Change history of the project. All the feature updates, bug fixes, breaking changes will be documented here.
- Fixed a bug where custom endpoint params were ignored when using OAuth2 client credentials
- Fixed a bug where TLS certs are not loaded correctly
- Dedicated Auth types added for Api key authentication and bearer token authentication
- Ability to configure allowed hosts for URL
- YAML query type support added via UQL. (experimental)
- UQL update ( now support summarize by multiple fields, first, last summarizations )
- Bug fix #256
- Bug fix #254
- Forward OAuth identity support
- Query inspector now shows actual data in response meta data. (frame->schema->meta->custom)
- GROQ Query support - alpha
- OAuth2 Client credentials authentication support - alpha
- OAuth2 JWT authentication support - alpha
- custom query type for tsv files
- support for UQL queries
- secure query params passed to all requests by default
- support for Node Graph panel
- basic E2E tests for config editor added
- typescript updates
- "as-is" data format added for debugging
- comma in the numbers are now ignored and considered as number
- variable editor, global query editor bug fixes. Previously, unable to add columns in variable editor
- fixes #191, #146, #210
- proxy support for outgoing requests
- Ability to customize timeout
- Bug fixes, docs update
- Bug fixes and docs update
- DEPRECATED : URL field in the datasource config is now deprecated. Use URL in the Query Editor.
- DEPRECATED : Global queries are now deprecated in favour of Grafana's panel library
- UnixTimeStamp variable added (alpha)
- Changed try url to heroku
- Fixed a bug where data not loading where no column names provided
- Support auto parse for more JSON types
- Enabled support for annotations
- Results return correct frame name. Now returning RefId as frame name.
- Minimum required version of grafana is now 7.2.0
- Moved docs to gh-pages
- Variable editor bug fixes
- Columnar format support
- Github URLs normalized
- Auto find array data
- Data frame format added
- Custom secure query strings support added
- Support for custom headers and query strings in individual queries
- More CSV options - TSV, optional headers support, custom delimiters, etc
- Allow variables in root/rows selector
- Placeholder for migrating into backend plugin
- Migrated website from vuepress to gatsby
- Vercel deployment added for website
- Plugin signed
- JSONPath support for JSON root selector
- Auto generate columns for CSV, JSON
- Support for Unix/epoch seconds format
- Support for filtering rows
- Variable Query support
- Logo updated
- Published to
- XML Support
- Registered / Global Queries
- UNIX EPOCH / millisecond timestamp format
- Template variables support. Collection, CollectionLookup and Join variable
- Bug fixes
- Authentication support
- Variables support in query url & data
- GraphQL Support
- Mathematical expressions and Random Walk
- Inline CSV / JSON support
- Stats / Timeseries format support
- First working version