillmap/collector-themed/collectort1.md
+++ b/docs/skillmap/collector-themed/collectort1.md
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ We're going to start with Mama Dino.
-- :paper plane: From the ``||sprites:Sprites||`` category, grab
-``||variables:set [mySprite] to sprite [ ] of kind [Player]||``
-and drag it into the empty
+- :paper plane: From the ``||sprites:Sprites||`` category, grab
+``||variables:set [mySprite] to sprite [ ] of kind [Player]||``
+and drag it into the empty
``||loops:on start||`` container in the workspace.
- :paint brush: Click the empty grey square and toggle to **My Assets**
@@ -48,15 +48,15 @@ Let's get our sprite moving up and down with the controller.
-- :game: From the ``||contoller:Controller||`` category, grab a
-``||controller:move [mySprite] with buttons ⊕||``
-block and snap it into **the bottom** of the
+- :game: From the ``||contoller:Controller||`` category, grab a
+``||controller:move [mySprite] with buttons ⊕||``
+block and snap it into **the bottom** of the
``||loops:on start||`` container.
-- :mouse pointer: Click the **⊕** button on the new block to show extra
+- :mouse pointer: Click the **⊕** button on the new block to show extra
value fields.
-- :mouse pointer: To keep the sprite from moving side-to-side, change
+- :mouse pointer: To keep the sprite from moving side-to-side, change
[__*vx*__](#whatVX "horizontal velocity") (horizontal speed) to **0**.
@@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ If things get out of control, your sprite can leave the screen! Let's fix that.
-- :paper plane: From ``||sprites:Sprites||``, grab
-``||sprites:set [mySprite] stay in screen ||``
-and snap it into **the bottom**
+- :paper plane: From ``||sprites:Sprites||``, grab
+``||sprites:set [mySprite] stay in screen ||``
+and snap it into **the bottom**
of the ``||loops:on start||`` container.
@@ -107,9 +107,9 @@ mySprite.setStayInScreen(true)
-- :paper plane: From ``||scene:Scene||``, grab
-``||scene:set background image to [ ]||``
-and snap it into **the top**
+- :paper plane: From ``||scene:Scene||``, grab
+``||scene:set background image to [ ]||``
+and snap it into **the top**
of the ``||loops:on start||`` container.
- :paint brush: Click the **grey square** in the new block and toggle to **My Assets** to choose the **Freeway** background.
@@ -131,10 +131,10 @@ mySprite.setStayInScreen(true)
-- :arrows alternate: To make it look like the dino is walking along the road,
-go to ``||scroller:Scroller||`` and drag
-``||scroller:scroll background with vx [-50] vy [-50]||``
-into **the end**
+- :arrows alternate: To make it look like the dino is walking along the road,
+go to ``||scroller:Scroller||`` and drag
+``||scroller:scroll background with vx [-50] vy [-50]||``
+into **the end**
of the ``||loops:on start||`` container.
- :mouse pointer: Stop the background from scrolling vertically by changing the value of **vy** to **0**.
@@ -167,14 +167,14 @@ Let's add some baby dinos for the momma dinosaur to rescue 💚
-- :redo: From ``||loops:Loops||``, grab a
-loop container and drag it into
+- :redo: From ``||loops:Loops||``, grab a
+loop container and drag it into
an empty spot on the workspace.
-- :paper plane: From ``||sprites:Sprites||``, grab
-``||variables:set [projectile] to projectile [ ] from side with vx [50] vy [50]||``
-and snap it into the empty
+- :paper plane: From ``||sprites:Sprites||``, grab
+``||variables:set [projectile] to projectile [ ] from side with vx [50] vy [50]||``
+and snap it into the empty
``||loops:forever||`` container.
- :paint brush: Click the **grey square** in the new block and toggle to **My Assets** to choose the **Baby** sprite.
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ forever(function () {
## {Step 10}
-- :mouse pointer: To make the babies look like they're walking along the road, change
+- :mouse pointer: To make the babies look like they're walking along the road, change
[__*vx*__](#whatVX "horizontal velocity") (or horizontal speed) to **-90**.
- :mouse pointer: Change [__*vy*__](#whatVY "vertical velocity") (or vertical speed) to **0** so they don't float up or down.
@@ -214,9 +214,9 @@ send the babies in from a random height each time.
-- :paper plane: From ``||sprites:Sprites||``, grab a
-``||sprites:set [mySprite] [x] to [0]||``
-block and snap it into **the end** of the
+- :paper plane: From ``||sprites:Sprites||``, grab a
+``||sprites:set [mySprite] [x] to [0]||``
+block and snap it into **the end** of the
``||loops:forever||`` loop container.
- :mouse pointer: Change **mySprite** to **projectile** using the first dropdown menu.
@@ -238,13 +238,13 @@ forever(function () {
**This is looking great, but they still hover around the top.**
-- :calculator: In
-``||sprites:set [mySprite] [y] to [0]||``,
-replace **0** with
-``||math:pick random [0] to [10]||``.
+- :calculator: In
+``||sprites:set [mySprite] [y] to [0]||``,
+replace **0** with
+``||math:pick random [0] to [10]||``.
(From the ``||math:Math||`` category)
-- :mouse pointer: Help the babies spread out along the road by changing the smallest random number from **0** to **15** and the largest random number from
+- :mouse pointer: Help the babies spread out along the road by changing the smallest random number from **0** to **15** and the largest random number from
**10** to **115**.
@@ -259,10 +259,10 @@ forever(function () {
## {Step 13}
- :redo: Keep the babies from running out at the speed of light by
-adding a
-``||loops:pause [100] ms||``
+adding a
+``||loops:pause [100] ms||``
block (from the ``||loops:Loops||``
-category) to **the end** of the
+category) to **the end** of the
``||loops:forever||`` loop.
- :mouse pointer: Change the pause time to **1000 ms** by clicking in the textbox and typing
diff --git a/docs/skillmap/collector-themed/collectort2.md b/docs/skillmap/collector-themed/collectort2.md
index a9fcb38f889..9edcbb163d4 100644
--- a/docs/skillmap/collector-themed/collectort2.md
+++ b/docs/skillmap/collector-themed/collectort2.md
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ The start of a collector game is in your workspace. Let's take it even further b
## {Step 2}
-**Play the game in the workspace before you begin**
+**Play the game in the workspace before you begin**
🎮 🎮 🎮
Can you move Mama Dino around the screen? Do baby dinos walk toward you?
@@ -23,16 +23,16 @@ Can you move Mama Dino around the screen? Do baby dinos walk toward you?
## {Step 3}
-**We're off to a great start!!**
+**We're off to a great start!!**
Let's add some code that tells the game what to do when the mom reaches her baby.
-- :paper plane: From ``||sprites:Sprites||``, grab an
-``||sprites:on [sprite] of kind [Player] overlaps [otherSprite] of kind [Player]||``
+- :paper plane: From ``||sprites:Sprites||``, grab an
+``||sprites:on [sprite] of kind [Player] overlaps [otherSprite] of kind [Player]||``
container and drop it into an empty area of the workspace.
-- :mouse pointer: Change the second kind from
+- :mouse pointer: Change the second kind from
``||sprites:Player||`` to ``||sprites:Projectile||``.
@@ -46,22 +46,22 @@ sprites.onOverlap(SpriteKind.Player, SpriteKind.Projectile, function (sprite, ot
## {Step 4}
-Now we have a container for code that runs when Mama Dino overlaps the babies.
+Now we have a container for code that runs when Mama Dino overlaps the babies.
**Let's add a block to remove the babies from the play area when you catch them.**
-- :paper plane: From ``||sprites:Sprites||``, grab
-``||sprites:destroy [mySprite]||``
-and snap it into the empty
-``||sprites:on [sprite] of kind [Player] overlaps [otherSprite] of kind [Projectile]||``
+- :paper plane: From ``||sprites:Sprites||``, grab
+``||sprites:destroy [mySprite]||``
+and snap it into the empty
+``||sprites:on [sprite] of kind [Player] overlaps [otherSprite] of kind [Projectile]||``
-- :mouse pointer: To make sure that the correct projectile is destroyed, grab the
-``||variables:otherSprite||`` value from the title of
-``||sprites:on [sprite] of kind [Player] overlaps [otherSprite] of kind [Projectile]||``
+- :mouse pointer: To make sure that the correct projectile is destroyed, grab the
+``||variables:otherSprite||`` value from the title of
+``||sprites:on [sprite] of kind [Player] overlaps [otherSprite] of kind [Projectile]||``
and drop it into the
-``||sprites:destroy [mySprite]||``
+``||sprites:destroy [mySprite]||``
block to replace the value **mySprite**.

@@ -89,9 +89,9 @@ Let's add a point to your score each time you save a baby.
-- :id card: From ``||info:Info||``, grab
-``||info:change score by [1]||``
-and snap it into **the bottom** of
+- :id card: From ``||info:Info||``, grab
+``||info:change score by [1]||``
+and snap it into **the bottom** of
``||sprites:on [sprite] of kind [Player] overlaps [otherSprite] of kind [Projectile]||``.
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ sprites.onOverlap(SpriteKind.Player, SpriteKind.Projectile, function (sprite, ot
## {Step 6}
-**Now try it out on the game screen**
+**Now try it out on the game screen**
🎮 🎮 🎮
How do you like your game so far?
@@ -144,17 +144,17 @@ forever(function () {
## {Step 7}
-**Does this game feel long to you?**
+**Does this game feel long to you?**
🕔 🕔 🕔
-We haven't added a way to win or lose.
+We haven't added a way to win or lose.
Let's do that now by adding a countdown timer.
-- :id card: From ``||info:Info||``, choose the
-``||info:start countdown [10] (s)||``
-and snap it into the end of the
+- :id card: From ``||info:Info||``, choose the
+``||info:start countdown [10] (s)||``
+and snap it into the end of the
``||loops:on start||`` container.
- :mouse pointer: Change **10** to **15** for more playtime goodness.
@@ -178,12 +178,12 @@ Right now, when time runs out, you lose the game. We can change that!
-- :id card: From ``||info:Info||``, grab the
-``||info:on countdown end||``
+- :id card: From ``||info:Info||``, grab the
+``||info:on countdown end||``
container and drop it into a blank area of the workspace.
-- :circle: Now, from ``||game:Game||``, pick a
-``||game:game over ||``
+- :circle: Now, from ``||game:Game||``, pick a
+``||game:game over ||``
block and snap it into the empty **on countdown end** container.
- :mouse pointer: Toggle **``** to **``**.
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ info.onCountdownEnd(function () {
## {Step 9}
-**Now play your winning creation**
+**Now play your winning creation**
🏆 🏆 🏆
Mama Dino can collect her babies and earn points! How many babies can you collect in **15 seconds**?
diff --git a/docs/skillmap/collector-themed/collectort3.md b/docs/skillmap/collector-themed/collectort3.md
index 8a3b9d1e38c..6a997af58a9 100644
--- a/docs/skillmap/collector-themed/collectort3.md
+++ b/docs/skillmap/collector-themed/collectort3.md
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ This tutorial will show you how to add cars to the road.
## {Step 2}
-The code for a collector game is already in the workspace.
+The code for a collector game is already in the workspace.
🕹️ 🕹️ 🕹️
Play your game to make sure you can collect the baby dinos as they move toward you.
@@ -26,12 +26,12 @@ Let's add a new kind of projectile, an ``||sprites:Enemy||``!
-- :redo: Grab a new
+- :redo: Grab a new
loop container and drop it into an empty area of the workspace.
-- :paper plane: From ``||sprites:Sprites||``, drag
-``||variables:set [projectile2] to projectile [ ] from side with vx [50] vy [50]||``
+- :paper plane: From ``||sprites:Sprites||``, drag
+``||variables:set [projectile2] to projectile [ ] from side with vx [50] vy [50]||``
into the new ``||loops:forever||`` loop container.
@@ -63,13 +63,13 @@ forever(function () {
## {Step 4}
-**Our new enemy isn't quite ready.**
+**Our new enemy isn't quite ready.**
We still have to set the vertical positions on the screen and add a pause to the loop.
-- :paper plane: Just like we did when making the baby dinos, we'll need to grab
-``||sprites:set [mySprite] [x] to [0]||``
+- :paper plane: Just like we did when making the baby dinos, we'll need to grab
+``||sprites:set [mySprite] [x] to [0]||``
and snap it in **below** the new projectile block.
- :mouse pointer: Change ``||variables:mySprite||`` to ``||variables:projectile2||`` and change **x** to **y**.
@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ forever(function () {
## {Step 5}
-- :redo: Add
-``||loops:pause [100] ms||``
+- :redo: Add
+``||loops:pause [100] ms||``
to the bottom of this ``||loops:forever||`` loop.
- :mouse pointer: Replace **100** with **2100**.
@@ -120,14 +120,14 @@ Running into an enemy INCREASES your score. That's not right. Let's add code to
-- :paper plane: From ``||sprites:Sprites||``, grab a
-``||sprites:set [mySprite] kind to [Player]||``
-block and snap it just **ABOVE** the **pause** block in the enemy's
+- :paper plane: From ``||sprites:Sprites||``, grab a
+``||sprites:set [mySprite] kind to [Player]||``
+block and snap it just **ABOVE** the **pause** block in the enemy's
``||loops:forever||`` loop container.
-- :mouse pointer: In
-``||sprites:set [mySprite] kind to [Player]||``,
-change ``||variables:mySprite||`` to ``||variables:projectile2||``
+- :mouse pointer: In
+``||sprites:set [mySprite] kind to [Player]||``,
+change ``||variables:mySprite||`` to ``||variables:projectile2||``
and change ``||sprites:Player||`` to ``||sprites:Enemy||``.
@@ -147,17 +147,17 @@ forever(function () {
**😈 Wicked 😈**
-Now the program knows the car is an enemy.
+Now the program knows the car is an enemy.
What are we going to do about it?
-- :mouse pointer: Right-click the
-``||sprites: on [sprite] of kind [Player] overlaps [otherSprite] of kind [Projectile]||``
- container that's already in the workspace and choose **Duplicate**.
+- :mouse pointer: Right-click the
+``||sprites: on [sprite] of kind [Player] overlaps [otherSprite] of kind [Projectile]||``
+container that's already in the workspace and choose **Duplicate**.
-- :mouse pointer: In the new greyed-out container,
-change the second **kind** from ``||sprites:Projectile||``
+- :mouse pointer: In the new greyed-out container,
+change the second **kind** from ``||sprites:Projectile||``
to ``||sprites:Enemy||``.
@@ -177,16 +177,16 @@ At this point, the player is still awarded points when they hit a car.
-- :mouse pointer: **Delete **
-``||info:change score by [1]||``
-from the
-``||sprites: on [sprite] of kind [Player] overlaps [otherSprite] of kind [Enemy]||``
+- :mouse pointer: **Delete**
+``||info:change score by [1]||``
+from the
+``||sprites: on [sprite] of kind [Player] overlaps [otherSprite] of kind [Enemy]||``
-- :id card: From ``||info: Info||``, grab
-``||info:change life by [-1]||``
-and snap it into the end of the
-``||sprites: on [sprite] of kind [Player] overlaps [otherSprite] of kind [Enemy]||``
+- :id card: From ``||info: Info||``, grab
+``||info:change life by [-1]||``
+and snap it into the end of the
+``||sprites: on [sprite] of kind [Player] overlaps [otherSprite] of kind [Enemy]||``
diff --git a/docs/skillmap/collector-themed/collectort4.md b/docs/skillmap/collector-themed/collectort4.md
index 814916f1325..0f06c2cf065 100644
--- a/docs/skillmap/collector-themed/collectort4.md
+++ b/docs/skillmap/collector-themed/collectort4.md
@@ -32,12 +32,12 @@ Let's animate Mama Dino!
## {Step 4}
-- :chevron down: In the toolbox, click **Advanced** to reveal the
+- :chevron down: In the toolbox, click **Advanced** to reveal the
``||animation:Animation||`` category.
-- :sync: Drag
-``||animation:animate [mySprite]||``
-into **the bottom** of the
+- :sync: Drag
+``||animation:animate [mySprite]||``
+into **the bottom** of the
``||loops:on start||`` container.
- :mouse pointer: Click the grey toggle at the bottom to switch looping to ``.
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ true
-- :paint brush: To select an animation, click the grey box in
+- :paint brush: To select an animation, click the grey box in
``||animation:animate [mySprite]||`` and toggle to **My Assets**.
- :mouse pointer: Select **Mama Moving** and click **Done**.
@@ -109,10 +109,10 @@ true
-- :mouse pointer: You can make your animation faster by changing the
+- :mouse pointer: You can make your animation faster by changing the
**interval** to a lower number. Try using **100** or **200**.
-- :mouse pointer: If you'd like to slow your animation down,
+- :mouse pointer: If you'd like to slow your animation down,
choose a longer **interval**.
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ true
## {Step 7}
-**Now try your game on the game screen**
+**Now try your game on the game screen**
🎮 🎮 🎮
How cool is that?!?
@@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ You can follow the same steps to animate the baby.
- :sync: Drag
-``||animation:animate [mySprite]||``
-into the ``||loops:forever||`` loop where your main ``||variables:projectile||`` is created,
+``||animation:animate [mySprite]||``
+into the ``||loops:forever||`` loop where your main ``||variables:projectile||`` is created,
and snap it **just above** the ``||loops:pause [1000]||`` block.
- :mouse pointer: Change ``||variables:mySprite||`` to ``||variables:projectile||``.
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ true
## {Step 9}
-**Try your project on the game screen!**
+**Try your project on the game screen!**
🎮 🎮 🎮
Looking good!
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ Now you can do the same thing for your enemy sprite!
- :sync: Drag
-``||animation:animate [mySprite]||``
+``||animation:animate [mySprite]||``
into the ``||loops:forever||`` loop where ``||variables:projectile2||`` is created, and snap it **just above** the ``||loops:pause [2100]||`` block.
- :mouse pointer: Change ``||variables:mySprite||`` to ``||variables:projectile2||``.
diff --git a/docs/skillmap/collector-themed/collectort4old.md b/docs/skillmap/collector-themed/collectort4old.md
index fdf38fc3eea..b71368f1ba2 100644
--- a/docs/skillmap/collector-themed/collectort4old.md
+++ b/docs/skillmap/collector-themed/collectort4old.md
@@ -208,12 +208,12 @@ The code for a collector game is already in the workspace.
-- :mouse pointer: Right-click on the ``||loops:forever||`` loop container that holds
-the code to create **myEnemy** and choose **Duplicate** from the
+- :mouse pointer: Right-click on the ``||loops:forever||`` loop container that holds
+the code to create **myEnemy** and choose **Duplicate** from the
top of the menu.
-- :mouse pointer: Inside that new loop, click on the ``||variables: myEnemy||`` variable in the
-**set projectile to** block. A dropdown will appear, allowing you to
+- :mouse pointer: Inside that new loop, click on the ``||variables: myEnemy||`` variable in the
+**set projectile to** block. A dropdown will appear, allowing you to
select **New variable...** .
- :mouse pointer: Name your extra life projectile **extraLife**.
@@ -253,18 +253,18 @@ forever(function () {
**The extra life isn't quite ready.**
-Let's make sure to get all the blocks
+Let's make sure to get all the blocks
in the new **forever** loop pointed to the right place.
-- :mouse pointer: Change the variables in both the **set y to** block AND the **set kind to**
+- :mouse pointer: Change the variables in both the **set y to** block AND the **set kind to**
block from ``||variables:myEnemy||`` to ``||variables:extraLife||``.
-- :mouse pointer: Now change the image for the **extraLife** sprite from a rock to
+- :mouse pointer: Now change the image for the **extraLife** sprite from a rock to
something healing...like a heart or a potion.
-- :mouse pointer: Extra lives aren't the enemy, they're fuel! In the **set kind to** block,
+- :mouse pointer: Extra lives aren't the enemy, they're fuel! In the **set kind to** block,
change **Enemy** to **Food**.
@@ -299,14 +299,14 @@ forever(function () {
## {Step 3}
-Extra lives are supposed to be special, but they appear just as much
+Extra lives are supposed to be special, but they appear just as much
as the other two projectiles right now.
**Let's set a longer random pause for extraLife.**
-- :mouse pointer: Inside the new **extraLife** forever loop, change the
+- :mouse pointer: Inside the new **extraLife** forever loop, change the
random **pause** to stay between **4500** and **5500** ms.
@@ -345,18 +345,18 @@ forever(function () {
**Play through your game once or twice. Notice anything wrong?**
-That's right! Nothing happens when you collect an extra life. Let's
+That's right! Nothing happens when you collect an extra life. Let's
fix that.
-- :mouse pointer: Duplicate the **on sprite overlaps Enemy** container that's already in the
+- :mouse pointer: Duplicate the **on sprite overlaps Enemy** container that's already in the
-- :mouse pointer: In the header of the new container,
+- :mouse pointer: In the header of the new container,
change the second **kind** from **Enemy** to **Food**.
-- :mouse pointer: Change the effect from **fire** to something more appropriate for an
+- :mouse pointer: Change the effect from **fire** to something more appropriate for an
extra life. (**Hearts** work well with this theme.)
@@ -371,17 +371,17 @@ sprites.onOverlap(SpriteKind.Player, SpriteKind.Food, function (sprite, otherSpr
## {Step 6}
-The extra life is still **subtracting** a life when collected.
+The extra life is still **subtracting** a life when collected.
Let's make it **add** one, instead.
-- :mouse pointer: Inside the **on sprite overlaps Food** container,
-Look for the ``||info:change life by [-1]||`` block
+- :mouse pointer: Inside the **on sprite overlaps Food** container,
+Look for the ``||info:change life by [-1]||`` block
and change **-1** to **1**.
-- :mouse pointer: To exaggerate this gift even more, open the ``||sprites:Sprites||`` category
+- :mouse pointer: To exaggerate this gift even more, open the ``||sprites:Sprites||`` category
and grab a ``||sprites:[mySprite] say [":)"]||`` block.
- :mouse pointer: Snap the new block into the **top** of the **on sprite overlaps Food** container.
@@ -403,9 +403,9 @@ sprites.onOverlap(SpriteKind.Player, SpriteKind.Food, function (sprite, otherSpr
## {Step 7}
-- :mouse pointer: The new **mySprite say** block is pointed toward the wrong sprite. To fix that,
-drag the ``||variables:otherSprite||`` argument out of the header of the
-**on sprite overlaps Food** header and snap it in to replace the
+- :mouse pointer: The new **mySprite say** block is pointed toward the wrong sprite. To fix that,
+drag the ``||variables:otherSprite||`` argument out of the header of the
+**on sprite overlaps Food** header and snap it in to replace the
``||variables:mySprite||`` variable.
- :mouse pointer: Change the text from **:)** to **+1**.
diff --git a/docs/skillmap/collector/collector1.md b/docs/skillmap/collector/collector1.md
index ca1ce8431ac..24da5504005 100644
--- a/docs/skillmap/collector/collector1.md
+++ b/docs/skillmap/collector/collector1.md
@@ -62,15 +62,15 @@ Let's create a game that brings back some of the iconic arcade style that we lov
-► From the ``||sprites:Sprites||`` category, grab
-``||variables:set [mySprite] to sprite [ ] of kind [Player]||``
-and drag it into the empty **on start** container in the workspace.
+► From the ``||sprites:Sprites||`` category, grab
+``||variables:set [mySprite] to sprite [ ] of kind [Player]||``
+and drag it into the empty **on start** container in the workspace.
-► Get to the **Gallery** by clicking inside the grey sprite image square
+► Get to the **Gallery** by clicking inside the grey sprite image square
and toggling the switch at the top.
-► Choose one of our pre-loaded sprite images...or stay in
-**Edit** mode to create your own. Click **Done** once you're
+► Choose one of our pre-loaded sprite images...or stay in
+**Edit** mode to create your own. Click **Done** once you're
happy with your sprite.
@@ -108,14 +108,14 @@ Let's get our sprite moving up and down with the controller.
-► From the ``||contoller:Controller||`` category, grab a
-``||controller:move [mySprite] with buttons ⊕||``
+► From the ``||contoller:Controller||`` category, grab a
+``||controller:move [mySprite] with buttons ⊕||``
block and snap it into the bottom of the **on start** container.
-► Click the **⊕** button on the new block to show extra
- [__*arguments*__](#argue "extra chunks of information the block needs").
+► Click the **⊕** button on the new block to show extra
+ [__*arguments*__](#argue "extra chunks of information the block needs").
-► To keep the sprite from moving side-to-side, change
+► To keep the sprite from moving side-to-side, change
[__*vx*__](#whatVX "horizontal velocity") (velocity on x) to **0**.
@@ -155,19 +155,19 @@ Let's toss some coins toward it every couple of seconds...**forever**.
-► From ``||loops:Loops||`` category, grab a
-``||loops:forever||`` loop container and drag it out into
+► From ``||loops:Loops||`` category, grab a
+``||loops:forever||`` loop container and drag it out into
an empty spot on the workspace.
-► From ``||sprites:Sprites||``, grab
-``||variables:set [projectile] to projectile [ ] from side with vx [50] vy [50]||``
+► From ``||sprites:Sprites||``, grab
+``||variables:set [projectile] to projectile [ ] from side with vx [50] vy [50]||``
and snap it into the empty **forever** container.
-► Choose a coin sprite for your projectile by clicking on the grey box and toggling
+► Choose a coin sprite for your projectile by clicking on the grey box and toggling
to **Gallery** or stay in the **Editor** and create your own.
-► To make the projectile fly quickly from right to left, change
-[__*vx*__](#whatVX "horizontal velocity") to **-150**
+► To make the projectile fly quickly from right to left, change
+[__*vx*__](#whatVX "horizontal velocity") to **-150**
and [__*vy*__](#whatVY "vertical velocity") to **0**.
@@ -200,15 +200,15 @@ send projectiles from a random height each time.
-► From ``||sprites:Sprites||``, grab a
-``||sprites:set [mySprite] [x] to [0]||``
+► From ``||sprites:Sprites||``, grab a
+``||sprites:set [mySprite] [x] to [0]||``
block and snap it into the end of the **forever** loop container.
► Change **mySprite** to **projectile** using the first dropdown menu.
► Change **x** to **y** using the other dropdown menu.
-► Replace **0** with ``||math:pick random [0] to [10]||``.
+► Replace **0** with ``||math:pick random [0] to [10]||``.
(From the ``||math:Math||`` category)
@@ -238,14 +238,14 @@ forever(function () {
-► Help the coins spread out by changing the largest random number from
+► Help the coins spread out by changing the largest random number from
**10** to **120**.
-► Keep the coins from shooting out at the speed of light by
-adding a ``||loops:pause [100] ms||`` block (from the ``||loops:Loops||``
+► Keep the coins from shooting out at the speed of light by
+adding a ``||loops:pause [100] ms||`` block (from the ``||loops:Loops||``
category) to the end of the **forever** loop.
-► Change the pause time to **1500 ms** by clicking in the textbox and typing
+► Change the pause time to **1500 ms** by clicking in the textbox and typing
**1500** instead of choosing a time from the dropdown menu.
@@ -281,8 +281,8 @@ Let's change that.
-► From ``||sprites:Sprites||``, grab an
-``||sprites:on [sprite] of kind [Player] overlaps [otherSprite] of kind [Player]||``
+► From ``||sprites:Sprites||``, grab an
+``||sprites:on [sprite] of kind [Player] overlaps [otherSprite] of kind [Player]||``
container and drop it into an empty area of the workspace.
► Change the second kind from **Player** to **Projectile**.
@@ -299,18 +299,18 @@ sprites.onOverlap(SpriteKind.Player, SpriteKind.Projectile, function (sprite, ot
## {Step 9}
Now we have a container for code that runs when the sprite
-overlaps a projectile.
+overlaps a projectile.
**Let's add a block to destroy coins as you catch them.**
-► From ``||sprites:Sprites||``, grab
-``||sprites:destroy [mySprite] ⊕||`` and snap it into the empty
+► From ``||sprites:Sprites||``, grab
+``||sprites:destroy [mySprite] ⊕||`` and snap it into the empty
**on sprite overlaps** container.
-► To make sure that the correct projectile is destroyed, grab the
-``||variables:otherSprite||`` argument from the header of the
-**on sprite overlaps** container and drop it into the
+► To make sure that the correct projectile is destroyed, grab the
+``||variables:otherSprite||`` argument from the header of the
+**on sprite overlaps** container and drop it into the
``||sprites:destroy [mySprite] ⊕||`` block to replace the value **mySprite**.
@@ -331,8 +331,8 @@ a coin.
-► From ``||info:Info||``, grab
-``||info:change score by [1]||`` and snap it into the bottom of the
+► From ``||info:Info||``, grab
+``||info:change score by [1]||`` and snap it into the bottom of the
**on sprite overlaps** container.
diff --git a/docs/skillmap/collector/collector1a.md b/docs/skillmap/collector/collector1a.md
index f33d6ce82ee..94aba5bb689 100644
--- a/docs/skillmap/collector/collector1a.md
+++ b/docs/skillmap/collector/collector1a.md
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ Let's give your hero a world to protect!
-► From the ``||scene:Scene||`` category, grab
-``||scene:set background image to [ ]||`` block and snap it in to the **top**
+► From the ``||scene:Scene||`` category, grab
+``||scene:set background image to [ ]||`` block and snap it in to the **top**
of the **on start** container in the workspace.
@@ -151,9 +151,10 @@ scene.setBackgroundImage(img`
-► Click on the grey square in the ``||scene:set background image to [ ]||`` block to open the **Image Editor**.
+► Click on the grey square in the ``||scene:set background image to [ ]||``
+block to open the **Image Editor**.
-► Using the **Image Editor**, draw a background image for your game (or select one
+► Using the **Image Editor**, draw a background image for your game (or select one
from the **Gallery**).
@@ -370,16 +371,16 @@ let mySprite2 = sprites.create(img`
-► From ``||sprites:Sprites||``, drag ``||sprites:set [mySprite] position to x [0] y [0]||``
+► From ``||sprites:Sprites||``, drag ``||sprites:set [mySprite] position to x [0] y [0]||``
to the **end** of the **on start** container.
► Change **mySprite** to **mySprite2**.
-► Change the **x** and **y** values to whatever numbers give you the look that you want
+► Change the **x** and **y** values to whatever numbers give you the look that you want
**OR** you can use ``||math: pick random [0] to [10]||`` value blocks to add an element of surprise.
- **Hint:** Remember that the **x** dimension (horizontal width) runs from 0 to 160 pixels,
+ **Hint:** Remember that the **x** dimension (horizontal width) runs from 0 to 160 pixels,
while the **y** dimension (vertical height) runs from 0 to 120 pixels.
diff --git a/docs/skillmap/collector/collector2.md b/docs/skillmap/collector/collector2.md
index d761af36fac..079279de009 100644
--- a/docs/skillmap/collector/collector2.md
+++ b/docs/skillmap/collector/collector2.md
@@ -204,8 +204,8 @@ forever(function () {
## {Intro @showdialog}
-You've made a collector game, now let's add some
-special touches to make it even more fun.
+You've made a collector game, now let's add some
+special touches to make it even more fun.

@@ -213,15 +213,15 @@ special touches to make it even more fun.
## {Step 1}
-The code for a basic collector is already in the workspace, but a few extra
+The code for a basic collector is already in the workspace, but a few extra
blocks could make it amazing.
-► From the ``||scene:Scene||`` category, grab a
-``||scene:set background color to [ ]||``
-block and drag it to the **beginning** of the **on start** container. Click the
-grey box to choose a color that makes you happy.
+► From the ``||scene:Scene||`` category, grab a
+``||scene:set background color to [ ]||``
+block and drag it to the **beginning** of the **on start** container. Click the
+grey box to choose a color that makes you happy.
@@ -253,14 +253,14 @@ controller.moveSprite(mySprite, 0, 100)
## {Step 2}
-**If the game gets wild, our sprite might leave the screen.**
+**If the game gets wild, our sprite might leave the screen.**
Let's prevent that.
-► From the ``||sprites:Sprites||`` category, grab a
-``||sprites:set [mySprite] stay in screen ||``
-block and drag it into the **end** of the **on start** container.
+► From the ``||sprites:Sprites||`` category, grab a
+``||sprites:set [mySprite] stay in screen ||``
+block and drag it into the **end** of the **on start** container.
@@ -295,12 +295,12 @@ mySprite.setStayInScreen(true)
**🕔 Does this game feel long to you? 🕔**
-We haven't added a way to win or lose.
+We haven't added a way to win or lose.
Let's do that now by adding a countdown timer.
-► From ``||info:Info||``, choose the ``||info:start countdown [10] (s)||``
+► From ``||info:Info||``, choose the ``||info:start countdown [10] (s)||``
and snap it into the end of the **on start** container.
► Change **10** to **15** for more playtime goodness.
@@ -340,10 +340,10 @@ Right now, when time runs out, you lose the game. We can change that!
-► From ``||info:Info||``, grab the ``||info:on countdown end||``
-container and drop it into a blank area of the workspace.
+► From ``||info:Info||``, grab the ``||info:on countdown end||``
+container and drop it into a blank area of the workspace.
-► Now, from ``||game:Game||``, pick a ``||game:game over ||`` block
+► Now, from ``||game:Game||``, pick a ``||game:game over ||`` block
and snap it into the empty **on countdown end** container.
► Toggle **``** to **``**.
diff --git a/docs/skillmap/collector/collector3.md b/docs/skillmap/collector/collector3.md
index d837d943f46..d50143185fb 100644
--- a/docs/skillmap/collector/collector3.md
+++ b/docs/skillmap/collector/collector3.md
@@ -150,11 +150,11 @@ Let's start by adding a new kind of projectile.
-► Right-click on the ``||loops:forever||`` loop container (the one that already holds
-the code for your main projectile) and choose **Duplicate** from the
+► Right-click on the ``||loops:forever||`` loop container (the one that already holds
+the code for your main projectile) and choose **Duplicate** from the
top of the menu.
-► Inside that new loop, click on the ``||variables: projectile||`` variable in the
+► Inside that new loop, click on the ``||variables: projectile||`` variable in the
**set projectile to** block. A dropdown will appear, allowing you to
select **New variable...** .
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ fly out at about the same rate. Let's add some variation.
► Inside the first block in the **myEnemy** ``||loops:forever||`` loop, change the **vx** for **myEnemy** to **-110**
-► Rocks should also be less frequent than coins. Let's change the
+► Rocks should also be less frequent than coins. Let's change the
``||loops:pause (pick random [1000] to [2000])ms||`` to stay between **1500** and **2500** ms.
@@ -273,10 +273,10 @@ Let's make sure the code knows the difference between a projectile and myEnemy.
-► From ``||sprites:Sprites||``, grab a ``||sprites:set [mySprite2] kind to [Player]||``
+► From ``||sprites:Sprites||``, grab a ``||sprites:set [mySprite2] kind to [Player]||``
block and snap it just **ABOVE** the **pause** block in the enemy's **forever** loop container.
-► In the new block, change **mySprite2** to **myEnemy** and change **Player**
+► In the new block, change **mySprite2** to **myEnemy** and change **Player**
to **Enemy**.
@@ -318,14 +318,13 @@ What are we going to do about it?
-► Duplicate the ``||sprites: on [sprite] of kind [Player] overlaps [otherSprite] of kind [Projectile]||``
- container that's already in the
+► Duplicate the ``||sprites: on [sprite] of kind [Player] overlaps [otherSprite] of kind [Projectile]||``
+container that's already in the workspace.
-► In the header of the new container,
+► In the header of the new container,
change the second **kind** from **Projectile** to **Enemy**.
-► Change the effect from **rings** to something more meaningful for your
+► Change the effect from **rings** to something more meaningful for your
enemy. (**Fire** is impressive.)
@@ -346,12 +345,11 @@ At this point, the player is still awarded points when they hit a rock.
-► Delete the ``||info:change score by [1]||`` block from the **on overlaps Enemy**
+► Delete the ``||info:change score by [1]||`` block from the **on overlaps Enemy**
-► From ``||info: Info||``, grab a ``||info:change life by [-1]||`` block and
-snap it into the end of the **on overlaps Enemy**
+► From ``||info: Info||``, grab a ``||info:change life by [-1]||`` block and
+snap it into the end of the **on overlaps Enemy** container.
diff --git a/docs/skillmap/collector/collector3a.md b/docs/skillmap/collector/collector3a.md
index 6941b04d3a6..f9a7aba52fb 100644
--- a/docs/skillmap/collector/collector3a.md
+++ b/docs/skillmap/collector/collector3a.md
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ In this tutorial, we'll add more enemy options.
-► Find the ``||loops:Forever||`` loop container where your **myEnemy** projectile
+► Find the ``||loops:Forever||`` loop container where your **myEnemy** projectile
is created.
diff --git a/docs/skillmap/collector/collector4.md b/docs/skillmap/collector/collector4.md
index 42b191d61f5..402fda5c1ab 100644
--- a/docs/skillmap/collector/collector4.md
+++ b/docs/skillmap/collector/collector4.md
@@ -208,12 +208,12 @@ The code for a collector game is already in the workspace.
-► Right-click on the ``||loops:forever||`` loop container that holds
-the code to create **myEnemy** and choose **Duplicate** from the
+► Right-click on the ``||loops:forever||`` loop container that holds
+the code to create **myEnemy** and choose **Duplicate** from the
top of the menu.
-► Inside that new loop, click on the ``||variables: myEnemy||`` variable in the
-**set projectile to** block. A dropdown will appear, allowing you to
+► Inside that new loop, click on the ``||variables: myEnemy||`` variable in the
+**set projectile to** block. A dropdown will appear, allowing you to
select **New variable...** .
► Name your extra life projectile **extraLife**.
@@ -258,13 +258,13 @@ in the new **forever** loop pointed to the right place.
-► Change the variables in both the **set y to** block AND the **set kind to**
+► Change the variables in both the **set y to** block AND the **set kind to**
block from ``||variables:myEnemy||`` to ``||variables:extraLife||``.
-► Now change the image for the **extraLife** sprite from a rock to
+► Now change the image for the **extraLife** sprite from a rock to
something healing...like a heart or a potion.
-► Extra lives aren't the enemy, they're fuel! In the **set kind to** block,
+► Extra lives aren't the enemy, they're fuel! In the **set kind to** block,
change **Enemy** to **Food**.
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ as the other two projectiles right now.
-► Inside the new **extraLife** forever loop, change the
+► Inside the new **extraLife** forever loop, change the
random **pause** to stay between **4500** and **5500** ms.
@@ -350,13 +350,13 @@ fix that.
-► Duplicate the **on sprite overlaps Enemy** container that's already in the
+► Duplicate the **on sprite overlaps Enemy** container that's already in the
-► In the header of the new container,
+► In the header of the new container,
change the second **kind** from **Enemy** to **Food**.
-► Change the effect from **fire** to something more appropriate for an
+► Change the effect from **fire** to something more appropriate for an
extra life. (**Hearts** work well with this theme.)
@@ -377,11 +377,11 @@ Let's make it **add** one, instead.
-► Inside the **on sprite overlaps Food** container,
-Look for the ``||info:change life by [-1]||`` block
+► Inside the **on sprite overlaps Food** container,
+Look for the ``||info:change life by [-1]||`` block
and change **-1** to **1**.
-► To exaggerate this gift even more, open the ``||sprites:Sprites||`` category
+► To exaggerate this gift even more, open the ``||sprites:Sprites||`` category
and grab a ``||sprites:[mySprite] say [":)"]||`` block.
► Snap the new block into the **top** of the **on sprite overlaps Food** container.
@@ -403,9 +403,9 @@ sprites.onOverlap(SpriteKind.Player, SpriteKind.Food, function (sprite, otherSpr
## {Step 7}
-► The new **mySprite say** block is pointed toward the wrong sprite. To fix that,
-drag the ``||variables:otherSprite||`` argument out of the header of the
-**on sprite overlaps Food** header and snap it in to replace the
+► The new **mySprite say** block is pointed toward the wrong sprite. To fix that,
+drag the ``||variables:otherSprite||`` argument out of the header of the
+**on sprite overlaps Food** header and snap it in to replace the
``||variables:mySprite||`` variable.
► Change the text from **:)** to **+1**.
diff --git a/docs/skillmap/forest/forest3.md b/docs/skillmap/forest/forest3.md
index 2c26d288044..6007232e7c7 100644
--- a/docs/skillmap/forest/forest3.md
+++ b/docs/skillmap/forest/forest3.md
@@ -185,8 +185,8 @@ When a water sprite hits the fire, the fire needs to decrease in strength by 1.
``||sprites:change strength of [mySprite] by [-1]||``
into **the end** of the **on overlaps** container.
-- :mouse pointer: To make sure your code weakens the **Fire** sprite,
-grab the ``||variables:otherSprite||`` value block from the
+- :mouse pointer: To make sure your code weakens the **Fire** sprite,
+grab the ``||variables:otherSprite||`` value block from the
container and use it to replace ``||variables:mySprite||``.

diff --git a/docs/skillmap/forest/forest4.md b/docs/skillmap/forest/forest4.md
index 31562bc5333..e9070844bf7 100644
--- a/docs/skillmap/forest/forest4.md
+++ b/docs/skillmap/forest/forest4.md
@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ for (let index = 0; index < 4; index++) {
## 4. Wind and Grass
-- :circle: On your own, can you find the blocks that set the
-**strength of the wind** and the
-**dryness of the grass**
+- :circle: On your own, can you find the blocks that set the
+**strength of the wind** and the
+**dryness of the grass**
and add them to **the top** of the ``||loops: on start||`` container?
_💡 The three variables you just added can all be changed to make your game easier or more difficult!_
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ Now that the environment is set, we can add code to make the fires spread.
- :circle: Drop an
``||game:on game update||``
-container into an empty area of your workspace to run
+container into an empty area of your workspace to run
code each time the game updates its status.
- :mouse pointer: From the ``||sprites:Sprites||`` category, grab
diff --git a/docs/skillmap/forest/forest6.md b/docs/skillmap/forest/forest6.md
index 303b81d8205..91625081508 100644
--- a/docs/skillmap/forest/forest6.md
+++ b/docs/skillmap/forest/forest6.md
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ It's also helpful to have a sound that lets you know when a new fire has started
-- :headphones: Find a sound to add when a sprite
-of kind ``||sprites:Fire||`` is **created**.
+- :headphones: Find a sound to add when a sprite
+of kind ``||sprites:Fire||`` is **created**.
💡 We like the **knock** sound for this.
- :question: Can you figure out where to add this block if you want it to play each time a sprite of kind **Fire** is **created**?
diff --git a/docs/skillmap/interface/activity1.md b/docs/skillmap/interface/activity1.md
index cff5ec3409c..20d09a5d6b1 100644
--- a/docs/skillmap/interface/activity1.md
+++ b/docs/skillmap/interface/activity1.md
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ This block adds a [__*splash screen*__](#splasht "A full-screen message that sho
**Let's see how this works**
-- :tree: Find the
+- :tree: Find the
``||scene:set background color to [ ]||`` block and snap it at the top of
the **on start** container already in the workspace.
@@ -237,8 +237,8 @@ mySprite.startEffect(effects.spray)
-- :paper plane: Find a ``||sprites:[mySprite] start [spray] effect ⊕||``
-block and snap it into the ``||controller:on [A] button pressed||``
+- :paper plane: Find a ``||sprites:[mySprite] start [spray] effect ⊕||``
+block and snap it into the ``||controller:on [A] button pressed||``
container...then choose your own effect!
- :mouse pointer: Click the **⊕** to the right of the new block to pop open an extra
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ but they always need another block to snap into. Value blocks look something lik
-- :calculator: From the ``||math:Math||`` category, grab a ``||math: pick random [0] to [10]||``
+- :calculator: From the ``||math:Math||`` category, grab a ``||math: pick random [0] to [10]||``
value block and snap it into the number field on the effect block.
- :mouse pointer: Change the random range to pick between **100** and **600**.
diff --git a/docs/skillmap/jungle/jungle1.md b/docs/skillmap/jungle/jungle1.md
index 5759751e3d4..ef0e0e7e836 100755
--- a/docs/skillmap/jungle/jungle1.md
+++ b/docs/skillmap/jungle/jungle1.md
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ Our moving characters are called [__*sprites*__](#sprote "2-D images that move o
-- :paper plane: From the ``||sprites:Sprites||`` category, drag
-``||variables:set [mySprite] to sprite [ ] of kind [Player]||``
+- :paper plane: From the ``||sprites:Sprites||`` category, drag
+``||variables:set [mySprite] to sprite [ ] of kind [Player]||``
to **the end** of the ``||loops:on start||`` container.
_💡 Having trouble finding the block you need? Look to the left of the instructions for the icon of the toolbox category where your block lives!_
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ let mySprite = sprites.create(assets.image`stand`, SpriteKind.Player)
-- :game: Drag
-``||controller:move [mySprite] with buttons ➕||``
+- :game: Drag
+``||controller:move [mySprite] with buttons ➕||``
to **the end** of the ``||loops:on start||`` container.
_💡 Remember, the icon to the left of the instructions shows the same icon as the toolbox category for the block you need._
@@ -99,9 +99,9 @@ to "pull down" on the sprite.
-- :paper plane: Drag
-``||sprites:set [mySprite] [x] to [0]||``
-to **the end** of the
+- :paper plane: Drag
+``||sprites:set [mySprite] [x] to [0]||``
+to **the end** of the
``||loops:on start||`` container.
- :mouse pointer: Click the dropdown to change **x** to **ay (acceleration y)**.
@@ -123,9 +123,9 @@ mySprite.ay = 500
-- :tree: To keep the monkey in sight, drag
-``||scene:camera follow sprite [mySprite]||``
-to **the end** of the
+- :tree: To keep the monkey in sight, drag
+``||scene:camera follow sprite [mySprite]||``
+to **the end** of the
``||loops:on start||`` container.
@@ -152,15 +152,15 @@ Now that the monkey has landed safely, we can make it jump using the **up** arro
-- :game: Drag the
-``||controller:on [A] button [pressed]||``
+- :game: Drag the
+``||controller:on [A] button [pressed]||``
container into an empty area of the workspace.
- :mouse pointer: Click the **A** option and change it to **up**.
-- :paper plane: Inside of the
-``||controller:on [up] button [pressed]||``
-container, add
+- :paper plane: Inside of the
+``||controller:on [up] button [pressed]||``
+container, add
``||sprites:make [mySprite] gravity jump||``.
diff --git a/docs/skillmap/jungle/jungle2.md b/docs/skillmap/jungle/jungle2.md
index b4bb53f2b39..862ddae556b 100755
--- a/docs/skillmap/jungle/jungle2.md
+++ b/docs/skillmap/jungle/jungle2.md
@@ -29,13 +29,13 @@ When the player overlaps a _poison pit_ tile, let's trigger a "GAME OVER" messag
- :tree: Drag the
-``||scene:on [sprite] of kind [Player] overlaps [ ] at [location]||``
+``||scene:on [sprite] of kind [Player] overlaps [ ] at [location]||``
container into an empty area of the workspace.
- :paint brush: Click the checkerboard image and change it to the **poison pit** tile.
-- :circle: Snap a
-``||game:game over ||``
+- :circle: Snap a
+``||game:game over ||``
block into the new container.
@@ -63,14 +63,14 @@ When your monkey lands on the poison pit, it should end the game as a loss.
- :tree: Drag another
-``||scene:on [sprite] of kind [Player] overlaps [ ] at [location]||``
+``||scene:on [sprite] of kind [Player] overlaps [ ] at [location]||``
container into the workspace.
- :paint brush: This time, change the checkerboard to the **chest1** tile.
-- :circle: Snap a
-``||game:game over ||``
-block into the new container and toggle
+- :circle: Snap a
+``||game:game over ||``
+block into the new container and toggle
the **``** switch to **``**!
@@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ It's easy to lose...but impossible to win! How do you get over the pits?
-- :tree: Drag another
-``||scene:on [sprite] of kind [Player] overlaps [ ] at [location]||``
+- :tree: Drag another
+``||scene:on [sprite] of kind [Player] overlaps [ ] at [location]||``
container into the workspace.
- :paint brush: Change the checkerboard to the orange sphere tile called **orange bauble**.
@@ -128,14 +128,14 @@ Uh oh! You get WAY too many points when you touch an orange bauble. We can fix
-- :tree: Drag
-``||scene:set [ ] at tilemap col [0] row [0]||``
-into **the top** of the
+- :tree: Drag
+``||scene:set [ ] at tilemap col [0] row [0]||``
+into **the top** of the
``||scene:on [sprite] of kind [Player] overlaps [orange bauble] at [location]||`` container.
-- :mouse pointer: Replace
-``||scene:tilemap col [0] row [0]||``
-with the ``||variables:location||``
+- :mouse pointer: Replace
+``||scene:tilemap col [0] row [0]||``
+with the ``||variables:location||``
value from the top of the **Player overlaps orange bauble** container.

diff --git a/docs/skillmap/jungle/jungle3.md b/docs/skillmap/jungle/jungle3.md
index b40d9d4130d..f4a40f4b8d5 100755
--- a/docs/skillmap/jungle/jungle3.md
+++ b/docs/skillmap/jungle/jungle3.md
@@ -27,14 +27,14 @@ We need some well-placed platforms! Let's add a crate beneath the player when th
-- :game: Drag the
-``||controller:on [A] button [pressed]||``
+- :game: Drag the
+``||controller:on [A] button [pressed]||``
container into an empty area of the workspace.
-- :tree: Set a wall by dragging
-``||scene:set wall at tilemap col [0] row [0]||``
-into the empty
-``||controller:on [A] button [pressed]||``
+- :tree: Set a wall by dragging
+``||scene:set wall at tilemap col [0] row [0]||``
+into the empty
+``||controller:on [A] button [pressed]||``
- :mouse pointer: Toggle `` to ``.
@@ -49,16 +49,16 @@ controller.A.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {
## 4. Block Walls, Cont.
-- :map: Make sure the new wall ends up in the right place by dragging
-``||tiles:location [left] of [location]||``
-in to replace
+- :map: Make sure the new wall ends up in the right place by dragging
+``||tiles:location [left] of [location]||``
+in to replace
``||scene:tilemap col [0] row [0]||``.
- :mouse pointer: Click the word **left** to open the dropdown menu, and change the direction to **bottom**.
-- :map: Create the wall **under** your sprite by dragging
-``||tiles:location of [mySprite]||``
-in to replace
+- :map: Create the wall **under** your sprite by dragging
+``||tiles:location of [mySprite]||``
+in to replace
@@ -88,10 +88,10 @@ The walls are great, but it's hard to remember where they are. Let's add special
-- :tree: Set a tile by dragging
-``||scene:set [ ] at tilemap col [0] row [0]||``
-into **the bottom** of the
-``||controller:on [A] button [pressed]||``
+- :tree: Set a tile by dragging
+``||scene:set [ ] at tilemap col [0] row [0]||``
+into **the bottom** of the
+``||controller:on [A] button [pressed]||``
- :paint brush: Click the empty square and choose the crate called **bounce**.
@@ -110,15 +110,15 @@ controller.A.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {
## 7. Adding Block Tiles, Cont.
-- :map: Make sure the new tile ends up in the right place by dragging
-``||tiles:location [left] of [location]||``
-in to replace
+- :map: Make sure the new tile ends up in the right place by dragging
+``||tiles:location [left] of [location]||``
+in to replace
``||scene:tilemap col [0] row [0]||``.
- :mouse pointer: Click the word **left** to open the dropdown menu, and change the direction to **bottom**.
-- :map: As before, create the tile **under** your sprite by dragging
-``||tiles:location of [mySprite]||``
+- :map: As before, create the tile **under** your sprite by dragging
+``||tiles:location of [mySprite]||``
in to replace ``||variables:location||``.
diff --git a/docs/skillmap/jungle/jungle4.md b/docs/skillmap/jungle/jungle4.md
index 515f0b4dac9..03e5ef16878 100755
--- a/docs/skillmap/jungle/jungle4.md
+++ b/docs/skillmap/jungle/jungle4.md
@@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ Can you find the bauble that's blocked-in?
## 3. When B Pressed
-**Nothing a little dynamite can't fix**
+**Nothing a little dynamite can't fix**
We need to remove some walls and tiles! Let's clear the way when the (B) button is pressed.
-- :game: Drag the
-``||controller:on [A] button [pressed]||``
+- :game: Drag the
+``||controller:on [A] button [pressed]||``
container into an empty area of the workspace.
- :mouse pointer: Click the letter A and change it to B.
@@ -49,10 +49,10 @@ We're going to use a **Projectile** block here, even though our dynamite stays i
-- :paper plane: Drag
-``||variables:set [projectile] to projectile from [mySprite] with vx [50] vy [50]||``
-into the empty
-``||controller:on [B] button [pressed]||``
+- :paper plane: Drag
+``||variables:set [projectile] to projectile from [mySprite] with vx [50] vy [50]||``
+into the empty
+``||controller:on [B] button [pressed]||``
- :mouse pointer: Change both **vx** (horizontal speed) and **vy** (vertical speed) to **0** so the explosive stays where you drop it.
@@ -75,17 +75,17 @@ For the explosive to overlap the blocks around it, we need it to be able to **go
-- :paper plane: Drag
-``||sprites:set [mySprite] [auto destroy] ||``
-into **the end** of
-``||controller:on [B] button [pressed]||``
+- :paper plane: Drag
+``||sprites:set [mySprite] [auto destroy] ||``
+into **the end** of
+``||controller:on [B] button [pressed]||``
container, then toggle **``** to **``**.
- :mouse pointer: Click ``||variables:mySprite||`` and change it to ``||variables:projectile||``.
-- :mouse pointer: Click
-``||sprites:auto destroy||``
-and change it to
+- :mouse pointer: Click
+``||sprites:auto destroy||``
+and change it to
``||sprites:ghost through walls||``.
@@ -106,9 +106,9 @@ In this step, we'll choose **an animation** for our projectile to make it look l
- :chevron down: Click the **Advanced** category in the toolbar to reveal the ``||animation:Animation||`` category.
-- :sync: Drag the large
-``||animation:animate [mySprite]||``
-block to **the end** of
+- :sync: Drag the large
+``||animation:animate [mySprite]||``
+block to **the end** of
``||controller:on [B] button [pressed]||``.
- :mouse pointer: Click ``||variables:mySprite||`` and change it to ``||variables:projectile||``.
@@ -168,13 +168,13 @@ You should be able to jump with the up arrow, place tiles with the (A) button, a
## 9. Removing Block Tiles
-**💥 Kaboom 💥**
+**💥 Kaboom 💥**
When your **splode** animation overlaps a platform tile, we need to remove both the wall and the tile.
-- :tree: Drag the
-``||scene:on [sprite] of kind [Player] overlaps [ ] at [location]||``
+- :tree: Drag the
+``||scene:on [sprite] of kind [Player] overlaps [ ] at [location]||``
container into an empty area of the workspace.
- :mouse pointer: Click ``||sprites:Player||`` and change it to ``||sprites:Projectile||``.
@@ -190,15 +190,15 @@ scene.onOverlapTile(SpriteKind.Projectile, assets.tile`skyblock`, function (spri
## 10. Removing Walls
-- :tree: Drag
-``||scene:set wall at tilemap col [0] row [0]||``
-into the empty
-``||scene:on [sprite] of kind [Projectile] overlaps [skyblock] at [location]||``
+- :tree: Drag
+``||scene:set wall at tilemap col [0] row [0]||``
+into the empty
+``||scene:on [sprite] of kind [Projectile] overlaps [skyblock] at [location]||``
-- :mouse pointer: To remove the wall at the location of overlap, drag the ``||variables:location||`` value block out of the
-``||scene:on [sprite] of kind [Projectile] overlaps [skyblock] at [location]||``
-title and drop it in to replace
+- :mouse pointer: To remove the wall at the location of overlap, drag the ``||variables:location||`` value block out of the
+``||scene:on [sprite] of kind [Projectile] overlaps [skyblock] at [location]||``
+title and drop it in to replace
``||scene:tilemap col [0] row [0]||``.

@@ -222,14 +222,14 @@ Lastly, we need to remove the tile from the same place that we removed the wall.
-- :tree: Drag
-``||scene:set [ ] at tilemap col [0] row [0]||``
-into **the end** of the
-``||scene:on [sprite] of kind [Projectile] overlaps [skyblock] at [location]||``
+- :tree: Drag
+``||scene:set [ ] at tilemap col [0] row [0]||``
+into **the end** of the
+``||scene:on [sprite] of kind [Projectile] overlaps [skyblock] at [location]||``
-- :mouse pointer: To remove the tile at the location of overlap, drag the ``||variables:location||`` value block out of the
-``||scene:on [sprite] of kind [Projectile] overlaps [skyblock] at [location]||`` title and drop it in to replace
+- :mouse pointer: To remove the tile at the location of overlap, drag the ``||variables:location||`` value block out of the
+``||scene:on [sprite] of kind [Projectile] overlaps [skyblock] at [location]||`` title and drop it in to replace
``||scene:tilemap col [0] row [0]||``.
diff --git a/docs/skillmap/jungle/jungle5.md b/docs/skillmap/jungle/jungle5.md
index 4c1463dbdba..0a9988ccb28 100755
--- a/docs/skillmap/jungle/jungle5.md
+++ b/docs/skillmap/jungle/jungle5.md
@@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ Can you connect each chunk of code to the actions it creates?
## 3. Fried Monkey?
-**💥 STAND BACK 💥**
+**💥 STAND BACK 💥**
Make sure to get the monkey out of the way before the big bang!
-- :paper plane: Drag the
-``||sprites:on [sprite] of kind [Player] overlaps [otherSprite] of kind [Player]||``
+- :paper plane: Drag the
+``||sprites:on [sprite] of kind [Player] overlaps [otherSprite] of kind [Player]||``
container into an empty area of the workspace.
- :mouse pointer: Click the second kind ``||sprites:Player||`` and change it to ``||sprites:Projectile||``.
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ sprites.onOverlap(SpriteKind.Player, SpriteKind.Projectile, function (sprite, ot
## 4. Remove the Projectile
-- :paper plane: Drag
-``||sprites:destroy [mySprite]||``
+- :paper plane: Drag
+``||sprites:destroy [mySprite]||``
into the empty **on Projectile overlaps Player** container.
- :mouse pointer: Drag the ``||variables:otherSprite||`` value block out of the title bar to replace ``||variables:mySprite||``.
@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ Don't forget to remove HP from the monkey!
-- :id card: Drag
-``||info:change life by [-1]||``
+- :id card: Drag
+``||info:change life by [-1]||``
to **the end** of the **on Projectile overlaps Player** container.
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ You should be able to jump with the up arrow, place tiles with the (A) button, a
## 7. Remove More Tiles
-**💥 Kablow 💥**
+**💥 Kablow 💥**
This game could have even more options if we remove **bounce** crates and **poison pit** tiles with explosives, too.
diff --git a/docs/skillmap/jungle/jungle6.md b/docs/skillmap/jungle/jungle6.md
index 361314c1679..83f9a218df7 100755
--- a/docs/skillmap/jungle/jungle6.md
+++ b/docs/skillmap/jungle/jungle6.md
@@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ Can you connect each chunk of code to the actions it creates?
## 3. Step to the Right
-**➡️ Walking to the Right**
+**➡️ Walking to the Right**
Let's make our character walk to the right when the right arrow is pressed.
-- :game: To add code that runs when the player moves to the right, drag
-``||controller:on [A] button [pressed]||``
+- :game: To add code that runs when the player moves to the right, drag
+``||controller:on [A] button [pressed]||``
into an empty area of the workspace.
- :mouse pointer: Click ``||controller:A||`` and choose ``||controller:right||`` from the dropdown.
@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ controller.right.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {
- :chevron down: Click the **Advanced** category in the toolbar to reveal the ``||animation:Animation||`` category.
-- :sync: Drag the large
-``||animation:animate [mySprite]||``
-block into the empty
-``||controller:on [right] button [pressed]||``
+- :sync: Drag the large
+``||animation:animate [mySprite]||``
+block into the empty
+``||controller:on [right] button [pressed]||``
- :paint brush: Click the empty grey box and toggle to **My Assets** to choose the **walk right** animation.
@@ -107,13 +107,13 @@ Now we need an animation that runs when the monkey jumps!
-- :binoculars: Find your
-``||controller:on [up] button [pressed]||``
+- :binoculars: Find your
+``||controller:on [up] button [pressed]||``
container that's already in the workspace.
-- :sync: Grab an
-``||animation:animate [mySprite]||``
-block and drag it into **the end** of the
+- :sync: Grab an
+``||animation:animate [mySprite]||``
+block and drag it into **the end** of the
``||controller:on [up] button [pressed]||``
diff --git a/docs/skillmap/jungle/jungle7.md b/docs/skillmap/jungle/jungle7.md
index 335f3171219..9e8f0609be0 100755
--- a/docs/skillmap/jungle/jungle7.md
+++ b/docs/skillmap/jungle/jungle7.md
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ Can you remember which chunk of code creates each action?
-- :binoculars: Look for your
-``||game:game over ||``
+- :binoculars: Look for your
+``||game:game over ||``
block inside of the **Player overlaps chest1** container.
- :mouse pointer: Click the image of **chest1** and change it to **chest2**.
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ When we get to the first chest, we want to take the player to a new level.
-- :tree: Drag
-``||scene:on [sprite] of kind [Player] overlaps [ ] at [location]||``
+- :tree: Drag
+``||scene:on [sprite] of kind [Player] overlaps [ ] at [location]||``
into an empty area of the workspace.
- :paint brush: Click the empty square and choose **chest1**.
@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ scene.onOverlapTile(SpriteKind.Player, assets.tile`chest1`, function (sprite, lo
## 5. Change of Scenery
-- :tree: To show the player that the level has changed, drag
-``||scene:set background image to [ ]||``
+- :tree: To show the player that the level has changed, drag
+``||scene:set background image to [ ]||``
into the empty **Player overlaps chest1** container.
- :paint brush: Click the grey square and toggle to **My Assets** to choose **background2**.
@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ scene.onOverlapTile(SpriteKind.Player, assets.tile`chest1`, function (sprite, lo
## 6. Change of Location
-- :tree: To change the level tilemap, drag
-``||scene:set tilemap to [ ]||``
+- :tree: To change the level tilemap, drag
+``||scene:set tilemap to [ ]||``
to **the end** of the **Player overlaps chest1** container.
- :paint brush: Click the grey square and toggle to **My Assets** to choose **level2**.
@@ -103,12 +103,12 @@ scene.onOverlapTile(SpriteKind.Player, assets.tile`chest1`, function (sprite, lo
-- :sync: To carry your character back to the beginning of the level, drag the
-``||animation:animate [mySprite] with [fly to center]||``
+- :sync: To carry your character back to the beginning of the level, drag the
+``||animation:animate [mySprite] with [fly to center]||``
block into **the end** of the **Player overlaps chest1** container.
-- :paper plane: Drag
-``||sprites:[mySprite] say [":)"]||``
+- :paper plane: Drag
+``||sprites:[mySprite] say [":)"]||``
into **the end** of the **Player overlaps chest1** container.
- :mouse pointer: Change the text to say **Level 2!** and click the white plus **(+)** to the right of the block so that the text disappears after 500 ms.
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ Make your way to the treasure chest. You should be transported to a new level!
## Finished
-**🥳 Congratulations 🥳**
+**🥳 Congratulations 🥳**
You did it!! Can you play your game all the way to the end?
diff --git a/docs/skillmap/jungle/jungle8.md b/docs/skillmap/jungle/jungle8.md
index 340283f3277..fbb09bf7c0f 100755
--- a/docs/skillmap/jungle/jungle8.md
+++ b/docs/skillmap/jungle/jungle8.md
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ How do you feel about the main character? The background?
## 3. A New Location
-**Let's change the scene**
+**Let's change the scene**
🖼️ 🖼️ 🖼️