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File metadata and controls

189 lines (158 loc) · 5.5 KB

Windows Authentication strategy for Passport.js.


npm install passport-windowsauth


This module authenticate user with a LDAP directory. It works in two modes Integrated Authentication (often refer as NTLM) or Form Authentication.

Usage with Integrated Authentication

In this mode, this strategy reads an special server variable from IIS (more info about this here) and then generate a profile. You can optionally pass some LDAP credentials to fetch the profile from Active Directory.

This only works in WINDOWS and it only works when running inside of IIS whit IISNode.

In your IIS application authentication settings, disable Anonymous and enable Windows Authentication.

If you want to use it with LDAP:

var passport = require('passport');
var WindowsStrategy = require('passport-windowsauth');

passport.use(new WindowsStrategy({ 
  ldap: {
    url:             'ldap://,DC=com',
    base:            'DC=wellscordobabank,DC=com',
    bindDN:          'someAccount',
    bindCredentials: 'andItsPass'
}, function(profile, done){
  User.findOrCreate({ waId: }, function (err, user) {
    done(err, user);

If you want to use without LDAP:

var passport = require('passport');
var WindowsStrategy = require('passport-windowsauth');

passport.use(function(profile, done){
  User.findOrCreate({ waId: }, function (err, user) {
    done(err, user);

NOTE: in this case profile only has displayName and id, and the two variables with the same value.

Then use the strategy in a route as follows:

  function (req, res){

Non-integrated authentication

You can use this module to authenticate users against a LDAP server without integrated authentication. You will prompt the user for his username and password in a form like this:

<form action="/login" method="post">
        <input type="text" name="username"/>
        <input type="password" name="password"/>
        <input type="submit" value="Log In"/>

and then have a route like this:'/login',
  passport.authenticate('WindowsAuthentication', { 
                                  successRedirect: '/',
                                  failureRedirect: '/login',
                                  failureFlash:    true })

The same configuration as explained above is required with the integrated option in false:

var passport = require('passport');
var WindowsStrategy = require('passport-windowsauth');

passport.use(new WindowsStrategy({ 
  ldap: {
    url:             'ldap://,DC=com',
    base:            'DC=wellscordobabank,DC=com',
    bindDN:          'someAccount',
    bindCredentials: 'andItsPass'
  integrated:        false
}, function(profile, done){
  User.findOrCreate({ waId: }, function (err, user) {
    done(err, user);

Example profile from LDAP

When you use the LDAP integration the profile follows the Passport.js user profile convention and you have also a _json property with all the profile.


  "id": "fe59e96-4d82-431e-816a-5a688e4ab547",
  "displayName": "Jose Romaniello",
  "name": {
    "familyName": "Romaniello",
    "givenName": "Jose"
  "emails": [
      "value": "[email protected]"
  "_json": {
    "dn": "CN=Jose Romaniello,CN=Users,DC=wellscordobabank,DC=com",
    "controls": [],
    "objectClass": [
    "cn": "Jose Romaniello",
    "sn": "Romaniello",
    "title": "cantante desafinado - programador experto",
    "physicalDeliveryOfficeName": "Chief Architect",
    "telephoneNumber": "+543519998822",
    "givenName": "Jose",
    "distinguishedName": "CN=Jose Romaniello,CN=Users,DC=wellscordobabank,DC=com",
    "instanceType": "4",
    "whenCreated": "20130220172116.0Z",
    "whenChanged": "20130220183149.0Z",
    "displayName": "Jose Romaniello",
    "uSNCreated": "12717",
    "uSNChanged": "12792",
    "company": "Wells Cordoba Bank",
    "name": "Jose Romaniello",
    "objectGUID": "fe59e96-4d82-431e-816a-5a688e4ab547",
    "userAccountControl": "66048",
    "badPwdCount": "0",
    "codePage": "0",
    "countryCode": "0",
    "badPasswordTime": "0",
    "lastLogoff": "0",
    "lastLogon": "0",
    "pwdLastSet": "130058544776047558",
    "primaryGroupID": "513",
    "objectSid": "\u0001\u0005\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0005\u0015\u0000\u0000\u0000��=��\u001d��uQ��O\u0004\u0000\u0000",
    "accountExpires": "9223372036854775807",
    "logonCount": "0",
    "sAMAccountName": "jromaniello",
    "sAMAccountType": "805306368",
    "userPrincipalName": "[email protected]",
    "objectCategory": "CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=wellscordobabank,DC=com",
    "dSCorePropagationData": [
    "lastLogonTimestamp": "130058572786126285",
    "mail": "[email protected]"


MIT 2013!