- deps: bump mkdocs-material from 9.5.34 to 9.5.35 in /docs (#287)
- helix-core: add ARM64 support (#239)
v1.0.1-alpha - 2024-09-16
latest - 2024-09-16
- changelog automation (#261)
- adding branch creation to workflow (#259)
- dependabot grouping terraform providers (#228)
- wait for cloud-init to complete prior to installing packages during Perforce Helix Core AMI creation (#193)
- changelog: GHA bot committer (#255)
- changelog: Add automated PR creation (#252)
- fsx_automounter: when FSx automounter can't list tags for an FSx volume, the AccessDenied exception is now treated as a warning (#226)
- p4_configure: resolve script execution errors and repair broken … (#232)
- adjusting changelog automation to leverage GH api (#266)
- update changelog workflow (#284)
- update changelog (#285)
- deps: bump hashicorp/awscc from 1.10.0 to 1.11.0 in /samples/simple-build-pipeline (#220)
- deps: bump hashicorp/awscc from 1.9.0 to 1.10.0 in /modules/perforce/helix-core (#207)
- deps: bump mkdocs-material from 9.5.33 to 9.5.34 in /docs (#236)
- deps: bump actions/upload-artifact from 4.3.6 to 4.4.0 (#235)
- deps: bump the aws-provider group across 5 directories with 1 update (#241)
- deps: bump the awscc-provider group across 3 directories with 1 update (#242)
- deps: bump the aws-provider group across 5 directories with 1 update (#233)
- deps: bump the aws-provider group across 5 directories with 1 update (#231)
- deps: bump mkdocs-material from 9.5.32 to 9.5.33 in /docs (#229)
- deps: bump mkdocs-open-in-new-tab from 1.0.3 to 1.0.5 in /docs (#263)
- deps: bump mkdocs-material from 9.5.31 to 9.5.32 in /docs (#211)
- deps: bump python from 3.12 to 3.12.6 in /docs (#243)
- deps: bump hashicorp/awscc from 1.9.0 to 1.10.0 in /modules/perforce/helix-authentication-service (#205)
- deps: bump hashicorp/aws from 5.62.0 to 5.63.1 in /samples/simple-build-pipeline (#216)
- deps: bump hashicorp/awscc from 1.6.0 to 1.9.0 in /modules/perforce/helix-authentication-service (#196)
- deps: bump hashicorp/aws from 5.59.0 to 5.62.0 in /modules/perforce/helix-authentication-service (#197)
- deps: bump hashicorp/awscc from 1.6.0 to 1.9.0 in /modules/perforce/helix-core (#198)
- deps: bump hashicorp/aws from 5.59.0 to 5.62.0 in /modules/perforce/helix-core (#199)
- deps: bump hashicorp/aws from 5.59.0 to 5.62.0 in /modules/perforce/helix-swarm (#200)
- deps: bump hashicorp/aws from 5.59.0 to 5.62.0 in /samples/simple-build-pipeline (#201)
- deps: bump hashicorp/awscc from 1.6.0 to 1.9.0 in /samples/simple-build-pipeline (#202)
- deps: bump mike from 2.1.2 to 2.1.3 in /docs (#189)
- deps: bump hashicorp/aws from 5.59.0 to 5.62.0 in /modules/jenkins (#195)
- add openssf scorecard badge to readme (#219)
- link to installation instructions for required tools, fix packer command invocation instructions (#194)
- Windows Build AMI README (#187)
v1.0.0-alpha - 2024-08-07
- fix issue where SSH public key was not baked into the Windows Jenkins build agent AMI (#150)
- bug fixes for FSxZ storage in build farm (#152)
- allow Jenkins build agents to discover FSx volumes/snapshots and make outbound Internet connections (#147)
- add CODEOWNERS file (#132)
- Updates to docs (#63)
- fix makefile (#65)
- Modify version handling in Docs (#66)
- deps: bump mkdocs-material from 9.5.27 to 9.5.28 in /docs (#135)
- deps: bump mkdocs-material from 9.5.26 to 9.5.27 in /docs (#77)
- deps: bump aquasecurity/trivy-action from 0.23.0 to 0.24.0 (#137)
- deps: bump actions/upload-artifact from 4.3.3 to 4.3.4 (#136)
- deps: bump actions/upload-artifact from 4.3.5 to 4.3.6 (#178)
- deps: bump mkdocs-material from 9.5.29 to 9.5.30 in /docs (#153)
- deps: bump mike from 2.1.1 to 2.1.2 in /docs (#110)
- deps: bump mkdocs-material from 9.5.28 to 9.5.29 in /docs (#144)
- deps: bump github/codeql-action from 3.25.8 to 3.25.10 (#69)
- deps: bump ossf/scorecard-action from 2.3.3 to 2.4.0 (#167)
- deps: bump actions/upload-artifact from 4.3.4 to 4.3.5 (#171)
- deps: bump mkdocs-material from 9.5.30 to 9.5.31 in /docs (#172)
- deps: bump github/codeql-action from 3.24.9 to 3.25.8 (#53)
- deps: bump mkdocs-material from 9.5.25 to 9.5.26 in /docs (#54)
- Perforce Helix Core AMI revamp, simple build pipeline DNS (#73)
- update changelog (#181)
- update main docs page (#179)
- update layout of documentation main page theme (#175)
- update documentation (#163)
- update workflow for docs (#129)
- update workflow (#128)
- fix workflow to use gh inputs from workflow (#127)
- update to docs and flip release workflow to manual (#126)
- fix commit depth (#125)
- modify the workflow for docs release and update documentation (#124)
- fix docs ci (#123)
- modify git fetch-depth for docs ci (#121)
- update README.md (#119)
- consolidate Ansible playbooks under assets (#117)
- fix url to documentation to point to /latest (#80)
- add GH Pull Request template (#67)
- updates workflow and adds changelog automation (#61)
- add issue template for RFCs (#57)
- add git-chglog for changelog generation (#49)
- enable workflow dispatch (#36)
- fix docs release workflow (#34)
- convert docs releases to use mike (#33)
- adds markdown docs for assets, modules, playbooks, and samples (#32)
- adds issue template for submitting maintenance issues (#31)
- Adds documentation and GH workflow for build/publish of docs (#21)
- Updates to project README (#20)
- Adds project docs (#13)
- Added getting-started documentation for quickstart with Simple Build Pipeline (#177)
- Updates to CI configurations for pre-commit and GHA (#154)
- Helix Authentication Extension (#82)
- enable web based administration through variables for HAS (#79)
- complete sample with both Jenkins and Perforce modules (#60)
- Add packer build agent templates for Linux (Ubuntu Jammy 22.04, Amazon Linux 2023) (#46)
- devops: Add new DevOps playbook files (#76)
- packer: switch AMI from Rocky Linux to Amazon Linux 2023 and up… (#141)