Go to https://github.com/koseven/koseven.ga for each repo in the top right theres a button that says Fork. Click there to clone each repo. That will copy the repos to your github user, ex: https://github.com/yourusername/koseven.ga
Clone your project in local and use devel branch
git clone https://github.com/koseven/koseven.ga .
cd koseven.ga
git checkout devel
This will clone the koseven website
Ready ;)
If you have made modifications to the code.
git status # to see what's going on
git commit -a -m 'message here, this will commit the changes on the tracked files'
git push origin devel # will "upload" the changes to your repo
git add . # will add all the files, even new ones
git add -u # will add all the tracked files even the deleted ones
git commit -a -m 'working closed etc #725' # this will commit and mention an issue in the repo
Now you have new code at your fork eg. https://github.com/yourusername/koseven.ga. To move them to the original https://github.com/koseven/koseven.ga repo you need to go to https://github.com/yourusername/koseven.ga, and click on Pull Request (next to compare). This will create a pull request to the original code and the responsible will decide to merge it or not.
- Try to submit pull requests against devel branch for easier merging
- Try not to pollute your pull request with unintended changes--keep them simple and small
First time, add a remote with the upstream
git remote add upstream https://github.com/koseven/koseven.ga.git
Everytime you want to sync just
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/devel
Remember to be at you devel branch!