Releases: microsoft/applicationinsights-angularplugin-js
What's Changed
- [bug] Update package_groups.json to point to right dir by @siyuniu-ms in #155
- Bump webpack-dev-middleware from 5.3.3 to 5.3.4 in /sample/applicationinsights-angularplugin-sample by @dependabot in #157
- [pre-release] update application insights to 3.1.2 by @siyuniu-ms in #159
- [Release] Increase version to 15.1.2 by @siyuniu-ms in #154
Full Changelog: 15.1.1...15.1.2
What's Changed
- [Main] chore: Add packaging helper script by @MSNev in #149
- [pre-release] update application insights to 3.1.1 by @siyuniu-ms in #150
- [Release] Increase version to 15.1.1 by @siyuniu-ms in #152
Full Changelog: 15.1.0...15.1.1
15.1.0 (Feb 15th, 2024)
#147 Update to Application Insights ^3.1.0
#146 Fix lint problem in tests
What's Changed
- try to remove lint problem in tests by @siyuniu-ms in #146
- Update to Application Insights ^3.1.0 by @Karlie-777 in #147
- [Main] [Release] Increase version to 15.1.0 by @Karlie-777 in #148
Full Changelog: 15.0.2...15.1.0
15.0.2 (Feb 12th, 2024)
- #135 Update workflow angular.yml to support angular 14 release branch
- #137 [main] Update codeql-analysis.yml to add Angular 14 branch
- #126 Add Issue state reporting script
- #143 Update GitHub Status script with -dump switch
- #144 Update to Application Insights ^3.0.8
What's Changed
- Update angular.yml to support angular 14 release by @siyuniu-ms in #135
- [main] Update codeql-analysis.yml to add Angular 14 branch by @siyuniu-ms in #137
- Add Issue state reporting script by @MSNev in #126
- Update GitHub Status script with -dump switch by @MSNev in #143
- Update to Application Insights ^3.0.8 by @MSNev in #144
- [Main] [Release] Increase version to 15.0.2 by @MSNev in #145
Full Changelog: 15.0.1...15.0.2
14.0.1 (Nov 17th, 2023)
- #136 [angular14] Update angular.yml (for github pipeline running)
- #134 [pre-release] udpate application insight dependency
What's Changed
- [angular14] Update angular.yml by @siyuniu-ms in #136
- [pre-release] udpate application insight dependency by @siyuniu-ms in #134
- [Release] [Angular14] Increase version to 14.0.1 by @siyuniu-ms in #138
- [angular14] npm audit fix by @siyuniu-ms in #139
- [Angular14] [fix] update main package json version by @siyuniu-ms in #140
Full Changelog: 14.0.0...14.0.1
- #132 [pre-release] udpate application insight dependency, get ready for release
What's Changed
- [pre-release] udpate application insight dependency, get ready for release by @siyuniu-ms in #132
- [Release] Increase version to 15.0.1 by @siyuniu-ms in #133
Full Changelog: 15.0.0...15.0.1
#125 Update dependency for angular 15
What's Changed
- update dependency for angular 15 by @siyuniu-ms in #125
- [Release] Increase version to 15.0.0 by @siyuniu-ms in #124
Full Changelog: 14.0.0...15.0.0
Re-numbering the plugin to match the major version number of the targeted angular version used to create the plugin.
- #121 add optional init arg 'injector' for angular plugin
- #57 Re-Numbering the plugin release so the major number matches the Angular release
- #119 update eslint config and correct format error
What's Changed
- Update main branch to prepare for next major version. by @MSNev in #109
- Merge release3.x changes into main by @MSNev in #113
- Enable Dynamic Change by @siyuniu-ms in #115
- Bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 by @dependabot in #116
- update eslint config and correct format error by @siyuniu-ms in #119
- add optional init arg 'injector' for angular plugin by @siyuniu-ms in #121
- [Release] Increase version to 14.0.0 by @siyuniu-ms in #122
New Contributors
- @siyuniu-ms made their first contribution in #115
Full Changelog: 3.0.2...14.0.0
Version 3.x is now being maintained / released from the release3.x branch as
main is being updated to support ApplicationInsights 3.x and will have it's major version number bumped to match the major version of the supported Angular-JS version (which will be v14.x as the first release)
- #44 Update to ApplicationInsights ^2.8.14 from ^2.8.12
- Moved to release3.x branch
What's Changed
- Update to ApplicationInsights 2.8.14 by @MSNev in #108
- [Release] Increase version to 3.0.3 by @MSNev in #112
Full Changelog: 3.0.2...3.0.3
- #98 Repository URL pointing to stale page in another repo
- #99 Update to ApplicationInsights v2.8.12
- #96 Internal Task 17133116: Add Policheck exclusion file
What's Changed
- Internal Task 17133116: Add Policheck exclusion file by @MSNev in #96
- Update to ApplicationInsights v2.8.12 by @MSNev in #99
- [Release] Increase version to 3.0.2 by @MSNev in #100
- [Release] Increase version to 3.0.2+ by @MSNev in #101
Full Changelog: 3.0.1...3.0.2