Crossplane is an open source project that lets you turn a Kubernetes cluster into a universal control plane. Crossplane allows you to create digital infrastructure resources from inside a Kubernetes cluster, allows you to setup multi-cloud infrastructure in one place and gives platform engineers a way to let application developers spin up and down cloud resources without requiring extensive knowledge of the cloud.
With Crossplane, all cloud resources are stored in the Kubernetes API as a Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs), meaning that the resource can be defined through a yaml spec and stored in a code repository, unlocking the power of Infrastructure as Code and a GitOps workflow.
In this chapter we will install Crossplane in our cluster and create a DigitalOcean Droplet. Then, you will install another Crossplane provider that you chose and spin up a cloud resource from that provider.
- n/a
Create a namespace called crossplane-system
kubectl create namespace crossplane-system
Add the crossplane-stable
Helm repo and update it
helm repo add crossplane-stable
helm repo update crossplane-stable
Create a Helm release called crossplane
in the crossplane-system
helm install crossplane --namespace crossplane-system crossplane-stable/crossplane
Inspect the install.yaml file and then run the command
kubectl apply -f crossplane/install.yaml
Make sure that the provider was installed correctly. Run the command
kubectl get provider
You should see output similar to this:
provider-do True True crossplane/provider-digitalocean:v0.1.0 3m
Reveal the value of your DO_TOKEN
and copy it to your clipboard.
echo $DO_TOKEN
Base64 encode the token
MacOS and Linux
echo '<YOUR_DO_TOKEN>' | base64
Use a tool you have used in the past, or go to DuckDuckGo and enter base64 <YOUR_DO_TOKEN>
. The encoded string will appear at the top of the page.
Copy the encoded token to your clipboard, and then replace the place holder (BASE64ENCODED_PROVIDER_CREDS
) in line 9 of the config.yaml with your encoded token.
Note: It is easy to decode Base64-encoded data, so it is not safe to commit your token to a public git repo. This is a great opportunity to use sealed-secrets.
Create the Secret
and ProviderConfig
kubectl apply -f crossplane/config.yaml
Check that the ProviderConfig
was properly setup with the command
kubectl get providerconfig
You should see output like this:
do-example 2m
Inspect the droplet.yaml file and then create the droplet
k apply -f crossplane/droplet.yaml
Check that a droplet was created by looking at the DigitalOcean Cloud Console or run the command
doctl compute droplet list --format Name
You should see your Kubernetes cluster nodes and a VM named crossplane-droplet
Take a look at Crossplane's official list of providers. Choose one that you'd like to explore. We recommend that choose a provider that you are already familiar with and you've got an account with so it's easy to generate credentials.
Following the instructions from the provider's documentation, install the provider.
Following the instructions from the provider's documentation, configure the Secret and create the provider config.
Choose a new resource to create. Once you are done, celebrate because you have setup multi-cloud infrastruction with Crossplane! 🎉