diff --git a/docs/external_integrations/push_notifications_fcm/index.md b/docs/external_integrations/push_notifications_fcm/index.md
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--- a/docs/external_integrations/push_notifications_fcm/index.md
+++ b/docs/external_integrations/push_notifications_fcm/index.md
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ public override void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
-> **Tip:** Further details about localization can be found here.
+> **Tip:** Further details about localization can be found [here](../../features/localization/index.md).
Following the above configuration, it is necessary to incorporate a `DbSet` for the push notification token store. This can be accomplished through `CoreDbContext`, utilizing `Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore`.
diff --git a/docs/features/localization/index.md b/docs/features/localization/index.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4691b1a03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/features/localization/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# Localization
+Effectively handling localization is crucial in ensuring software compatibility across diverse linguistic and cultural contexts. The `LeanCode.Localization` package, integrated within the CoreLibrary, provides a solution for managing language-specific content. This integration simplifies the configuration and customization of localization, facilitating the localization of [emails] and [push notifications] with ease.
+## Packages
+| Package | Link | Application in section |
+| --- | ----------- | ----------- |
+| LeanCode.Localization | [![NuGet version (LeanCode.Localization)](https://img.shields.io/nuget/vpre/LeanCode.Localization.svg?style=flat-square)](https://www.nuget.org/packages/LeanCode.Localization/8.0.2260-preview/) | Localization |
+## Configuration
+To begin, let's introduce the `Strings.cs` marker class:
+public class Strings { }
+Subsequently, we create the `Strings.resx` which serves as the default localization file, and should be placed in the same directory as the `Strings.cs` marker class:
+ Meeting {0} has started.
+For German-specific strings, we define the `Strings.de.resx` file:
+ Besprechung {0} hat begonnen.
+To register the localizer, simply follow the configuration outlined below:
+public override void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
+ // . . .
+ services.AddStringLocalizer(
+ LocalizationConfiguration.For());
+ // . . .
+Configuration above enables us to send localized and parameterized [push notifications], [emails] and extract language specific strings using `IStringLocalizer` interface:
+public class Example
+ private readonly IStringLocalizer localizer;
+ public Example(IStringLocalizer localizer)
+ {
+ this.localizer = localizer;
+ }
+ public void Method()
+ {
+ var key = "meeting-started";
+ var defaultValue = localizer[CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, key];
+ // Meeting {0} has started.
+ Console.WriteLine(defaultValue);
+ var localizedValue = localizer[new CultureInfo("de-DE"), key];
+ // Besprechung {0} hat begonnen.
+ Console.WriteLine(localizedValue);
+ var localizedParameterizedValue = localizer.Format(
+ new CultureInfo("de-DE"),
+ key,
+ "Name der Besprechung");
+ // Besprechung Name der Besprechung hat begonnen.
+ Console.WriteLine(localizedParameterizedValue);
+ }
+[push notifications]: ../../external_integrations/push_notifications_fcm/index.md
+[emails]: ../../external_integrations/emails_sendgrid/index.md
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--- a/mkdocs.yml
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@@ -68,6 +68,8 @@ nav:
- ./features/audit_logs/index.md
- Force update:
- ./features/force_update/index.md
+ - Localization:
+ - ./features/localization/index.md
- Tests:
- Integration tests:
- ./tests/integration_tests/index.md