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File metadata and controls

170 lines (112 loc) · 5 KB


dawg is a commandline tool that is meant to as simple as possible to use and get started with. Therefor the command can be run without any parameters:

$ dawg
15:12:34 - info   - dawg listening on

The defaults that dawg uses will look for a docs directory in your current working directory (where you executed the command) and serve the markdown files from that directory through a webserver on locahost:5678. When the docs directory can't be found an error will be shown.

The behaviour of dawg can be changed by supplying options on the commandline. The options are explained below.


dawg is a Node.js program so this must be installed on the system. dawg itself can be installed through NPM, which comes with Node.js:

$ npm install -g dawg

The -g flag will install dawg globally so it's command is available system wide.


The --help flag will display the usage string and all available options:

$ dawg --help
Usage: dawg

  --config, -c  Path to a config file with parameters to load.
  --source, -s  Source path for chapter files. Default: ./docs
  --output, -o  Write converted files to this path.
  --clear       Clear the output path before converting. Default: off
  --watch       Watch source files for changes. Default: off
  --serve       Serve the converted files through a webserver. Default: on
  --port        Port for the webserver. Default: 5678
  --host        Host for the webserver. Default:
  --dev         Run in development mode. Default: off
  --quiet       Don't output logging. Default: off


default: ./.dawg

Full path to a configuration file containing parameters for dawg. The configuration file will be read before applying any other parameters. This means that parameters specified on the commandline will always override the parameters read from the configuration file.

The configuration file with it's options and syntax are explained below.


default: ./docs

This is the full path to the source file or directory to convert or serve.


default: off

When an output path is given the converted source file(s) will be written here. When only a single source file is give the output can also be a filename. If a single file is given as an output path and multiple files are found in the source path an error will be shown.

When providing an output path file serving is disabled by default. This can be re-enabled using the --serve option on the commandline. For example:

$ dawg --output ./build --serve

The output option can also be used with the --watch option. When this is enabled the source file(s) will be converted and written to the output path every time the source is changed.


default: off

When set the output path will be cleared before writing to it.

WARNING: Use with caution. This setting will delete all files in the output directory.

This option is usefull when the directory needs to be completely clear of old outputted files.

$ dawg -o ./build --clear


default: off

Enable watching the source files for changes. This will regenerated the output when source file(s) change.

When this option is used with the webserver the chapters will be updated once the page is refreshed, when used with an output path the chapters will be written directly.


default: on

This option is used to explicitly enable the webserver for viewing the converted source files. It can be used to enable both outputting to a path and serving through a webserver:

$ dawg -o ./build --serve --watch


default: 5678

The port for the webserver to serve the converted source file(s) on.


default: (or localhost)

The host the webserver should bind to.


default: off

Run dawg in development mode. This will show debug logging and disable internal caching.


default: off

Do not show any logging output, even in development mode.

Configuration file

Any option that can be set on the commandline can also be set through a configuration file. The configuration file that should be loaded can be configured with the --config option. As a default dawg will search for a .dawg file in the current working directory.

A configuration file contains a simple json object that lists each option with it's value. It uses generic json values so options that require a value are configured as strings and options that can be switched convert to booleans. Short options are not supported, each option must be listed with their full name.

A customized configuration file for dawg might look like this:

  "source": "./documentation",
  "output": "./build",
  "serve":  true,
  "watch":  true

The above configuration is equal to this command:

$ dawg --source ./documentation --output ./build --serve --watch

Configuration files are a feature of the dawg cli, it is not part of dawg's core functionality.