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mikek70 edited this page Mar 6, 2012 · 68 revisions

Themes, extensions & tools available to work with your deck.js presentations.

Visual Themes

The deck.js package has the following visual styles included: Swiss, Neon, and web 2.0. These are visible in the demo.

Have a visual theme you want to share? Make a github repo and share it here.

Transition Themes

The deck.js package has the following transition styles included: Fade, Vertical Slide, and Horizontal Slide. These are visible in the demo.


  • deck.js-codemirror by iros: Integrates codemirror into deck.js, giving you editable, executable, syntax highlighted code snippets right inside your slides.

  • deck.remote.js by seppo0010: Uses node.js to give speakers a remote view to control slides, have a stopwatch, keep notes, and preview next slide.

  • deckjs-remote by chrisjaure: Control your deck remotely through a node.js service. Presenters can use the publicly available service or host it themselves.

  • deck.gotonumkey.js by KingHenne: A small extension that lets you jump to any slide by pressing the corresponding number key(s).

  • CoderDeck by cykod: A deck.js extension and packaging script that uses CoderMirror2 to create interactive live-coding presentations for the web. Sample Deck.

  • by mikeharris100 (Original Gist by imakewebthings, inspired by teddziuba): A simple extension to trigger events when a slide becomes the current, previous or next slide.

  • deck.js-markdown by tmbrggmn: A deck.js extension that adds support for Markdown syntax in slide contents.

  • deck.ext.js by barraq provides:

    • A set of extensions:
      • Deck.toc.js provides a support for managing and displaying TOC information,
      • Deck.asvg.js allows to include animated SVG based schema to the slides,
      • Deck.clone.js allows to clone any Deck presentation (the master) into any other popup windows (the clones). Cloned deck windows will follow the same navigation as the master. This extension is useful when used with the Deck.notes.js which allows to toggle speaker notes view: the master deck will display the slides while the cloned deck will display the speaker notes.
      • Deck.notes.js allows to toggle speaker notes view. Notes are added per slide using a simple div with the "notes" class.
    • themes:
      • A beamer like theme
    • and use cases for Deck.js
  • deck.console-notes.js by mikeharris100: A very simple extension for logging presenter notes to the console.

  • deck.pointer.js by mikeharris100: An extension to display a "laser" pointer (just a small trail of red dots which follows the mouse).

  • deck.presenterview.js by stvnwrgs : A super easy to use presentation view, with notes and the next slide.

  • deck.blank.js by mikek70: A simple extension to blank/unblank the current slide by pressing 'b', to draw the attention back to the presenter


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