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Invalid regex when running Phi4-mini-instruct-onnx using #266

kimmywork opened this issue Feb 28, 2025 · 2 comments


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(workbench) ➜  workbench git:(master) ✗ python -m cpu_and_mobile/cpu-int4-rtn-block-32-acc-level-4 -e cpu --verbose
Loading model...
Model loaded
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/qliu23/workspace/ml/workbench/", line 98, in <module>
  File "/Users/qliu23/workspace/ml/workbench/", line 20, in main
    tokenizer = og.Tokenizer(model)
RuntimeError: Invalid regex:  ?[^\s\p{L}\p{N}]+[\r\n/]*
The expression contained an invalid escaped character, or a trailing escape.
Package                                  Version
---------------------------------------- --------------
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msal-extensions                          1.2.0
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numpy                                    1.26.4
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olefile                                  0.47
ollama                                   0.4.7
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onnxruntime                              1.20.1
onnxruntime-genai                        0.7.0rc1
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opentelemetry-instrumentation-threading  0.51b0
opentelemetry-instrumentation-urllib3    0.51b0
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orjson                                   3.10.15
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packaging                                24.2
pandas                                   2.2.3
pandocfilters                            1.5.1
parse                                    1.20.2
parso                                    0.8.4
pathable                                 0.4.4
pathvalidate                             3.2.3
patsy                                    1.0.1
pdfminer-six                             20240706
peft                                     0.14.0
pexpect                                  4.9.0
pfzy                                     0.3.4
phonemizer-fork                          3.3.2
pillow                                   11.1.0
pip                                      25.0.1
platformdirs                             4.3.6
playwright                               1.50.0
portalocker                              2.10.1
posthog                                  3.14.2
pot                                      0.9.5
pptree                                   3.1
preshed                                  3.0.9
proces                                   0.1.7
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protobuf                                 5.29.3
psutil                                   7.0.0
psycopg                                  3.2.4
ptyprocess                               0.7.0
pure-eval                                0.2.3
puremagic                                1.28
py-cpuinfo                               9.0.0
pyarrow                                  15.0.2
pyasn1                                   0.6.1
pyasn1-modules                           0.4.1
pybars4                                  0.9.13
pyclipper                                1.3.0.post6
pycparser                                2.22
pycryptodome                             3.21.0
pydantic                                 2.10.6
pydantic-core                            2.27.2
pydantic-settings                        2.8.0
pydub                                    0.25.1
pyee                                     12.1.1
pygments                                 2.19.1
pyjwt                                    2.10.1
pylance                                  0.20.0
pymeta3                                  0.5.1
pynndescent                              0.5.13
pyparsing                                3.2.1
pypika                                   0.48.9
pypinyin                                 0.53.0
pyproject-hooks                          1.2.0
pysocks                                  1.7.1
python-bidi                              0.6.6
python-dateutil                          2.9.0.post0
python-dotenv                            1.0.1
python-gitlab                            5.6.0
python-json-logger                       3.2.1
python-multipart                         0.0.20
python-pptx                              1.0.2
python-telegram-bot                      21.10
pytorch-revgrad                          0.2.0
pytz                                     2025.1
pyyaml                                   6.0.2
pyzbar                                   0.1.9
pyzmq                                    26.2.1
rdflib                                   7.1.3
referencing                              0.36.2
regex                                    2024.11.6
requests                                 2.32.3
requests-oauthlib                        2.0.0
requests-toolbelt                        1.0.0
rfc3339-validator                        0.1.4
rfc3986                                  1.5.0
rfc3986-validator                        0.1.1
rich                                     13.9.4
rich-toolkit                             0.13.2
rpds-py                                  0.23.0
rsa                                      4.9
ruamel-yaml                              0.18.10
ruamel-yaml-clib                         0.2.12
s3transfer                               0.11.2
safetensors                              0.5.2
scikit-image                             0.25.2
scikit-learn                             1.6.1
scipy                                    1.12.0
seaborn                                  0.13.2
segments                                 2.3.0
segtok                                   1.5.11
semantic-kernel                          1.20.0
send2trash                               1.8.3
sentence-transformers                    3.4.1
sentencepiece                            0.2.0
setuptools                               75.8.0
shapely                                  2.0.7
shellingham                              1.5.4
six                                      1.17.0
smart-open                               7.1.0
sniffio                                  1.3.1
sortedcontainers                         2.4.0
soundfile                                0.13.1
soupsieve                                2.6
spacy                                    3.8.4
spacy-curated-transformers               0.3.0
spacy-legacy                             3.0.12
spacy-loggers                            1.0.5
speechrecognition                        3.14.1
sqlalchemy                               2.0.38
sqlitedict                               2.1.0
sqlmodel                                 0.0.22
srsly                                    2.5.1
stack-data                               0.6.3
starlette                                0.45.3
statsmodels                              0.14.4
sympy                                    1.13.1
tabulate                                 0.9.0
tenacity                                 9.0.0
tensorboard                              2.18.0
tensorboard-data-server                  0.7.2
tensorflow                               2.18.0
termcolor                                2.5.0
terminado                                0.18.1
tf-keras                                 2.18.0
thinc                                    8.3.4
threadpoolctl                            3.5.0
tifffile                                 2025.2.18
tiktoken                                 0.8.0
tinycss2                                 1.4.0
tld                                      0.13
tokenizers                               0.21.0
torch                                    2.6.0
torchvision                              0.21.0
tornado                                  6.4.2
tqdm                                     4.67.1
trafilatura                              2.0.0
traitlets                                5.14.3
transformer-smaller-training-vocab       0.4.0
transformers                             4.49.0
trl                                      0.15.1
typer                                    0.15.1
typing-extensions                        4.12.2
tzdata                                   2025.1
tzlocal                                  5.3
ultralytics                              8.3.78
ultralytics-thop                         2.0.14
umap-learn                               0.5.7
unidic-lite                              1.0.8
unsloth                                  2024.8
uri-template                             1.3.0
uritemplate                              4.1.1
urllib3                                  2.3.0
uvicorn                                  0.34.0
uvloop                                   0.21.0
wasabi                                   1.1.3
watchfiles                               1.0.4
wcwidth                                  0.2.13
weasel                                   0.4.1
webcolors                                24.11.1
webencodings                             0.5.1
websocket-client                         1.8.0
websockets                               15.0
werkzeug                                 3.1.3
wheel                                    0.45.1
wikipedia-api                            0.8.1
wrapt                                    1.17.2
wsproto                                  1.2.0
xlrd                                     2.0.1
xlsxwriter                               3.2.2
xxhash                                   3.5.0
yarl                                     1.18.3
youtube-transcript-api                   0.6.3
zipp                                     3.21.0

Instructions I've followed here on huggingface:

# Download the model directly using the Hugging Face CLI
huggingface-cli download microsoft/Phi-4-mini-instruct-onnx --include cpu_and_mobile/cpu-int4-rtn-block-32-acc-level-4/* --local-dir .

# Install the CPU package of ONNX Runtime GenAI
pip install --pre onnxruntime-genai

# Please adjust the model directory (-m) accordingly
curl -o
python -m cpu_and_mobile/cpu-int4-rtn-block-32-acc-level-4 -e cpu
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leestott commented Mar 2, 2025

Phi-4 mini and Phi-3 have different architectures so you will not be able to run Phi-3 samples on Phi-4-mini or Phi-4-multimodal

@leestott leestott closed this as completed Mar 2, 2025
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Update: This is potentially a bug in Ort that is being fixed here microsoft/onnxruntime-extensions#905

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