Footage from a news report shows a man throwing a water bottle at officers. Officers then grab him to arrest him, while another officer beats him repeatedly with his baton. The protester does not appear to be resisting arrest.
tags: protester, beat, arrest, strike
id: ma-boston-1
tags: property-destruction, protester
id: ma-boston-2
tags: hide-badge
id: ma-worcester-1
A reporter following the protest shows video of the riot police line moving to force protesters back. Then notes that during this, a teenage girl is grabbed, thrown to the ground and surrounded.
On video, protesters can be heard yelling "You feel big hitting a little woman like that?"
An additional angle provided by the girl's sister shows numerous officers lifting her off the ground and dragging her behind the police line, after which the line closes to obfuscate any view of her.
tags: child, shove, arrest, throw, protester
id: ma-worcester-2
- Police initially push protestors back
- Reporter says they witnessed a teenage girl slammed to the ground
- Reporter's video showing the aftermath
- Additional angle provided by sister
Officers fire tear gas, rubber bullets and pepper spray BBs at peaceful protesters without warning. Police continue firing as protesters flee.
tags: tear-gas, rubber-bullet, pepper-spray, spray, shoot, protester
id: ma-worcester-3
Eyewitness reports seeing her boyfriend punched by police officers.
Eyewitness reports seeing numerous people tackled.
Eyewitness reports being slammed from behind after obeying police order to raise hands and disperse. He and his sister report police kneeled on the man's neck "in the same manner as George Floyd."
tags: arrest, punch, tackle, knee, knee-on-neck, beat, protester
id: ma-worcester-4