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Breaking vs Non breaking Changes

Helio Liu edited this page Mar 17, 2022 · 18 revisions

What are breaking and compatible changes?

There are three types of changes which are also reflected in the three semver version parts:

  1. Breaking (major): These changes break compatibility in some way with previous major versions. This could be through API, runtime, or persisted data compatibility.
  2. Incremental (minor): These changes are incremental over previous minor versions of the same major version. They affect the API, runtime, or persisted data but in a compatible way.
  3. Implementation only/bug fixes (patch): These changes may affect functionality or behavior, but do not have any compatibility considerations for API, runtime, or persisted data compatibility.

Types of breaking changes


API breaking changes involve changing the public API of the framework in a way that may produce compile time errors for a consumer upgrading to the newer version. For example, adding a required function parameter would be a breaking change because the consumer would need to change any API calls:

-export function DoAThing(withAParameter: string): string;
+export function DoAThing(withAParameter: string, andAnotherOne: string): string;

Not all API breaks are as obvious as the previous example. For example, transitive breaks can be difficult to identify, especially as type usages become more scattered:

// @questionable/activities File1.ts
    export interface IEatCrayons {
-       eatCrayon(color: string): void;
+       eatCrayon(crayon: Crayon): void;

// @questionable/people File2.ts
    import { IEatCrayons } from "@questionable/activities";
    export class ArtisticMediaConnoisseurFactory {
        public createCrayonConnoisseur(): IEatCrayons { ... }

In this case, a caller of createCrayonConnoisseur that makes a call to eatCrayon on the returned IEatCrayons object would experience an API break even if there was no explicit dependency on IEatCrayons. ArtisticMediaConnoisseurFactory has received a transitive break from the IEatCrayons break.

There are more obscure API breaks that are possible with Typescript as well, but as a heuristic FluidFramework does not consider all such cases in order to balance impact and version changes.


Runtime breaking changes involve changing object compatibility at runtime for cross-version scenarios. Due to its architecture, different parts of a Fluid application may be running on different versions, and versions within a certain window are expected to remain compatible. For example, adding an API in one part and using it in another part as part of the same release may be considered incremental from an API perspective, but may be considered breaking from a runtime perspective. This is because if the calling code calls the new API from an older version where it does not exist, it will lead to a runtime break. Such a change would need to be staged according to processes described in Compatibility and Versioning.

Persisted data

Also referred to as data-at-rest. Persisted data breaking changes involve changing data formats that are written to disk. Persisted data is not coupled to code versions, so code that reads or writes the data format must remain compatible with data formats from other versions.

How to determine if a change is breaking

Developer determination

As part of making any change, the developer should consider how the change impacts compatibility in all relevant areas. Breaking changes are handled differently within the repo as described in How to make a change. Most such determinations can be done without manual testing, but developers should ensure that automated validation covers their scenario were someone to make the wrong determination in this step.

Automated determination

There is automation for detecting if API, runtime, or persisted data compatibility has been broken. API compatibility checks run as part of PR validation (work in progress) and warn the developer of a change is breaking. Runtime compatibility checks run asynchronously in a CI pipeline as defined in the tests in test-end-to-end-tests. Persisted data compatibility is checked as part of snapshot tests which run as part of PR validation.

How to make a change

Layer considerations

Note: There is work in progress to obviate the steps in this sub-section.

As an additional consideration, changes to the following packages/groups will require the developer to stage the change as described in the Compatibility and Versioning page. This is required independently of if the change is breaking or not.

  • @fluidframework/build-common
  • @fluidframework/eslint-config-fluid
  • @fluidframework/common-definitions
  • @fluidframework/common-utils
  • @fluidframework/core-interfaces
  • @fluidframework/protocol-definitions
  • @fluidframework/driver-definitions
  • @fluidframework/container-definitions
  • Server


Non-breaking changes may be merged into either the main or next branches depending on your needs. In the case that a developer attempts to merge a breaking change into main, either the PR validation should fail for API or snapshot validation preventing merge, or the runtime compatibility tests will fail later and the change will be backed out.

Changes made to main will be integrated automatically to next in cases where a feature has both breaking and non-breaking components that need to be released separately.


Breaking changes must always be merged into the next branch. Runtime compatibility and snapshot validation will both run for changes in next in order to enforce version compatibility windows. Changes made to next will be integrated to main as part of each major release before the release branch is created.


Some changes can be breaking for the packages receiving the change (it affects the package's public API) but not be breaking for the framework as a whole (the change is not exposed in the framework's public API). Package APIs may be tagged with @internal to indicate that they are for framework internal usage only. Internal APIs may be modified in breaking ways without incurring a breaking version change. For such changes, the developer is responsible for also verifying it does not affect runtime compatibility.

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