(v.0.2.9) Last Updated: 2019/08/21
- From CloudFront (dev-branch): https://d1kwrbspoyxfwl.cloudfront.net/
- From Deployment Pipeline (master-branch): https://master.d2mlzdi9cwhxfg.amplifyapp.com/
Project set-up:
CodeCommit - repository CloudFront - static web hosting Deployment pipeline - amplify build pipeline, draws commits and continuously builds from master
- Database structure configured in DynamoDB
- Offerings Table
- Create Global Secondary indices (GSI)
- Short-Index - Returns only data necessary for short cards. Performance impact: data retrieval 2x as fast as full table scan.
- GSP-Index - Allows querying of the offerings table by GSP rather than offering name.
- Create Global Secondary indices (GSI)
- OfferingSales Table
- Create Global Secondary indices (GSI)
- customer_name-index - executes rapid search on Customer_name to only retrieve customer name. This index enables auto-filled form suggestions for choosing the customer name.
- Create Global Secondary indices (GSI)
- Offerings Table
- Lambda Compute Model
- Lambda function for retrieving data from DynamoDB through API Gateway
- /customer
- /match
- /predict
- /match
- /db
- /query
- /query
- /customer
API endpoint for offerings
- Enable parameter querying through API Gateway
Lambda function to generate suggestions
API endpoint for suggestions
Login UI done, yet to add SSO
- Temp auth:
- Temp auth:
- Project set-up:
- App structure / hierarchy
- ReactDOM & Webpack configs
- Router & Switch
- Styling: SCSS, Styled-Components, Bootstrap
- Assets: logos, backgrounds, constants, utilities, colors
- Storybook
- Login page (UI only)
- 404 page
- Navigation Bar
- Offerings page
- Fetch offerings data from API
- Render Cards as components
- Card component
- Filtering & Sorting
- Checkbox component
- FilterForm component
- FilterBar component
- Offering expanded view
- Modal component
- Logic & callback functions
- UI
- Modal component
- Loading Spinner component
- Customer page
- Added tables
- Modal cards expand on Suggestion click
- Auto-suggestion for customer name
- Retrieve customer data from Salesforce DynamoDB
- Relations editor page
See Trello board for details.