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'retranse' is a regular expression based programming language.

The retranse language relies on consecutive application of substitution rules. It is suitable for expandable and overridable configuration files. Also it is suitable for translating literal forms into other literal forms.

Its source code is parsed into an intermediate code and then it is interpreted.

This package contains a parser able to run retranse programs and a C++ library.


A program that adds two arbitrarily long numbers.


#!retranse -i
#meta retranse-dialect A
# **************************************************************************** #
# * This is retranse sample #4                                                 *
# * calculator that adds two arbitrarily long numbers                          *
# *                                                                            *
# * written by Kimon Kontosis                                                  *
# **************************************************************************** #

function d_inc ( (.*) )
  15 16 [L] ; 16 17 [L] ; 17 18 [L] ; 18 19 [L] ; 19 20 [L]
  10 11 [L] ; 11 12 [L] ; 12 13 [L] ; 13 14 [L] ; 14 15 [L]
   9 10 [L] ;  8  9 [L] ;  7  8 [L] ;  6  7 [L] ;  5  6 [L]
    4 5 [L] ;  3  4 [L] ;  2  3 [L] ;  1  2 [L] ;  0  1 [L]
function d_dec ( (.*) )
  0 -1 [L] ; 9 8 [L] ; 8 7 [L] ; 7 6 [L] ; 6 5 [L]
   5 4 [L] ; 4 3 [L] ; 3 2 [L] ; 2 1 [L] ; 1 0 [L]

function d_add ( 0 (.*) ) { }
function d_add ( (.*) (.*) )
  call l = d_dec ( $(a1) )
  call r = d_inc ( $(a2) )
  reduce call d_add ( $(l) $(r) )

function add ( "" (.*) ) { }
function add ( (.*) "" ) { }
function add ( (.*)(.) (.*)(.) )
  call X = add ( $(a1) $(a3) )
  cond ( $(a2) == 0 )
    reduce to $(X)$(a4)

  call x = d_add ( $(a2) $(a4) )
  reduce call add ( $(X)0 $(x) )

(.*)\+(.*) - [B] { reduce call add ( $1 $2 ) }


$ ./retranse -i addition.ret
100 21


`retranse' is a regular expression based programming language.
Written by Kimon Kontosis in year 2013 for his major paper in
Department of Informatics and Telecommunications,
National & Kapodistrian University of Athens.
Copyright (C) 2013, Kimon Kontosis

The retranse language relies on consecutive application of substitution rules.
It is suitable for expandable and overridable configuration files.
Also it is suitable for translating literal forms into other literal forms.
It is parsed in an intermediate code and then it is interpreted.
This package contains a parser able to run retranse programs and a C++ library.

The retranse program is licensed under the GNU General Public License
version 2.0 or later. See LICENSE

libretranse is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
version 2.1 or later. See LICENSE.LESSER

For retranse documentation see doc/MANUAL

For quick INSTALLATION instructions see doc/INSTALL