This code accompanies the journal article:
How little data is enough? Phase-diagram analysis of sparsity-regularized X-ray computed tomography
Jakob S. Joergensen and Emil Y. Sidky
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, Vol. 373, 20140387.
The package contains code to run all simulations presented in the article and process all data into resulting data files.
Jakob S. Joergensen, [email protected]
Emil Y. Sidky, [email protected]
The resulting data used for the article as well as scripts to produce the figures of the paper are available in Dryad Digital Repository at
The code is structured in the following way:
The directory "phasediagrams_code" contains code to run all phase diagram simulations and process results into phase diagram results ready for display. The directory "largescale" contains code and data to run all large-scale simulations including the walnuts reconstructions. See READMEs in each directory for further details.