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BLAKE2.cs source code package - C# implementation

Written in 2012 by Samuel Neves <[email protected]>
Written in 2012 by Christian Winnerlein <[email protected]>
Written in 2016 by Uli Riehm <[email protected]>

To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright
and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain
worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.

You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along with
this software. If not, see <>.

Ask questions on stackoverflow using tags C#``Blake2 !

Usage 1

Have "one" Blake2B hash value.

using Crypto;
using System;
using System.Text;

	byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text);
	byte[] value;

	using (var hash = new Blake2B()) value = hash.ComputeHash(bytes);

	foreach (byte v in value) Console.Write("{0:x2}", v);

Usage 2

Have "many" Blake2B hash values.

using Crypto;
using System;
using System.Text;

	byte[] textBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("HHHHAAAALLLLOOOOWWWWEEEELLLLTTTT");

	byte[] hashSource = new byte[sizeof(UInt64) + textBytes.Length];
	Buffer.BlockCopy(textBytes, 0, hashSource, sizeof(UInt64), textBytes.Length);

	var hashValue = new byte[64];

	UInt64 i = 0; // threadI;

	using (var hash = new Blake2B())
			Blake2B.UInt64ToBytes(i, hashSource, 0);

			hash.Compute(hashValue, hashSource);

			// if (Quersumme(i + 1) == 1) Console.WriteLine ...

		} while (0 < ++i && i < UInt32.MaxValue);

		/* Beware. Your program will run FOR HOURS !

		   2016-08-22 02.53.00
		   Intel Pentium Dual CPU E2160 @ 1.80GHz x2

		     100.000.000 Blake2B in 02min 12sec
		   ==  100000000 ÷ (02×60 + 12)
		   :=    757.576 Blake2B/s Blake2B in 21min 48sec
		   == 1000000000 ÷ (21×60 + 48)
		   :=    764.526 Blake2B/s

		1. Run this using a pipe, on GNU/Linux and on Windows

		   $ mono ./YourProgram.exe > './YourPrograms output.txt'

		2. Use `emacs` as your editor.

		   Press `M-x auto-revert-mode`
		   or use file `~/.emacs.d/init.el` with `(global-auto-revert-mode 1)`,

		   to have a real-time view of your program.

		3. Also try this using new System.Threading.Thread's:

		} while (threadI < (i += threadC)); /**/

	foreach (byte v in hashValue) Console.Write("{0:x2}", v);

Example 1

~/Blake2B.cs/bin/Debug $ echo -n HHHHAAAALLLLOOOOWWWWEEEELLLLTTTT > ./Hallo.txt

~/Blake2B.cs/bin/Debug $ hexdump ./Hallo.txt 
0000000 4848 4848 4141 4141 4c4c 4c4c 4f4f 4f4f
0000010 5757 5757 4545 4545 4c4c 4c4c 5454 5454

~/Blake2B.cs/bin/Debug $ mono ./Blake2B.exe --in=./Hallo.txt

~/Blake2B.cs/bin/Debug $ mono ./Blake2B.exe --in=./Hallo.txt Blake2S