Yield: 22 ornaments Prep Time: 1 hr Cook Time: 2 hrs
- 2 cups cinnamon
- 2 cups apple sauce (sweetened but not sure if this matters)
- Preheat oven to 200 F
- Mix cinnamon and apple sauce into dough
- Roll out between parchment paper to approximately 3/16-1/4" thickness
- Cut into shapes leaving cookie cutter in place
- Remove dough from around cookies
- transfer cookie in cookie cutter to parchment-lined baking sheet with thin spatula
- Remove cookie cutter
- Punch hole for ribbon with a straw
- Bake for 3 hrs or until hard and darkened
- Cut string into 12" pieces
- Form a loop and tie using an overhand knot1
- Pass the loop of string through the hole in the ornament and then pass the knotted end through the loop forming a cow hitch2