In order to validate an API, you need to parse it with one of the parsers provided by AMF:
- raml10Parser
- raml08Parser
This will give you a model (BaseUnit) need it for validation.
AMF has the following models for RAML:
- Document
- Overlay
- Extension
- Fragment
- NamedExample
- DataType
- AnnotationTypeDeclaration
- ResourceTypeFragment
- SecuritySchemeFragment
- PayloadFragment
- TraitFragment
- DocumentationItem
- ExternalFragment (*)
(*) If the parsed file doesn't match any of the previous model an ExternalFragment will be returned.
amf.client.AMF.init().get() // required initialization
val parser = amf.client.AMF.raml10Parser()
// parse
val baseUnit = parser.parseFileAsync("file://" + file.getPath).get()
// validate
val validations = amf.client.AMF.validate(baseUnit, amf.ProfileNames.RAML, amf.ProfileNames.AMFStyle).get()
With validations provided by AMF.validate you can see if the API is valid:
- "validations" will be a ValidationReport that contains:
- conforms: Boolean - true if the API is valid (i.e. results is empty, or only has validaitons with level "warning")
- results: ValidationResult[] - Seq with all the ValidationReport that the API doesnt conform.
- message: String
- level: String
- validationid: String
- position: Range
#%RAML 1.0
title: DefectsProcessAPI
version: 1.0
type: object
type: object
TaskNumber: 21328190
AMF will return a Document as the BaseUnit as this is a recognized API, validations will conform true and its results will be empty since there are no messages to process.
- Model:
- Document
- ValidationReport:
- conforms: true
- results: Empty seq
#%RAML 1.0
title: DefectsProcessAPI
version: 1.0
type: object
type: string
TaskNumber: 21
AMF will return a Document as the BaseUnit as this is a recognized API. Validations will not conform and its results will contain all the errors/warnings processed by AMF.
- Model:
- Document
- ValidationReport:
- conforms: false
- results: ValidationResult[]
- message:
Data at //Task must have min. cardinality 1
- level: Violation
- validationid:
- position: Range [(15,0)-(15,24)]
- message:
Using an xml for example:
AMF will return an ExternalFragment as the BaseUnit as this is not a recognized API.
- Model:
- ExternalFragment
- ValidationReport:
- conforms: true
- results: Empty seq