2.0.1 - 2020-03-20
- Add option to loop replacing until replacement-result contains no more replacement patterns
- Add default keyboard shortcuts into built-in plugin description shown in IDE
2.0.0 - 2020-03-13
- Add plugin setting: Show bookmarks section within GoTo destinations?
- Add plugin setting: Show PHP methods section within GoTo destinations?
- Add plugin setting: Show JavaScript methods section within GoTo destinations?
- Resolve use of deprecated Intellij API: Use API since 182.2371.4 / Platform version 2018.2 (was: 173.0 / Platform 2107.3)
1.4.2 - 2021-03-08
- Change multitenancy: export/import search/replace patterns only (drop goTo patterns)
- Recognize and limit replace action to selection within document if given
1.4.1 - 2021-02-26
- Add info about the amount of lines, that document is reduced/grown by after replace action
- Fix IDE warnings during replace action: Wrap document modification into WriteCommandAction lambda
1.4.0 - 2021-02-25
- Add multitenancy: Add export/import buttons to plugin settings
- Improve performance (Modernize Java-5 left-overs, replace usages of toArray w/ pre sized array)
- Bugfix: GoTo-Pattern search did parse all line when no patterns given
1.3.0 - 2021-02-21
- Simplify/Clarify instructions, descriptions and labels
- Change pattern definitions separator from colon to tab
- Add replace action
- Add regions recognition to built-in GoTo targets
- Add referencer actions into more obvious IDE menus
- Add plugin icon
1.2.1 - 2012-02-12
- Ensure editor re-grabs focus after using referencer
- Change README and CHANGELOG format from textile to markdown
- Add Markdown headlines to "GoTo" destinations
- Correct preferences textarea behavior (caret-offset was reset on modification)
- Partly modernize source code
1.2.0 - 2017-07-03
- Update plugin settings implementation to be compatible w/ more recent Open API
- Add option to copy or insert list of all method names from current file
- Improve PHP file methods indexer
- Improve Darcula compatibility
- Modernize source code
1.1.1 - 2014-08-04
- Sort "GoTo..." jump destination from configured patterns alphabetically
- Sort "GoTo..." methods alphabetically
- Make section headers within options popup more visually obvious
- Bugfix: Destination patterns were utilized even if not yet stored
1.1.0 - 2014-08-02
- Add: plugin settings with dynamic "GoTo..." jump patterns
- Add: PHP and JavaScript methods listing in "GoTo..." menu
- Bugfix: IndexOutOfBoundsException in Goto bookmark action
- Bugfix: Line numbers in GoTo bookmark action were displayed one too high
- Reduce changelog to previous five versions, added separate full changelog
1.0.12 - 2013-12-03: Bugfix: Opening Referencer on first character of document caused IndexOutOfBoundsException
1.0.11 - 2013-11-28
- Add notification when there are no bookmarks for going to
- Improve compatibility: Compiled with JDK target bytecode version 1.6 (was 1.7)
1.0.10 - 2013-11-28: Add context menu to GoTo action: remove all bookmarks from current file
1.0.9 - 2013-11-05: Add action: GoTo bookmarks
1.0.8 - 2013-11-04
- Update API to IC-129.713
- Improve UI, added Darcula Theme compatibility
1.0.7 - 2012-12-10
- Improve general word-completions detection
- Add respective caret movement to text insertion
1.0.6 - 2012-11-16
- Improve references list with section headers
- Add list of all open files
- Add UNIX timestamp in seconds and milliseconds
1.0.5 - 2012-11-03: Add item group separators
1.0.4 - 2012-11-02: Add references of all endings to occurrences of the word at the caret
1.0.3 - 2012-11-02: Add date and timestamp references
1.0.2 - 2012-10-09: Add namespace reference from JavaScript filepath
1.0.1 - 2012-09-30: Add preference retaining (selected reference per file type)
1.0.0 - 2012-09-29: Initial release