Maude, available at (version 2.6 and 2.7 work).
GraphViz, available at
You can download the binaries appropriate for your system from
You can also compile tamarin-prover from source. We manage the Haskell dependencies automatically, using 'stack'. First install 'stack' according to
After cloning the tamarin-prover repository run 'make default', which will install an appropriate GHC for your system, including all dependencies, and the tamarin-prover executable will be copied to
To the best of our knowledge, there is no current GraphViz version available for Windows, so only the command-line parts of the tool are functional there.
Use your package manager to install maude and graphviz:
sudo apt-get install maude graphviz
Install stack - follow instructions at
Clone the repository
git clone
Build the tamarin-prover
make default
The tamarin-prover executable will be installed in ~/.local/bin/tamarin-prover
Starting 'tamarin-prover' without arguments will output help, including the paths to the installed example protocol models and the case studies from our papers. We recommend opening the Tutorial.spthy example file in a text editor and start exploring from there. Happy proving :-)