diff --git a/center/src/main/java/com/microsoft/hydralab/center/service/GptSuggestionService.java b/center/src/main/java/com/microsoft/hydralab/center/service/GptSuggestionService.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..64f321c99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/center/src/main/java/com/microsoft/hydralab/center/service/GptSuggestionService.java
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+package com.microsoft.hydralab.center.service;
+import com.microsoft.hydralab.center.openai.AzureOpenAIServiceClient;
+import com.microsoft.hydralab.center.openai.ChatMessage;
+import com.microsoft.hydralab.center.openai.ChatRequest;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+public class GptSuggestionService {
+    AzureOpenAIServiceClient client;
+    String exceptionAnalyzePrompt =
+            "        I will give you a test with failure exception information with stack trace.\n" +
+            "        I will give you a logcat log which records logs before this exception.\n" +
+            "        Do 3 things for me:\n" +
+            "            1. Give me a summary about this exception.\n" +
+            "            2. Assume root cause of this exception.\n" +
+            "            3. Propose potential solution to fix this exception.\n";
+    String ExceptionAnalyze(String exceptionStr, String logPath) {
+        client = new AzureOpenAIServiceClient(
+     "key", "deployment", "endpoint", "api-version");
+        String logContent = "";
+        ChatRequest req = new ChatRequest();
+        req.setMessages(Arrays.asList(
+            new ChatMessage("system", exceptionAnalyzePrompt),
+            new ChatMessage("user", "exception: " + exceptionStr),
+            new ChatMessage("user", "log: " + logContent)
+        ));
+        return client.chatCompletion(req);
+    }