ARGOCD in-cluster oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin system:serviceaccount:openshift-gitops:openshift-gitops-argocd-application-controller
For DevSpaces: the github oauth is a sealed secret. It looks like the sealed secret is sealed differently per cluster, so need to reseal the secret each time :( The underlying github app has the devspaces endpoint encoded. Can I use multiple secrets for cloud / local? Does it even work with local? application name: sandboxABCD homepage URL: Authorization callback URL: Generate new client secret Save the ID / Secret in the cluster-go/infrastructure/DevSpaces/github-oauth-secret.yaml Reseal following the README, Make sure to pick the right local / non local. But first, install the sealed infrastructure stuff. Once sealed, remember to push
imagepuller: Now it's configured to be enabled via the che-cluster. But currently, it only pulls code and idea. Note udi-rhel8 by default. Get the image via and add rhel8-udi=lkdjf;ajfjd to the auto-created imagepuller CR.
gitconfig: I have to create a configmap, after the namespace has been created. It's awkard and not good
LOKI operator: stable5.8 hard coded in operator
hub project: currently public as I couldn't get the helm (workshop setup) to work in private repo.
ServiceMesh: I need to selectively apply servicemeshcontrolplane first before being able to apply the whole argocd thing.
GITLAB: Hard coded domain name (including hub) at this stage.
RHACS: I created a link inco for OpenShift console, the acs link is hardcoded RHACS: need to manually create the bundle by clicking on the console on central, then apply the bundle with: oc apply -n stackrox-secured -f ~/Downloads/hub-Operator-secrets-cluster-init-bundle.yaml
ODF: This one consume sooo much CPU (14). At this stage, I am trying to lower the requests to ~100mi to all the deployments manually. Unclear if it sticks. I should write a job that does this automatically seriously.
cert manager operator: remember I need to patch the certmanager cluster with: spec: controllerConfig: overrideArgs: - '--dns01-recursive-nameservers=,' - '--dns01-recursive-nameservers-only=true'
Ideally, I need to write a job that also discover the nameservers first before patching the CM
Certificates: hard coded commonName / dnsNames.
To save CPU spikes due to marketplace in the openshift-marketplace namespace, I ran
oc patch OperatorHub cluster --type json
-p '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/disableAllDefaultSources", "value": true}]'
Need to re-enable to get latest info obviously