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Alvaro Saurin edited this page Jul 1, 2019 · 4 revisions

kubeadm provisioner

The kubeadm provisioner is responsible for starting kubeadm with the right parameters for configuring the machine as part of the kubernetes cluster.

Example Usage

For provisioning a machine as a master in the cluster:

# from the libvirt provider
resource "libvirt_domain" "minion" {
  name       = "master"
  provisioner "kubeadm" {
    config = "${kubeadm.main.config}"
    install {
      auto = true

and for provisioning some worker nodes:

# from the libvirt provider
resource "libvirt_domain" "minion" {
  count      = 3
  name       = "minion${count.index}"
  provisioner "kubeadm" {
    config = "${kubeadm.main.config}"
    join = "${libvirt_domain.master.network_interface.0.addresses.0}"

Argument Reference

  • role - (Optional) defines the role of the machine: master or worker. If join is empty, it defaults to the master role, otherwise it defaults to the worker role.
  • config - a reference to the kubeadm.<resource-name>.config attribute of the provider.
  • join - (Optional) the address (either a resolvable DNS name or an IP) of the node in the cluster to join. The absence of a join indicates that this node will be used for bootstrapping the cluster and will be the seeder for the other nodes of the cluster. When join is not empty and role is master, the node will join the cluster's Control Plane.
  • install - (Optional) options for the autoinstaller script (see section below).
  • prevent_sudo - (Optional) prevent the usage of sudo for running commands.
  • manifests - (Optional) list of extra manifests to kubectl apply -f in the booststrap master after the API server is up and running. These manifests can be either local files or URLs.
  • nodename - (Optional) name for the .Metadata.Name field of the Node API object that will be created in this kubeadm init or kubeadm join operation. This is also used in the CommonName field of the kubelet's client certificate to the API server. Defaults to the hostname of the node if not provided.
  • ignore_checks - (Optional) list of kubeadm preflight checks to ignore when provisioning. Example:
    ignore_checks = [

Notes on multi-masters

The provisioner can be used for creating more than one master in the Kubernetes control plane. This can be achieved by specifying the role = "master" in the additional nodes in conjunction to a join argument for joining the first master created. We can differentiate the boostrapping master from the rest of the additional masters in the same resource with the help of a conditional like this:

resource "instance_type" "master" {
  count       = "3"
  // ...

  provisioner "kubeadm" {
    config    = "${kubeadm.main.config}"
    role      = "master"
    join      = "${count.index == 0 ? "" : instance_type.master.0.ip_address}"

This way, the first master will have an empty join, so it will be provisioned as the boostrapping master, while the other masters will have a join = ${instance_type.master.0.ip_address} and they will join the boostrap master.

Take into account that, in order to support multiple masters, you must have configured an external API address (in the resource kubeadm.api.external). Otherwise, the provisioner will fail when trying to add a second master.

Nested Blocks



resource "libvirt_domain" "master" {
  name       = "master${count.index}"
  provisioner "kubeadm" {
    config = "${kubeadm.main.config}"
    install {
      # try to install `kubeadm` automatically with the builin script
      auto = true


  • auto - (Optional) try to automatically install kubeadm with the built-in helper script.
  • script - (Optional) a user-provided installation script. It should install kubeadm in some directory available in the default $PATH.
  • inline - (Optional) some inline code for installing kubeadm in the remote machine. Example:
    resource "libvirt_domain" "master" {
      name       = "master${count.index}"
      provisioner "kubeadm" {
        config = "${kubeadm.main.config}"
        install {
          auto = true
          inline = <<-EOT
          RELEASE="$(curl -sSL"
          mkdir -p /opt/bin
          cd /opt/bin
          curl -L --remote-name-all${RELEASE}/bin/linux/amd64/{kubeadm,kubelet,kubectl}
          chmod +x {kubeadm,kubelet,kubectl}
  • version - (Optional) kubeadm version to install by the auto-installation script.
    • NOTE: this can be ignored by the auto-install script in some OSes where there are not so many installation alternatives.
  • sysconfig_path - (Optional) full path for the uploaded kubelet sysconfig file (defaults to /etc/sysconfig/kubelet).
  • service_path - (Optional) full path for the uploaded kubelet.service file (defaults to /usr/lib/systemd/system/kubelet.service).
  • dropin_path - (Optional) full path for the uploaded kubeadm dropin file (defaults to /usr/lib/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/10-kubeadm.conf).
  • kubeadm_path - (Optional) full path where kubeadm should be found (if no absolute path is provided, it will use the default PATH for finding it).

Known limitations

  • The tries to does its best in order to install kubeadm, but some distros have not been tested too much. I've used libvirt with OpenSUSE Leap images for running my tests, so that could be considered the perfect combination for trying this...
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